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CUSP (Consortium for Smart Phone, Mobile and Web Apps). Teaching application development, interacting with industry and academia, and encouraging social entrepreneurship. Ravi Shankar and Oren Masory , Engineering and Computer Science
CUSP (Consortium for Smart Phone, Mobile and Web Apps) Teaching application development, interacting with industry and academia, and encouraging social entrepreneurship. Ravi Shankar and Oren Masory, Engineering and Computer Science Francis X McAfee and Michael Harris,Arts and Letters Richard Voss, Science Ravi Behara and Tamara Dinev, Business Don Ploger, Education Agnes Nemeth and Allan Phipps, AD Henderson School Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
Goals and Objectives Goal: Build an infrastructure to enhance university success Process: (core group of arts, business, anthropology and engineering) • Facilitate teaching collaboration across disciplines and K-20 levels • Use state-of-the-art technologies, topics, and open source tools • Reward collaborators with funds from Apps marketed • Seed collaborative research from such funds and publish • Seek funding from federal, industry, and state agencies • Contribute core group expertise to content provider disciplines • Scale up: Cyber teaching and multi-university collaborations Potential Results at our university: • Increased institutional funding, enrolment, quality of education & research, innovation, and prestige
Success Stories (past three years) • Several Multidisciplinary courses: • Android Apps– ~450 High school, UG, Grad, Engineers • Robotics - ~45 UG and Grads; 15 High school (Sp’12) • Semantic Web - ~64 Grad students • Steve Jobs’ way: Integrate technology, art, humanities, business, innovation, research, and education, as appropriate • Key Additions: Use all open source tools; leverage university infrastructure; and market Apps to raise revenue for authors & university
1. ESP Course for High School Students (Su 2010) • Provided high school students chance to learn application development---promotional, artistic, and programming. • Encouraged entrepreneurship/commercialization. • 7 Game Apps to be marketed http://android.fau.edu/
2. Medical and Community Apps: Undergraduates from Four Disciplines Collaboration among Engineering, Arts, Anthropology, and Business Students and Faculty (2012) http://android.fau.edu/ Student blog sites Freshman LLC Course: https://voicethread.com/?#u3374472 http://faculty.eng.fau.edu/shankar/research/smart-phone-apps/ eLearning: http://eteams.pbworks.com/w/page/61784805/FrontPage
3. Android Chess Robotics: Undergrads and 9-12 Collaborators: Education, Arts & Letters, and High Schools, STEM Focus $100 $200 http://robotics.fau.edu/ Overview: http://faculty.eng.fau.edu/shankar/research/robotics/
4. Smart Web Applications : Semantic and Intelligent Web and Auto Code Generation – Graduate courses in Fall’ 11, Spr’12 and Su’12. http://semanticweb.fau.edu/ http://prezi.com/km3gmfsvplne/personal-semantic-web/?auth_key=63a3706fbf76b586150638fa2085803bcc467276&kw=view-km3gmfsvplne&rc=ref-13388768
5. ESP Course (Su ‘11): 30 students (9 High Schools) Marketable Applications: 7+ http://vimeo.com/album/1660512
Methodology ( Past 2 years) • Driving Factors: NSF Funding Criteria – Broad Impact, Intellectual Merit, STEM, Integration of Resch& Education, Diversity, Dissemination, Sustenance, and Assessment, (in addition to a good scientific/technical proposal). • Strategic Decision made to address these issues and Apply OPP principles (to significantly increase design productivity) developed with Motorola grant. See www.csi.fau.edu • The experience, however, has been truly rewarding in its own right! • Teaching: 570 (High school to Graduate) Students & Business --- ‘STEM’ Focus • App Development: Games, Social Impact, Educational • Others: Chess Robotics, Semantic Web • ALL Open Source Tools: Code/Designs available; community help & service
Methodology (3 years)…. • Collaborations: among engineering, arts & letters, education, business, K-12, Science: • Soon others: nursing and urban planning • Websites (FAU and Student Blog Sites): -- ‘Dissemination’ • android.fau.edu (210K hits), robotics.fau.edu, semanticweb.fau.edu • New – student and team blog sites: free wordpress.com • Business Ventures: -- ‘Broad Impact’ • 5 Student companies – Engineering & Business Majors; University relationship (Appstractions, Mobilitude, DroidTroiz, Pathway Media, QuickAlert) • 2nd prize in university business competition; FAU Owl Radio; NSF partner; and Video Clips • Commercialization: -- ‘ Sustenance’ • 27 Apps to be marketed (some by Dec ‘13) • Goals: Revenue for the authors and self-sustenance • Proposals submitted: • Led to this re-thinking • Now, better infrastructure and higher probability
Proposal • Using my sabbatical leave during Fall ‘12-Sp’13 for this • Build CUSP (Consortium for Smart Phone, Mobile and Web Apps) • As a multi-university collaboration • Leverage our experience with mobile systems • Help /contribute to building a different type of infrastructure • Replicate courses and multi-college collaborations • Reach out to more high schools, enhance STEM and diversity goals • Build and market Apps; and share revenue with authors • Seed research collaboration of these authors/groups; and submit proposals • Potential Results: • Submit large multi-institutional proposals on STEM/STEP to NSF/ DoEd - $2M / 5 years, with PIs: Chairs and Deans • Submit smaller NSF Proposals – in Research, SBIR, Teaching – typical $0.5 M/ 3 years or less • Increased institutional funding, enrolment, positive impact on education & research, innovation, and prestige
Ravi ShankarPhD, MBA, PE, Fellow (AHA) • Research Focus: Systems Integration, complex systems, Design Automation, and Biomedical engineering • Teaching: Computer and electrical engr., computer Science • 7 US Patents: 5 in biomedicine, 2 in computers • Patent pending: Nearly Decomposable Design, Biomedical • Royalty received by FAU: $1M (50% of FAU’s total) • Tenure at FAU: 28+ years • Total research cash grants received: $4.2 M (Motorola, IBM, NSF, Harris, DARPA, Cadence, and Vasocor) • Experienced and successful in grant writing, funding, innovation, multi-disciplinary collaboration, and training • See: http://faculty.eng.fau.edu/shankar/
Center for Systems Integration • Formed in 1993 - with funding from Motorola Paging & NSF • Total funding: $3.5 M from industry and federal sources • Recent Grants: • OPP (One Pass to Production) from iDEN, Motorola, at $1.1 M • SBA (Small Business Administration) at $123 K • Current Focus: Mobile, Web, and Complex Systems • Philosophy: Open Source, Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration, Social Entrepreneurship, industry alliance, and small business formation by our students • See http://csi.fau.edu/, android.fau.edu, robotics.fau.edu, semanticweb.fau.edu