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JOINT PROGRAM EXECUTIVE OFFICE Technology Transition. April 26, 2005 Advanced Planning Brief to Industry. CURT WILHIDE Director, Advanced Technology and Transition Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense curt.wilhide@jpeocbd.osd.mil. Vision.

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  1. JOINT PROGRAM EXECUTIVE OFFICETechnology Transition April 26, 2005Advanced Planning Brief to Industry CURT WILHIDE Director, Advanced Technology and Transition Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense curt.wilhide@jpeocbd.osd.mil 050425_APBI_JPEO

  2. Vision • Develop and Sustain a Comprehensive, Agile, and Flexible Transition Program that… • Responds to DoD CBDP Capability Needs • Provides Multiple Program, Agency, Vendor Access • Facilitates Multiple Acquisition/ Procurement Opportunities • Maximizes Opportunity for Best Capability at the appropriate maturity • Manages Technology Transition 050425_APBI_JPEO

  3. Accelerating Technology Transition Operation Iraqi Freedom New Capabilities 050425_APBI_JPEO

  4. Integrated Technology Transition Overview 050425_APBI_JPEO

  5. Programs Starting at MS B Need: Technology Development Strategy Test and Evaluation Strategy Program Alignment Technology Transition Agreement Exit Criteria for Proposed Program of Record Rational POM Build S&T Strategy Needs to Include Traceability to Metrics and Requirements Basis For Trade-offs in the Development Process Transition Drivers 050425_APBI_JPEO

  6. Where Does My Technology Fit? Technology Readiness Levels Program Development Phase Basic/Applied Research Advanced Technology Development Advanced Component Development System Development and Demonstration Production and Operational System Development 1-2-3-4 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 TRLs 1 – Basic Principles Observed 2 – Technology Concept Formulated 3 – Proof of Concept 4 – Laboratory Environment Component/Breadboard Demo 5 – Relevant Environment Component/Breadboard Demo 6 – Prototype Demo in Relevant Environment 7 – Prototype Demo in Operational Environment 8 – System Qualified through Test and Demo 9 – System Proven in Operational Conditions Joint Science and Technology Office DARPA Joint CBDP Program Executive Office Joint CBDP Project Managers • http://www.dodsbir.net • http://www.dtra.mil • http: www.darpa.mil/ • http://www.jpeocbd.osd.mil • http://www.fedbizopps.gov 050425_APBI_JPEO

  7. TTAs for Programs Ending in FY05/FY06 to Be Completed This FY! Technology Transition Agreement (TTA) • Required for All S&T Programs for Transition to Advanced Development • Identifies Target Program of Record • Programs With No TTA May Not Be Funded • Primary Vehicle for Transition of Technologies to the Program • Functions as the Technology Development Strategy • Contains Information Necessary to Conduct Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) • Exit Criteria (to Include TRLs) • Test and Evaluation Strategy • Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) Curve Metrics and Attributes • Acts as the Agreement Between the Advanced Developer and the S&T Community for Successful Transition 050425_APBI_JPEO

  8. ROC Curve • Historically, Technologies Transition Without Metrics and Attributes that Allow Joint Project Manager (JPM) to Conduct Trade-Off Analyses • ROC Curves and Spider Charts are Tools to Characterize Performance 050425_APBI_JPEO

  9. Spider Chart • Assess Technology Attributes • Basis for Trades 050425_APBI_JPEO

  10. S&T Test Infrastructure& Methodology Development Acquisition Strategy (JPEO) Capabilities Required (JRO) • FOCs • Acq. Strategies • Tech. Insertion (JSTO) JSTO Capability Area Project Officers (Technology Development Strategy) JPEO Joint Program Managers (Provide Acquisition Strategy & Technology Needs) Road-Mapping (S&T and Testing to Acquisition) Assessment of Alignment Prioritization and Re-Structuring Iteration RESULT: S&T Programs Resulting in Effective Acquisition and Responsive to Warfighter Requirements Alignment Methodology 050425_APBI_JPEO

  11. Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) • Review of Specific Component or System Determined to Have Met Criteria in the TTA • Conducted Prior to Transition to Advanced Development • All Critical Technologies Assessed • Joint Project Manager (JPM) Defines the Attributes/ Criteria for Each TRL Level • Joint Science and Technology Office Conducts the TRE • JPM Assigns the TRL Based on the Independent TRE Results • Overall System TRL Determined by Lowest TRL of Components and/or Subcomponents 050425_APBI_JPEO

  12. Technology Readiness Assessments (TRA) Process 050425_APBI_JPEO

  13. Technology Readiness Evaluation • Provides Data to Support Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) • Paper Studies • Field Test • Lab Tests • Used to Determine Effectiveness and Suitability of a Technology to Meet Program Criteria • Conducted Prior to a Transition Event to Support a Milestone Decision, P3I, or Transition to Advanced Development • Joint Science and Technology Office Executes the TRE 050425_APBI_JPEO

  14. Upcoming Technology Readiness Assessments • FY05: Collective Protection Technologies • Absorbent Technologies • Next Generation Filtration • Tent and Liner Materials • CP Systems • Seals and Air Locks • FY06: Next Generation Standoff Chemical and Biological Detection Systems • Active and Passive • Sub Systems • Integrated Platforms • FY07: Information System Tools • Comparison of New Modeling and Simulation Tools to Real World • Sensor Integration Testing 050425_APBI_JPEO

  15. Transition Quarterly Review • Organizations Represented: • JPEO-CBD • Joint Science and Technology Office • Joint Test and Evaluation Executive • Joint Requirements Office • Monitors Progress of Technology Transition • Identify Candidate S&T Technology Areas/Programs for Future Transition • Review Transition Testing Programs and Plans for Tests and Test Methodology Development • Report on Transition Tests and Results • Develop Future Year Program Transition Requirements • Review Status and Currency of TTAs 050425_APBI_JPEO

  16. Technology Transition Opportunities • S&T Broad Area Announcements/ TRAs • JPM – Sponsored Announcement • Operational Needs Statement/ Urgent Needs Statement • Future Hot Button Issues • Biological Detection/ Identification • Stand-off • Fast, ACCURATE, Low Cost, Low Consumables • Medical Surveillance • Decontamination • Broad Spectrum • Improved Logistics • Broad Compatibility • Network Centric • Surveillance • Cueing/ Detection/ Identification • Data Fusion 050425_APBI_JPEO

  17. Resources Available • Technology Readiness Assessment Deskbook • Published by DUSD (S&T) • CBDP Technology Transition Handbook 050425_APBI_JPEO

  18. Points of Contact • Dr David Cullin, Technology Director • 703.681.9607 • dave.cullin@jpeocbd.osd.mil • Curt Wilhide, Director Advanced Technology and Transition • 703.681.9607 • curt.wilhide@jpeocbd.osd.mil 050425_APBI_JPEO

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