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d er Imperativ

d er Imperativ. The Imperative mood is used to express commands, orders or instructions. In order to form the imperative, you must know two things. What you want done. Who you want to do it. Nicht Vergessen ! (Don’t forget) There are three words for you in German.

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d er Imperativ

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  1. derImperativ The Imperative mood is used to express commands, orders or instructions. In order to form the imperative, you must know two things. What you want done. Who you want to do it. NichtVergessen! (Don’t forget) There are three words for you in German. ‘du’ - for one person you know well/informally ‘ihr’ - for more than one person you know well/informally ‘Sie’ – for one or more people you treat more formally

  2. The"du" form of the imperative is formed by dropping the final "-en"of the infinitive and adding "-e"to the end of the word. This "-e" ending is usually dropped in spoken and written German. gehen = du gehst = Geh! / Go! geben = du gibst = Gib! / Give! schlafen = du schläfst = Schlaf! / Sleep! If there is an umlaut, remove it. halten (to stop) schauen (to look) machen (to do) schreiben (to write) Halt! Schau! Mach! Schreib!

  3. If the stem of the verb ends in a t, d, ig, m, or npreceded by an additional consonant, then the imperative form will retain the “e”. warten = wart = Warte! / Wait! binden = bind = Binde! / Tie! atmen = atm = Atme! / Breath! antworten (to answer) öffnen (to open) Antworte! Öffne!

  4. Irregular or Strong verbs that change the stem vowel to "-i-" or "-ie-" retain that change in the "du"-imperative. Here you may not add an "-e": lesen = liest = Lies! / Read! sehen = siehst = Sieh! / See! vergessen = vergisst = Vergiss! / Forget! helfen (to help) versprechen (to promise) essen (to eat) treffen (to meet) Hilf! Versprich! Iss! Triff!

  5. sein, wissen und werden Unlike other verbs, sein, wissen und werden do not change. sein = bist = Sei! / Be! wissen = weißt = Wisse! / Know! werden = wirst = Werde! / Become! Sei gut! Werdemutig! Wisse die Wahrheit! Be good! Become Courageous! Know the truth!

  6. derImperativ The Imperative mood is used to express commands, orders or instructions. In order to form the imperative, you must know two things. What you want done. Who you want to do it. NichtVergessen! (Don’t forget) There are three words for you in German. ‘du’ - for one person you know well/informally ‘ihr’ - for more than one person you know well/informally ‘Sie’ – for one or more people you treat more formally

  7. To make the ‘ihr’form: Simply take the ‘ihr’form of the present tense verb and drop the “ihr” gehen = ihrgeht = Geht! / You all go! geben = ihrgebt = Gebt! / You all give! schlafen = ihrschlaft = Schlaft! / You all Sleep! helfen (to help) versprechen (to promise) halten (to stop) schauen (to look) Helft! Verspecht! Haltet! Schaut!

  8. To make the ‘Sie” form, simply take the ‘Sie’ form of the verb. You must add the subject, Sie. Add an exclamation mark! This is the formal You command. trinken = Sietrinken = TrinkenSie! / You drink! geben = Siegeben = GebenSie! / You give! schlafen = Sieschlafen = SchlafenSie! / You sleep! arbeiten (to work) bauen (to build) sagen (to say) versuchen (to try) ArbeitenSie! BauenSie! SagenSie! VersuchenSie!

  9. There is also a "wir" form of the imperative which equates to "Let's do something" rather than being an order. Simply take the ‘Wir’ form of the verb. You must add the subject, Wir. Then, add an exclamation mark! trinken = Wirtrinken = Trinkenwir! / Let’s drink! geben = Wirgeben = Gebenwir! / Let’s give! schlafen = Wirschlafen = Schlafenwir! / Let’s sleep! gehen (to go) fahren (to drive) fliegen (to fly) spazieren (to walk) Gehenwir! Fahrenwir! Fliegenwir! Spazierenwir!

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