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Dr. George Goodheart D.C.

Dr. George Goodheart D.C. ICAK Meeting Antwerp September 2008. How Applied Kinesiology can help in Treating chronic Borreliosis. Patients with diffuse symptoms. Vegetative Symptoms: Tiredness, fatigue Sweat at night Shivers Attacks of fever Feeling sick Reduced and poor endurance

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Dr. George Goodheart D.C.

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  1. Dr. George Goodheart D.C.

  2. ICAK Meeting Antwerp September 2008 How Applied Kinesiology can help in Treating chronic Borreliosis

  3. Patients with diffuse symptoms Vegetative Symptoms: • Tiredness, fatigue • Sweat at night • Shivers • Attacks of fever • Feeling sick • Reduced and poor endurance • Intolerance of alcohol and food

  4. Patients with diffuse symptoms Cardial Symptoms • Palpitations • Mayo- or Pericarditis Intestinal Symptoms • Nausea, gastralgia, burp • Flatulence • Diarrhoe

  5. Patients with diffuse symptoms Musculo-skeletal Symptoms • Arthralgia of changing localisation • Myalgia • Feeling of stiffness in the muscles • Tendinitis with or without swelling, especially Achilles tendon, Epicondylitis, plantar fascitis • Recurrent swelling of fingers, toes and hands • Pain of the sterno-chondral junctions of the ribs • Pain of TMJ

  6. Patients with diffuse symptoms Neurological Symptoms (central) • Disturbed vision ( blurry, wash out, aching eyeballs, aching eyemovements, sensitivity to light ) • „burning tounge“ • Tinnitus, vertigo • Headache, unilateral and diffuse without relief by analgetics • Loss of concentration, loss of memory, reduced perception • Disturbed sleep • Depression, irritability, anxiety, fluctuation of mood

  7. Patients with diffuse symptoms • Neurological Symptoms (peripheral) • Paraesthesia of limbs • Disturbed superficial sensation, hyperpathia • Backpain, sciatica • Sensitivity of scalp ( „aching hairs“ when combing ) • Muscular twitching • Sudden weakness in the legs

  8. Patients with diffuse symptoms • Urogenital Symptoms: • Burning aches in the bladder, pollakisuria • Pressure sensation in the bladder • Incontinency, disturbance of micturition • Loss of libido • Impaired potency • Recurring aches of testicles, ovaries, vagina

  9. These patients may havechronic borreliosis !!

  10. Germ of Lyme Disease Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato Spezies: B. burgdorferi sensu stricto B. garinii B. afzelii Carrier: hard ticks (Ixodes ricinus) (Attention : the ticks transmit CEE, only for this vaccinations are available)

  11. Possible Infections by Tick bite • CEE • Borrelia • Ehrlichia • Bartonella • Rickettsia

  12. Epidemiology of Borreliosis • in Germany 10 to 40 % of ticks are infected with Borrelia • for an successfull contamination the ticks should suck up to > 6 hours • (the shorter , the more unlikely are infections) •  Infections from April to October • early manifestation in June - peak at August • In Germany annualy up to 60.000 new infections with clinical manifestations

  13. Infection by ticks (Ixodes ricinus) • Early onset • Erythema migrans (50% of all cases) • Influenzalike symptoms • Cephalgia • Facial nerv palsy • Cardial arhythmia

  14. Conventional Medicine says • Most valid diagnosis by skin biopsy or arthrocentesis of joint effusion • Assay of IG G and IG M of Borreliosis is only a presumption diagnosis • Prof. Stanek, University of Vienna • Ärztemagazin, July 2008

  15. Borrelia burgdorferi – Course of Infection Bite of a infected tick Transmission of Borrelia Infection Local breeding of Borrelia 5 - 48 days Stadium I Period of 4-6 weeks, Autotherapy very likely 4 -12 Wo. p.i Stadium II Period of 4-6 months Autotherapy still possible Moths till years p.i. NO autotherapy !! Stadium III

  16. Labratory • If IGM and IG G of Borrelia are positiv remains the question: • Expired infection or active infection? • Indication for LTT to Borrelia = Lymphocytes Transformation Test

  17. Lympho-/Monocytes Erythro- and Granulocytes Serum Lymphocytes Transformation Test • Extraction of lymphocytes and monocytes out of heparinized blood by densitiy-gradient centrifugaionfugation 2. Transformation of 1,2 x 106/ml vital cells on to a cell cultural kit (3 times) 3. Adding of antigenes of Borrelia (z.B. OspC) 4. Incubation for 6 days, 37°C, 5%CO2 Day 0 „sleeping T-cells“

  18. Result afer 6 days: Negative result Positive result clonal prolifeated antigen- spezific T-Lymphozyten 5. Quantification of antigen-induced DNA-newsynthesis by assay of 3H-Thymidine-built-in 6. Measurement of DNA-Newsynthesis in Beta-Counter 7. Outcome as SI = Antigen-induced T*-built-in blank measurement-T*-built-in

  19. Result of positive LTT Are Borrelia-spezific memory- T-cells in the blood of the patient ? a positive LTT of Borrelia says: There are Borrelia- spezific T- memory-cells in the blood, the infection is active!! After a study of Hopf-Seidel on 210 Patients,2007, 9% of the patients had negative serum findings but positive LTT! Every tenth of patients has false negative findings! Donta is reporting 2002 of 20% negative false findings in serum assays

  20. Hypothesis of persisting or chronic Borreliosis • Insufficient diagnosis and therapy ( often in conventional medicine ) • Inducing of immunogene reactions by Borreliosis ( Prof. v. Baehr ) • Persisting Neurotoxins in the fatty tissue ( Shoemaker ) • Hiding of parasites in the connective tissue ( Donta )

  21. Therapies Conventional Medicine: Penicilline, Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Doxcycline, Ceftriaxone, Cefaroxine, Clarithomycine, Azithromycine, Ciprofloxacine for a fortnight or 4 weeks Donta: Hihg dose antibiotics like a above, at least 1 month, when symptoms were longer at least 3 month, when symptoms last for longer than a year, treatment should last 12 to 18 month, toegether with CHLOROQINE, an antimalarial, ( Resochine, Quensyl ) Shoemaker:From 4 to 6 weeks high dose antibiotics mostly Doxycycline overlapping with colestyramine 2-4 g, when complications ( Herxheimer reaction ) Enbrel

  22. Resume of problems in chronic borreliosis • Serum diagnosis is not reliable • Conventional therapies often don‘t treat sufficently • Borreliosia can probably disappear from the surface • In certain phases antibiotics don‘t reach the parasite • Symptoms of chronic borreliosis are of great variety and not specific

  23. How can Applied Kinesiology help?

  24. Casereport • 10 patients from 71 to 29 years • Period of symptoms: from 2 till over 15 years • 7 patients have severe general symptoms ( fatigue, aching and swelling joints etc.) • 3 patients have „only“ local symptoms ( aching Achilles tendon, aching knees, aching fingers) • 8 had negative serological assays of Borrelia • 4 of them had an postive LTT and 4 had negative LTT‘s

  25. Casereport 4 patients, 2 with positive LTT and 2 with negative LTT of Borrelia showed Borrelia in the DARKFIELD MICROSCOPY !!

  26. Hypothesis and Results • There are no really reliable labratory tools in veryfying chronic borreliosis • There are clues for hiding of Borrelia spirochetes in the tissue, causing no immune reaction • The most reliable labratory tool seems to be the Lymphocytes Transformation Test • Remarkable results supplies the DARKFIELD MICROSCOPY • Chronic Borreliosis seems more widespread than ever thought

  27. AK Procedure • General and local muscletesting • Any findings should negated by • homeopathic nosode of low potency • antibiotics on the tongue and CHOLOROQINE (mostly Minocyline, passing hematoencephalic barrier ) 150 to 200 mg Minocycline per day and 200 to 400 mg Cholorquine every second day

  28. AK Procedure • If improvement follow up examination should include, they should test normal • TL of NV suprapinatus • BE points • All alarm points • Local spots of pain Don‘t stop the treatment earlier, even the patient feels better

  29. Supplementary Therapy • Nosodes of Borreliosis • Rizol oils • Colestyramine • Vitamines ( A, C, E, D, B ) • Minerals ( Zinc, Calcium, Mg, Potassium ) • Support of organs by phytotherapy, especially liver, gut • EFS ( linseed oil )

  30. Best thanks to Prof. Rüdiger v. Baehr, Berlin Dr. Ulrike Lex, Nuremberg for their contributions

  31. Thank you for your attention !!

  32. Adress: Dr. Werner Kloepfer Alserstrasse 43 A- 1080 Wien E – mail : werner.kloepfer@ spai.at

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