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Learn about critical capabilities, solutions, and needs in Chemical-Biological defense. Explore medical and physical science innovations, transition technologies, and key focus areas.
CB Technology for the Joint Warfighter Dr. Charles Gallaway Joint Science & Technology Office Worldwide Chemical Conference 14 Oct 2004
Required Capabilities JFOCS Prioritized Needs Solutions JSTO is an integral member of the CB Team • Combatant Commanders • Services OSD provides oversight Joint Requirements Office (JRO) Test & Evaluation S&T Gaps Joint Science & Technology Office DTRA/CB Joint Program Executive Office (JPEO) Mature Technologies
Transition Technologies Answer Science Questions Maintain Robust Tech Base Mission Develop and sustain a robust, agile, and flexible Science and Technology program to support CB Defense capability needs
Medical Science & Technology Pretreatments Therapeutics Diagnostics Emerging Threats Physical Science & Technology Detection Protection Decontamination Modeling & Simulation We are organized by Capability Areas Transition Technology
Leveraging the best in class from across the spectrum of performers Service Labs Academia Industry International Partners
Multiple dimensions to consider as we make S&T investments Classical Threats Emerging Threats Requirements Pull Technology Push Medical Non-Medical Chemical Biological Evolutionary Revolutionary Old Current ∆ ∆
Answer Science Questions Transition Technologies Maintain Robust Tech Base Preserving warfighter effectiveness through medical countermeasures Pretreatments/ Prophylaxes Diagnostics Emerging Threats/ Special Programs Therapeutics
Non-living vectors for multi-valent and multi-agent pretreatments Non-injection methods of vaccine delivery Chemical agent bio-scavenger A systems biology approach willyield novel pretreatments
DNA arrays and proteomic analysis to identify exposure before symptoms arise Molecular (nano) fabrication methods to make ultra-miniaturized “lab-on-chip” applications Lab diagnostic assays for use in forward battlespace areas
Antimicrobials and immunotherapies effective against bacterial, viral, and toxin agents Identify common biological mechanisms how agents cause injury Design non-specific and broad spectrum treatments effective against whole classes of threat agents New opportunities for intervention
Develop countermeasures against non-traditional nerve agents Develop identification techniques and countermeasures for genetically modified biological threat agents Rapid re-sequencing capability and bio-informatics Emerging Threats – Anticipating the unknown
Addresses deficiencies in current understanding of operational CWA exposure Defendable criteria for detection, protection, decontamination and countermeasure technologies Valid and defendable toxicity data is the foundation for every Baseline Capability Special Project – Low-Level Operational Toxicology
Detection Answer Science Questions Transition Technologies Protection Maintain Robust Tech Base Decontamination Supporting S&T Modeling and Simulation Preserving warfighter effectiveness with advanced equipment and materials
Wide Area Aerial Recon Expand/new signatures for existing technologies Increase discrimination Reduce false alarms Multiplex Assays Minimize consumables Reduce response time and logistical burden Wide Area Field of View Single-pixel Field of View (JSLSCAD) Threat Collecting information, not just detecting
Develop monolayered reactive materials Investigate materials for self-detoxification and increased aerosol protection Improve TIC protection New approaches to limiting exposure
Focus on technology for Interiors Sensitive equipment Aircraft exteriors Still struggling with basic science for decon and materials compatability A single decontamination solutionfor all agents remains a formidable challenge
Modeling and Simulation willimprove decision making • Sensor integration and decision support tools for warfighter’s common operating picture • Algorithms for aerosol agents in urban areas and inside buildings • Live weather feeds for predictive models
Understand environmental fate of chemical and biological agent Develop artificial chemical and biological simulants Many aspects of underlying science must still be investigated
How does agent actually behave on surfaces? • Study persistence of CW agents on military operational surfaces (e.g. concrete, asphalt) to inform • Operational/Risk Management • Command decisions • Other S&T efforts • Generate/validate data via field, lab and wind tunnel studies • Create modeling tools to support decision making
Alignment Answer Science Questions Transition Technologies Maintain Robust Tech Base CB S&T is an integral part of the CBD program Medical Science & Technology Physical Science & Technology Air Force TRANSITION Army Navy Products for the Joint Warfighter Marine
We use demonstrations to assess technologies CBRN Unmanned Ground Reconnaissance (CUGR) Biological Network (BIONET) Answer Science Questions Transition Technologies Maintain Robust Tech Base Joint Service Installation Pilot Project (JSIPP) Contamination Avoidance at Seaports of Debarkation (CASPOD) Large Frame Aircraft Decontamination Demonstration (LFADD)
CUGR - Enhanced NBC recon capabilities • CBRN reconnaissance can not currently • be performed at the speed of man • Reliable near-real time detection and • identification technology for manned • reconnaissance platforms • Provide unmanned detection capabilities
Assessed and established CBRNE defense baseline Conducted exercises and evaluated solutions Assisted Services in providing installation CBRNE defense requirements recommendations to the Joint Requirements Office Handed off to larger DoD Installation Protection Program, Guardian JSIPP – A pilot project for installation protection
Tested current CONOPS: 1 hour weathering, 2 hour flight Decontamination Results: Effectively removed liquid contamination surface contamination, but vapor levels remained Hot soapy water was the most effective decontamination method Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) detection equipment was ineffective for field use Sorbent tubes followed by gas chromatographic analysis was effective LFADD – CONOPS for decon of large aircraft
CASPOD – Seaport defense and response operations • Improved understanding of the effectiveness of CB technologies, both individually and collectively, for CB seaport defense and response operations • Improved operational concepts for in-place forces and response forces • Improved ability of seaports world-wide to better prepare for and recover from CB attacks
Develop interoperable military and civilian concepts of operation Integrate military and civilian capabilities to detect and characterize a biological event Provide common situational awareness to ensure timely, effective, and consistent response actions PSU (BioWatch) APDS DFU (JSIPP) ASAP BioNet - Integrating civilian and military capabilities
Develop and execute an agile, flexible, and robust S&T program to meet validated needs Best in class performers pursue innovative solutions Effective technology transitioned to the user Technology for the Joint Warfighter