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Introduction to ArcGIS II

Pearl River Community College Workforce Development Center, an ESRI Authorized Training Center (ATC) Class: ArcGIS II July 23-24-25 Cost $195.00 Location: PRCC Workforce Development Center Hattiesburg Building #1 Room #113 Start time: 8:30 am.

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Introduction to ArcGIS II

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  1. Pearl River Community College Workforce Development Center, an ESRI Authorized Training Center (ATC) Class: ArcGIS II July 23-24-25 Cost $195.00 Location: PRCC Workforce Development Center Hattiesburg Building #1 Room #113 Start time: 8:30 am Contact : Scott Blouin Remote Sensing Training and Education 5448 Highway 49 S. Hattiesburg, MS 39401 601-554-5528 Fax: 601-554-5550 E-Mail: sblouin@prcc.edu Introduction to ArcGIS II This three-day course continues to present concepts and functionality for successfully working with ArcGIS. Participants further explore ArcMap and focus on working with maps, layers, labels, and annotation. Geocoding, spatial analysis, and advanced options for cartographic display are presented. Examples and exercises use data from a variety of applications areas. Participants should have completed one of the following ArcGIS foundation courses or related application experience. Pearl River Community College Workforce Development Center Thinking about training?

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