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Learning Diversity in Grades 5-12

Learning Diversity in Grades 5-12. Today’s Focus. How can I assess the reading levels of 100+ students in the first week of class? Which students will need help with the textbook and other printed materials used in my course?. Notecard Reflections.

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Learning Diversity in Grades 5-12

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  1. Learning Diversity in Grades 5-12

  2. Today’s Focus • How can I assess the reading levels of 100+ students in the first week of class? Which students will need help with the textbook and other printed materials used in my course?

  3. Notecard Reflections • Examine the data from an 11th Grade Rochester classroom to support struggling readers. • What thoughts run through your mind as you consider the data evaluated in class? • Out of 15 students, how many do you suspect will be able to manage the textbook with minimal assistance? • Did you expect these results? Are you surprised? What ideas do you have to support a classroom filled with developmentally diverse readers?

  4. Beautiful Words We are completely in agreement with him on this point: That symbolization is constitutive of symbolic consequences will trouble no one who believes in the absolute value of the Cartesian cognito. But it must be understood if symbolization is constitutive of consciousness, it is permissible to perceive that there is an immanent bond of comprehension between the symbolization and the symbol (Sartre, 1948, p. 65)

  5. Textbook Analysis - Readability What reading level does a student need to comprehend this text? • Flesch-Kincaid Readabilityis determined by typing 3 100ish word passages into Microsoft Word (Flesch-Kincaid formula). • Turn on readability under “Tools” menu, then run spellchecker.

  6. Reminder of Readability Websites: ! • http://juicystudio.com/services/readability.php • http://www.online-utility.org/english/readability_test_and_improve.jsp Links are in blackboard (discussion.)

  7. The Textbook Characteristics Gate 1

  8. Textbook Analysis • Accommodating for Special Needs What accommodations are available? (Books on tape, etc.) • Alignment with Standards • Access Online • Student Feedback - What do THEY think?I seriously recommend gathering a variety of students toprovide feedback in the process of selecting any new textbooks.

  9. Textbook Analysis - Everything Else • Check out the “Criteria Chart!” • Concept density • How many new terms are introduced in a section? • At what level of abstraction? • Text framework • How is the information presented? (White space, graphics, titles, subtitles, highlighting, etc.) • Personalization of writing • Human faces, use of “you” or “your”, people like themselves, inspiring graphics…

  10. Student Characteristics Gate 2

  11. Group Administered Diagnostic Tests • Content-Based Assessment (Use CBA format with your textbook.) • Cloze Test Student Assessment

  12. (Content Based Assessment)CBA • Choose a 200-250ish word passage from your current textbook. • Every student reads silently while you note 15-second increments on the board. • Student notes finish time, picks up comprehension questions. (Create five.)(vocabulary, facts, inferential) Information: • Comprehension below 80%= text too difficult • Slow reader= need to reread to comprehend http://www.interventioncentral.com/htmdocs/tools/okapi/okapi.php CBA Creation Support This link may be found in the external links section of blackboard

  13. Cloze Test • Select 300-word passage (approximately) • Leave first and last sentence intact • Delete every 5th word • replace with 12 spaces • 50 total deletions • Allow unlimited time, misspellings o.k. • Count only exact word replacement • > 50% = able to comprehend the text I’m not requiring you to make one. Know HOW to make one.

  14. Textbook Navigation Challenge! Do students know how to use your textbook? • Create5 look-it-up questions using the textbook. • Questions should involve interpretation of graphics, use of glossary, index, table of contents…)

  15. Assess Study Strategies • Pre-reading overview • Self-questioning while reading • Attention monitoring • Rehearsal, summarizing • Note-taking • Test review strategies • Organization

  16. Homework Due Wednesday Due: Differentiation Plan Part A ( I am not requiring you to create a cloze test.) Photocopy a textbook chapter of your choice that you would like to work with in-depth over the next few class sessions. Bring the photocopy with you to class. Download the MN Standards for your content area in Microsoft Word. Isolate the standards that specifically relate to your chapter. Bring these standards to class

  17. Due Today! Differentiation Plan Part A

  18. Text ModificationDifferentiation Plan Part B Reducing readability & information overload

  19. Adaptations for Students • Those with reading disabilities • Those learning English. • Those with memory deficits • Those who are gifted (Compact regular curriculum so they can quickly demonstrate mastery and do other things)

  20. Color Coded Text • Code • YELLOW--Important terms, people, dates and the explanations of those items • BLUE--Main ideas (Must-know information) • PINK--Important details • Rule of thumb: No more than 30% of text should be highlighted

  21. Color Coded Textbook

  22. Types of Text Patterns (Frames) Cause/Effect Concept/Definition Goal/Action/Outcome Problem/Solution Proposition/Support Compare/Contrast Buehl Chapter 3 Video: Alanna Text Structure I

  23. Cause/Effect “if…then, as a result, therefore, because” Concept/Definition characteristics, features, examples “for example” Goal/Action/Outcome numerical or chronological order “1st, 2nd, next, then, finally” Problem/Solution “problem is, dilemma is” Variation—question-and-answer Proposition/Support “In the opinion of…” Citing of evidence Compare/Contrast “in contrast, same as, on the other hand Text Pattern Clues Video Clip: Alanna Text Structure II

  24. Adapted Study Guides Have the MN Standards in front of you when you create • Must-know questions starred (*) • Align must know questions with MN standards! • Identify core knowledge, comprehension, application level material • Include Graphic Organizers to enhance learning organization. • Incorporate specific strategies that teach students how to study. Mnemonic devices, etc. • Nice-to-know questions un-starred • Analysis, synthesis, evaluation questions

  25. Adapted Study Guides Have the MN Standards in front of you when you create Video: Jordan

  26. How can we Assess Study Strategies? • Pre-reading overview • Self-questioning while reading • Attention monitoring • Rehearsal, summarizing • Note-taking • Test review strategies • Organization

  27. Adapted Tests Must-know questions starred (*) Grading System C if starred (*) questions well done B or A requires answering un-starred questions Have the MN Standards in front of you when you create

  28. Test-Writing Techniques • Reduce readability 15 word, 19 syllables = 6th grade readability • Matching exercises Blocks of 5-12 stimuli

  29. More Test-Writing Techniques • Multiple choice • Use a question for the item stem • Fill-in-the-blank • Delete words near the end of the sentence • Options for pictures & words • (Explain & draw a picture to • represent current understanding.)

  30. Teaching Strategies for Text Frames Check out Buehl,ch 3. Pattern Guides Frame-specific Organizers

  31. Let’s learn a bit about Thinking Maps! Research reveals these to be mighty powerful. Pattern Guides Frame-specific Organizers…where less is more…..

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