28th Nov 2011A Diverse & Equal Society?Unit 2: Individual Rights in Health and Social CareLO: To understand the definition of the following Key Words: Equality, Stereotype, Diversity and Discrimination.To independently research and collate (collect) information and images about different social & political factors that contribute to a diverse and equal society. Make a poster in the form of a mind map to show your findings. (P1) NB: Unit 1 to be handed in today – you should have already completed your front page and introduction last week. P1 posters & ppts on Communication P2 Barriers to Communication Starter Give me 5....... Whiteboards please.... E G C F S A (SC)
Recap:You should have answered these questions last week: 1 What is meant by ethnicity? 2 What is the difference between someone’s gender and their sexuality? 3 How Might someone's social class affect their experiences in life? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3E5vYNzrds&feature=related
LO: To understand the definitions of the following Key Words: Equality, Stereotype, Diversity and Discrimination Pair Task You may already know some of these key words – do you? Work with your partner and brainstorm them together and then write a clear definition for each one and give an example of each. Eg Faith - means the religion that someone follows eg Christianity/ Islam/ Judaism. If someone has faith it means they believe in something normally a religion Now do the following with each key word below: • Equality • Stereotype • Diversity • Discrimination. Although working in pairs - Each pupil must complete the task on paper or on a word document again with a header with your name /Unit 2 / P1/Keywords
Social or Political factors - What is the difference? Social factors – hint what you looked at last week in your cover lesson. E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y F _ _ _ h C _ _ _ _ _ e G _ _ d _ _ S _ x _ _ _ _ _ y A _ _ F_ _ _ _ y S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S_ _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ G_ _ g _ _ _ _ y Political factors – think law..... What sorts of things can politicians do to ensure that there is no discrimination or limited discrimination in society linked to the social factors on the left?
Political Factors: Changes to the Law 1945 – The Welfare State was set up including the NHS in 1948 to get rid of the 5 evils of society: Want/ Disease/ Ignorance/ Squalor & Idleness. The NHS offers all people equal access and treatment to health services. 1970 –The Equal Pay Act was introduced to stop discriminating between men and woman in pay and working conditions 1975- The Sex Discrimination Act was introduced to stop discrimination within areas of employment eg anyone should be able to apply for a job regardless of sex or receive the same opportunities 1976 – The Race Relations Act To stop discrimination within employment and opportunities to housing & services linked ethnicity/ race/ culture/ religion. 1995 (2005) – The Disability Discrimination Act - To prevent discrimination in employment opportunities and access to housing, transport & services.
Independent task To independently research and collate (collect) information and images about different social & Political factors that contribute to a diverse and equal society. 1 Make a poster in the form of a mind map to show your findings (P1). 2 Be clear in showing the difference between social and political factors (P1). 3Explain which key laws have helped reduce discrimination against individuals in society and explain why (P1). Again you must include a header with your name/ Unit 2 /P1 /Social factors Posterand Political factors doc.
Plenary - Quiz What have you learnt today? Unit 2 - A Diverse & Equal Society?LO: To understand the definition of the following Key Words: Equality, Stereotype, Diversity and Discrimination.To independently research and collate (collect) information and images about different social & political factors that contribute to a diverse and equal society. Make a poster in the form of a mind map to show your findings. (P1) • Have you made your best effort today? • Have you worked at your target level today? Final Task: Print off your all your Unit 1 work including your cover page & Introduction, P1 & P2 (if you have not already sent it to me). Then pop it in a plastic folder and sign your QCF Sheet.