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INSTITUTION NOTRE-DAME - TOULON. Comenius Multilateral Project financed by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION R.R.E.V. Rediscover the Real European Values Partners : Romania, Estonia , Italy , Spain, Norway , France, Cyprus , the Netherlands , Turkey. The cooking booklet.
INSTITUTION NOTRE-DAME - TOULON Comenius Multilateral Project financed by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION R.R.E.V. Rediscover the Real European Values Partners: Romania, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Norway, France, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Turkey
The cooking booklet Preparedwithoutfire : Salade Niçoise A recipe for fastingdays: Fish Soup A healthycookedfish : Bouillabaisse A vegetarianrecipe: Ratatouille Crumble To celebrate : Chocolate fondant cake /crêpes 5 Recipesfrom France :
“Niçoise” Salada recipe prepared without fire, by Julie and Samuel, 3ème 4 • Ingredients : Serves 4Pour 4 personnes : • - 1 kg de petites tomatesgrappe - 1 kg of tomatoes (small bunch) - 1 concombre - 1 cucumber - 8 petitsoignonsblancs - 8 small white onions - 1 poivronvert - 1 green pepper - 4 fondsd'artichaut - 4 artichoke hearts - 2 oeufs - 2 eggs - 1 goussed'ail - 1 clove of garlic - 1 petit pot de filets d'anchois - 1 small jar of anchovy fillets- 100 g d'olivesnoires - 100 g black olives - Quelquesfeuilles de basilic - A few basil leaves - Sel, poivre, huiled'olive - Salt, pepper, olive oil • Preparation : • Hard boil eggs.Thenpeel, and leave to cool, • Wash and drain all vegetables. • Cut tomatoes in half, gently squeeze to remove most of the seeds, then cut into quarters. • Sprinkle with salt and let drain in a bowl. • Cut the pepper into thin strips and remove the seeds.. • Peel the onions and garlic. • Peel the cucumber and cut into very thin strips. Cut the artichoke hearts into quarters. • Rub the sides of a large bowl with the garlic clove. • Cut eggs into quarters. Ciseler le basilic. • Chop the basil. • Add to the bowl: tomatoes, pepper strips, cucumber slices, artichoke quarters and small white onions and basil. • Pepper, sprinkle all the ingredients with a dash of olive oil and stir very gently. • Garnish with quarters of boiled eggs'' and anchovies. • Chill for 30 min before serving. • Bon appétit!
Fish Soup ( Romain 3°4) • The Time : • Time of preparation: 30 minutes • Time of cooking: 30 minutes • Ingredients : • 500g of emptied, cleaned, ready fishes. • 3 tomatoes • 2 thinly sliced onions • 1 clove of garlic • 2 thinly sliced white parts of leeks • 1 pinch of hot pepper of Cayenne • 50 cl of dry white wine and water. • 2 cl of olive oil • Preparation of the recipe : • Peel tomatoes • Cut them in pieces • Slice thinly the whites of leeks and onions • Chop the garlic • Mix the whites of leeks and onions in a big pan with a little olive oil • Add the garlic and the tomatoes • Put the wine and the water • Add the pinch of hot pepper, carry on boiling • Add the fish, salt and let cook over a low heat for around thirty minutes • Remove the fish • Filter the soup and serve with croutons (small pieces of toasted bread and some “rouille” • ( mayonnaise with garlic and saffron)
“The Bouillabaisse” by Baptiste 3°4 • ” Quandçabouilletubaisses “ (when it boils, you reduce)… the heat that is. “Bouillir” means to boil, “Baisser” means to reduce, hence Bouillabaisse. This dish originates from fishermen in the Marseilles and Toulon area (and the beautiful Calanques area) with modest means. Every day after their day fishing, they were simply adding to a pot filled with boiling sea water all the fish pieces they were not going to be able to sell. They ate this fish broth with pieces of toasted bread, “croutons” , with garlic and rouille or aïoli. This became quickly the fishermen’s meal, la bouillabaisse des pêcheurs. Steps -Preheat your oven at 400 F. -Slice the onion thinly. -Chop the garlic thinly. -Boil the tomatoes in order to peel them (1’). -Once done, cut them in quarters and remove the seeds. -Chop them thinly. -Peel the celery root and cut in big chunks. -Wash the potatoes and cut them in big chunks. -Heat up the fish broth until boiling point and reduce. -In a separate bowl, add warm water to the saffron and let it soak for about 30mns. -Add the tomatoes and cook for a few more minutes before adding the celery and potato pieces. -Cook for a few minutes. -Then, start by adding the bigger pieces of the white and red fish. Cover again and place in the oven for about 15’. -Take out again and now add the shrimps, (squids, mussels if you have them) and scallops. Place again in the oven for 5’ more . -In a food processor or by hand (which I prefer), place the chopped garlic, the egg yolk and mix well. -Then add the tomato paste and harissa. Mix well.You will then progressively add the oil. Work quickly. When the rouille (mayonnaise) is thicker, it is ready. -Toast a few pieces of nice bread. -Take large soup bowls and pour 1 or 2 large ladlefuls of bouillabaisse. -Spread rouille on the toasted bread and place in the soup (2 small pieces per person, or more if you need). -Serve without waiting and enjoy! Bon Appétit! Ingredients : 600 g of Turbot (monkfish) 600 g of scorpion fish 600 g of conger eel 600 g of crabs (alive) 600 g of red gurnard 600 g of shrimps, squid, mussels. 2 onions, 4 tomatoes, a celery root, 10 potatoes 1 clove of garlic Olive oil 1 eggyolk 1 teaspoon of harissa 1 teaspoon of tomatopaste Salt and pepper
RATATOUILLE CRUMBLE -To make this recipe for ratatouille crumble, first prepare all the ingredients.-Cut the peppers into small pieces.-Do the same with the zucchinis and eggplant. -Put all the vegetables in the pan. Season with salt and Espelette pepper. Add the sprig of thyme. Simmer over low heat.-Add the crushed tomatoes -And simmer a few more minutes, until water evaporates from the tomatoes. -Lastly, add the pine nuts. -In a bowl, put the flour and butter (cut into pieces) -Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 tablespoons of Parmesan. Season with salt and Espelette pepper. -Then spread the crumble on the still hot ratatouille. -Put the dish in a hot oven, just to heat it a little and brown the crumble surface. Bake at 200°C • ingredients: • • 1 red pepper• 1 green pepper• 2 cloves of garlic• 2 zucchini• 1 eggplant• 1 can of crushed, peeled tomatoes• 1 sprig of thyme• 200 g flour• 125 g butter• 65 g pine nuts• 80 g grated Parmesan cheese• olive oil• salt• Espelette pepper
Preparation: -In a bowl, put the flour, the sugar and the salt, then add the eggs one by one, and mix with a spatula. -Add the milk and the water to obtain a smooth and homogeneous mixture. Then add the melted butter or oil. -Let the batter stand at least for 1 hour outside the fridge, at room temperature. -Before using it, stir it, add a little water if necessary and the chosen flavour. -Put some butter in a 30 cm diameter frying pan and heat it. -Then pour a little batter into the frying pan and cook for 1 min on each side, by tossing it or turning it with a spatula. -Roll the crêpes or fold them in two or in four and serve immediately sprinkled with sugar. They are also delicious accompanied with jam, honey, chestnut cream from Collobrières (a small village in Provence) or chocolate sauce… Enjoy! Bon appétit! CrêpesLucie and Gabriel 3°4 • Ingredients: • 100 g of flour • 15 g of caster sugar • 2 or 3 eggs • 300 ml of boiled and cooled milk • flavour of your choice (vanilla, Grand Marnier, orange blossom, lemon zest, etc.) • 15 g of melted butter or oil • A pinch of salt • 3 teaspoons of water
CHOCOLATE FONDANT CAKE to celebrate a birthday or any time • Ingredients: • 200 g cooking chocolate • 150 g of caster sugar • 3 eggs • 50 g of flour • 150 g of butter • 3 teaspoons of water • Preparation: • -First melt the chocolate with 3 tablespoons of water in a pan, on medium heat and keep stirring. Put aside. • -Then put the soft butter in a bowl, add the sugar and mix thoroughly. Next add the eggs one by one, alternating with the flour. • -Finally add the melted chocolate and mix well to obtain an homogeneous mixture. • -Cook in a hot oven at 150° for 25 to 30 minutes. • Once your cake is done, you can sprinkle it with icing sugar. Let it cool and then enjoy! • By Clara, 3ème 4