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Subsidiary Motions. By Cliff Creel For National Association of Parliamentarians, White Mountain Unit October 18, 2012. Definition. A subsidiary motion assists the assembly in treating or disposing of a main motion.
Subsidiary Motions By Cliff Creel For National Association of Parliamentarians, White Mountain Unit October 18, 2012
Definition • A subsidiary motion assists the assembly in treating or disposing of a main motion. • Some subsidiary motions may also be an incidental main motion (e.g. limit debate)
Characteristics • 1. They are always applied to another motion – the adoption of a subsidiary motion always does something to the main motion without adopting or rejecting it. • 2. They can be applied to ANY main motion. • 3. They have an order or precedence. • 4. They are out of order when another member has the floor. • 5. They are in order during the entire time the motion to which they can be applied is pending, except as precluded by a motion to limit debate or the previous question.
Precedence* (Highest to Lowest) • 1. Lay on the Table • 2. Previous Question • 3. Limit or Extend Limits of Debate • 4. To Postpone Definitely • 5. To Commit or Refer • 6. To Amend • 7. To Postpone Indefinitely • *Pronounced pree-SEED-n’s
Lay on the Table • Frequently misused. Should not be used to kill a motion. • Allows business to be temporarily set aside for something more urgent or when something else needs to be settled first. • No time or other qualifiers on motion. “Lay on the table until after lunch” is invalid – use postpone definitely. • Dies at end of session (or next regular session if held within a quarterly time interval). • Quarterly interval = any time during the 3rd month following the session. • Motion to “take from the table” brings the motion back at exactly the point where it was when it was laid on the table. • Affirmative vote cannot be reconsidered.
Previous Question • Brings the assembly to an immediate vote on one or more pending questions. (ends debate) • Can be applied to a series of motions. • Voted in order of precedence beginning with immediate pending question. • Sequence interrupted if Postpone Definitely, Commit or Postpone Indefinitely is adopted in the series. • Adoption of reconsideration of an affirmative vote of the Previous Question is presumed to reject the Previous Question.
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate • May modify debate by • 1. Reduce or extend the number or length of speeches permitted. • 2. Closing debate at a specific time. • May apply to immediately pending question or may include other (all) pending questions.
Postpone Definitely • Delays action on a motion to a specific time. • Later in same meeting. • At next regular meeting if within a quarter time interval. • Debate is limited to postponing, not to main question. • Requires majority unless motion made a special order, then requires 2/3. • Only applies to a single motion – not to a group of motions. • Postponed motion becomes an order of the day for the time to which it is postponed.
Commit or Refer • Sends the motion to a committee so it can be carefully investigated and put into better condition. • Send to separate small group or committee. • Go into a committee of the whole • Go into a quasi committee of the whole • Consider informally • Question is considered along with any amendments. • Committee may amend motion whether or not assembly considered the amendment. • Can postpone consideration of a question beyond a quarterly interval.
To Amend • Modify wording (and meaning) of a motion. • Must be germane. • Can be applied twice (amendment may be amended). • Majority vote even if main motion requires 2/3. • May take one of three forms • Insert or add words or paragraphs. • Strike out words or a paragraph. • To strike out and insert words or paragraphs.
To Postpone Indefinitely • Kills the main motion. • Useful when the assembly would rather not vote on an issue (e.g. embarrassment). • Debate can go into the merits of the main motion. • A negative vote cannot be reconsidered.
Example • Main motion is pending “to hold a dinner fundraiser on December 12 by selling tickets for $20 each.” • Amendment to add “managed by a committee to be appointed by the chair.” • Motion “to limit debate to 2 minutes for each person.” – passed. • Amendment to insert after ‘committee’ “of eight persons.” • Motion “to refer this question to the fellowship committee.” • Motion “to call the previous question on this and all pending questions.” • Motion “to lay on the table.”