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Industrial Change for Competitiveness , Growth and Jobs

Industrial Change for Competitiveness , Growth and Jobs . Eliana Garcés Tolón Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry European Commission. The February 2014 meeting of the Heads of State (European Council) will focus on industrial policy

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Industrial Change for Competitiveness , Growth and Jobs

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  1. Industrial Change for Competitiveness, Growth and Jobs Eliana GarcésTolón Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry European Commission

  2. The February 2014 meeting of the Heads of State (European Council) will focus on industrial policy • The Commission will contribute to the February Council with a new industrial policy Communication • The new draft Communication will focus on concrete measures to improve the implementation of established industrial policy priorities

  3. In 2012 the updated Communication followed a four pillar strategy: • Foster investment in innovation • New market opportunities (internal and global) • Facilitate access to capital • Skills and human capital

  4. During 2013 the economic environment has improved, but for a full recovery to take place, there is a need to create better business conditions, encourage investment and create jobs

  5. EU manufacturing recovery from recession has been slow and partial

  6. Changes in the annual growth rate of GDP Share of gross fixed capital formation in total GDP (EU27, current prices, EUR)

  7. Company borrowing costs

  8. Transforming Europe into an attractive economic area is a long term objective that • can be attained through an integrated industrial competitiveness policy • joins all policy efforts and channel them in one direction • Competitiveness is a long term objective that must constantly addressed • The right industrial policy is already in place. We now intend to present concrete actions to implement this policy

  9. Where are wewithimplementation? • Task forces (Advanced manufacturing, Biobasedproducts and technologies, Clean vehicles, Key enablingtechnologies, Smart grids, Sustainableconstruction) • Financial instruments • Internationalisation • Policy coordination • Smart specialisation

  10. Policy proposals stemming from the Thematic task forces • The establishment of projects of Common European Interest for a number of KETS areas • Sustainable construction: Creating a credit line of €25 billion by the EIB for national lending mechanisms to: • foster energy efficiency in residential housing • improve the efficiency of the construction sector though an initiative on recycling and waste

  11. Coordination across a range of policies: • Reinforcing and integrating internal market legislation, industrial and regional policies • External dimension: Continuing to pursue FTA negotiations, economic diplomacy, EEN • Access to finance: Increasing new SME loans volumes, proposing measures to diversify sources of long term financing • Labour and Skills: Fostering anticipation of change and restructuring, cross-border mobility and cross-country traineeship • Energy: Favouring a 2030 climate and energy framework, ETS and updated carbon leakage list that integrate industrial competitiveness and technology issues

  12. We need SMEs to be leading actors in the re-industrialisation process SMEs must overcome the barriers that limit their growth • Making good use of available instruments e.g. COSME, cohesion policy prioritisation, SME instrument in Horizon 2020, Risk Capital State Aid Guidelines • Improving framework conditions, e.g. reducing time and costs to start up a new business => Small Business Act • Implementing a strong and ambitious clustering policy, integrating cluster excellence along the value-added chain = > Matchmaking SME platform

  13. Provide assistance in the implementation of the New Cohesion Policy based on the principle of smart specialisation, by different means: • The Commission will deliver services to Regions, inform them of available technologies, foster information exchange, and initiate contact between local firms and technological leaders • A platform will be provided to help SMEs in those Regions to identify and create world-class clusters

  14. Smart Specialisation • Bottom up: itis a discoveryprocess • in coordination withindustry • Based on existingassets (skills, research center, exisiting business) • Integrated: itrequires coordination of all policies • Investment, infractructure, skills, R&D • Open: linkages are important in todays' world • Link acrosssectors (including services) • Link acrossregions, global links

  15. Thank You

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