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Michigan and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Governor’s Education Summit April 28, 2009. Guiding Principles. Spend Quickly to Save and Create Jobs Ensure Transparency and Accountability Thoughtfully Invest One-Time Funds Advance Effective Reform. 2.
Michigan and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Governor’s Education Summit April 28, 2009
Guiding Principles Spend Quickly to Save and Create Jobs Ensure Transparency and Accountability Thoughtfully Invest One-Time Funds Advance Effective Reform 2
ARRA Comes in Two Large Sections State Fiscal Stabilization Direct Education (Targeted) Title I, Part A Title I, Part A School Improvement Title II, Part D Educational Technology Title X, Part C Homeless IDEA Special Education Other
Advance Four Core Reform Assurances • Achieving Equity in Teacher Distribution: Increase teacher effectiveness and address inequities in the distribution of highly qualified teachers; • Improving Collection and Use of Data: Establish and use a pre-K-through-college-and-career data system to track progress and foster continuous improvement;
Advance Four Core Reform Assurances (Cont’d) • Improving Standards: Make progress towards rigorous college- and career-ready standards and high-quality assessments that are valid and reliable for all students, including limited English proficient students and students with disabilities; and • Supporting Struggling Schools: Provide targeted, intensive support and effective interventions to turn around schools identified for corrective action and restructuring.
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Formula Competitive Governors The Secretary Elementary & Secondary Education Institutes of Higher Education Public Safety and Other State Services • State Incentive & Grants • (2) Innovation Funds Program 81.8% 18.2%
ARRA Grants in MEGS* 2009-2010 Consolidated Application: ARRA - Title I, Part A ARRA - Title II, Part D Ed Tech Formula Separate Applications : ARRA – State Fiscal Stabilization Fund ARRA – Homeless – McKinney Vento Act ARRA – School Meal Equipment Assistance ARRA – IDEA Special Education: Early On Flowthrough Preschool *Contact Program Office for up to date information.
ARRA Grants in MEGS* (Cont’d) Separate Applications: ARRA - Title II, Part D Ed Tech Competitive** ARRA – Title I – School Improvement** *Contact Program Office for up to date information. ** Guidance anticipated September 2009 on these programs.
ARRA Target Dates FORMULA APPLICATIONS * Rolling submissions are allowed on Formula grants. Submit early to get earliest possible award date.
ARRA Target Dates (Cont’d) FORMULA APPLICATIONS * Rolling submissions are allowed on Formula grants. Submit early to get earliest possible award date.
Accountability and Transparency Detailed reporting requirements at building level. Be ready to encumber the funds within short timelines. Keep separate accounting ledgers for ARRA funds. Expect to be monitored. Expect quarterly or more frequent reporting with quick turn around timelines.
What Don’t We Know Yet? • Reporting Requirements • GAO Site Visits • Stabilization Fund • Race to the Top • Educational Technology
Communications Plan • MDE Official Communications • MDE Podcasts • Presentations • MSBO Conference, April 28-30 • Governor’s Education Summit, April 28 • MIEM Conference, May 26 • MSBO Conference, June 3
Questions? Title I: Consolidated Application Mike Radke 517-373-3921 radkem@michigan.gov IDEA Jacquelyn Thompson 517-373-9433 thompsonj3@michigan.gov IDEA (Flowthrough) John Andrejack 517-241-1235 andrejackj@michigan.gov IDEA (Preschool; Early On) Gary Schafer 517-373-8483 schaferg@michigan.gov
Questions? Homeless Pam Kies-Lowe 517-241-1162 kies-lowep@michigan.gov Education Technology: Competitive Bruce Umpstead 517-335-2957 umpsteadb@michigan.gov School Meal Equipment School Nutrition Training and Programs, 517-373-3347 Stabilization Jann Jencka 517-373-0200 jenckaj@michigan.gov MEGS, Louis Burgess 517-373-1806 burgessl@michigan.gov General Questions Carol Easlick 517-373-0764 easlickc@michigan.gov