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Planning. Reviewing G reenfoot games . Play 3 Greenfoot games and make notes about the following: Aims of the game Characters : Inputs/Controls Rules of the game Levels Variables. Global Men.

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  1. Planning

  2. Reviewing Greenfoot games • Play 3 Greenfoot games and make notes about the following: • Aims of the game • Characters: • Inputs/Controls • Rules of the game • Levels • Variables

  3. Global Men • Has two separate parts to the game so far:Action Game Part: - Turning carbon dioxide molecules into two oxygen molecules and a carbon molecule by special equipment- Becoming familiar with the controlsStrategy Platform Part:- Collecting trash in a limited time frame- Figuring out the invisible maze in the map using the visuals as cluesControls (In case no one cares to read the tutorial)Left Movement ? Left Key, ARight Movement ? Right Key, DJump ? Up Key, W, SpacebarUse Handheld Protonic Equipment ? JUse Ranged Protonic Equipment ? K • http://www.greenfoot.org/scenarios/1033

  4. Glacier Defence • Defend one of the polar ice caps from our pollution, in a 20-wave strategy-based game! • http://www.greenfoot.org/scenarios/1094

  5. Animal Diet • This is a game made for a school project. The idea was to make something educational. “I didn't have much time to work on it, but I consider this to be just a PROTOTYPE and I'll keep working on it as soon as I have some free time. ““I'll also work on the game art and by the time I'm done it will look much different.”http://www.greenfoot.org/scenarios/3768

  6. MIND MAP Gaming Ideas • Type of game (maze, platform, shooter) • Theme/background • Characters • Inputs/ controls • Rules of the game • Levels/Missions • Variables

  7. Creating your game • Use Fireworks to make all the: • characters/actors /objects • Backgrounds • Intro screen • Gameover screen • Collect sound effects – findsounds.com

  8. Storyboarding • http://dogtrax.edublogs.org/2011/12/16/more-video-game-storyboarding-the-student-perspective/ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-9pkB05IlQ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fk0uWer6IQ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q10ZO-8ByAc

  9. Actors Name for your game Levels Inputs Aims/Rules What variables? Write about sound effects Choose an environment

  10. Rule Planning Events Actions • Right/left click • Left/right/up/down arrow • Space Bar • Lives = 0 • Collision with another object (state the object) • Point in Direction (north, south, east, west) • Move (number of steps) • Set Location (x, y) • Rotate (degrees) • Change score – increase or decrease • Change lives • Change Y or X position • Remove/show • Play sound

  11. Inputs, processing, outputs Planning

  12. Success Criteria • Calculate the ….. • Display ………..on the screen • Be able to know the end of the game…. • Start game…. • Know that level/score/time the player is on • Fun to play… • Good graphics…

  13. What makes a good game? • Is it fun to play? • Does it have different levels? • Does it keeps a score? • Can you can play with friends? (multiplayer) • Does it have a point? – story or narrative • Does it have good quality graphics? – backgrounds & characters • Does it have a goal or task? • Is it easy to play? • Does it use suitable sound & music? • Does it have easy to use controls? • Do you like the characters? • Is there enough help and guidance?

  14. Algorithms Planning • Using Pseudo code descriptions

  15. Programming Tools: • Defining inputs/process/outputs • Flowchart • Pseudocode Chapter 2- Visual Basic Schneider

  16. Inputs/Process/output table

  17. What is a flowchart? • Logic diagram to describe each step that the program must perform to arrive at the solution. • A popular logic tool used for showing an algorithm in graphics form. Chapter 2- Visual Basic Schneider

  18. Continue flowchart • Programmer prepares flowchart before coding. • Most common flowchart symbols are: Start Selection/ decision Process Input / output Chapter 2- Visual Basic Schneider

  19. Purpose of Flowcharting: • An aid in developing the logic of a program. • Verification that all possible conditions have been considered in a program. • Provides means of communication with others about the program. • A guide in coding the program. • Documentation for the program. Chapter 2- Visual Basic Schneider

  20. Example of Flowchart to show changing the score Start Initialize Score counter = 0 If Collides with Asteroid No Yes Current Score Increment score Display Score

  21. Desk Checking • The process of testing the flowchart with different data as input, and checking the output. • The test data should include nonstandard data as well as typical data. Chapter 2- Visual Basic Schneider

  22. What is a Pseudocode? • A program design technique that uses English words. • Has no formal syntactical rules. Chapter 2- Visual Basic Schneider

  23. Example of Pseudocode: • Determine the average grade of a class: Declare variable score Set score variable to 0 If spaceship collides with the asteroid Get the current score Increment the score Output/display new score on the stage

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