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; Here is an example of the powerfull functions of PowerPPL. As you can see,. ; color codes are understood! Try to press Alt-Y two times...!. ;. ; Press F9, if you are correctly configured, the compilation window will. ; appear... and show you the error (the variable A is not declared).
; Here is an example of the powerfull functions of PowerPPL. As you can see,
; color codes are understood! Try to press Alt-Y two times...!
; Press F9, if you are correctly configured, the compilation window will
; appear... and show you the error (the variable A is not declared)...
; (to configure PowerPPL, go to Options menu and set your directories and
; environment options). If the source code was ok, you could press CTRL-F9
; Try the same on this word.................... : ADJT_BUT_I_DONTREMEMBER!! :)
; Take time to read the documentation, there are MANY MORE features !
PrintLn "@X06° ± @X0E° @X06° @X07ÞÛÜ @X0Cßß @X0FÜÜ @X0Cß @X0FÜÜ @X7F²@X0F Ü@X7FÛ@X0FÜ @X07Ü@X7F°@X07Ü @X06ÞÝ Û± °ßßܲ"
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PrintLn "@X0C @X04ÜÜÛß @X07ÛÛÛ@X0CÜ@X6C²@X0CÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ@X0FßßßßÛÛÛÞ@X7F²@X0Fßß@X07Üß @X04ܲß@X0CÞÝ@X07ÛÛÛ @X0CÞÛ ß "
PrintLn "@X04ÛÛÛÛß Ü ß ÜÛ@X07Û @X0CÞÛÛßÛ@X6C²²²²±±°°@X06ÜÜ°ÜÜ ² @X04ß²ß@X06ܲ@X6C±@X0C°@X07ÛÛ @X0Cß @X07Û@X06ÜÝ "