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Advanced Work with Embedded and Summative Assessment

Advanced Work with Embedded and Summative Assessment. Dr. Steve Broskoske Misericordia University EDU 533 Computer-based Education. Outline. Review. Embedded assessment with redirection of learners. Manipulating objects on a slide with VBA.

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Advanced Work with Embedded and Summative Assessment

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  1. Advanced Work with Embedded and Summative Assessment Dr. Steve BroskoskeMisericordia University EDU 533 Computer-based Education

  2. Outline • Review. • Embedded assessment with redirection of learners. • Manipulating objects on a slide with VBA. • Working with conditional statements:Summative assessment. • Analyzing student input.

  3. Review

  4. Input Box • InputBox: Prompts user to enter something. Entered material must be stored in a variable. • Syntax:Variable = InputBox(Prompt:=“text”, Title:=“title bar text”)

  5. Counting Variable • You can add a counting variable to keep track of how many times a student has taken to locate the correct response. • Dim tries As Integertries = tries + 1

  6. Conditional Statements • Syntax for a conditional statement:If condition Then codingElse codingEnd If

  7. Navigating • Action settings allow you to navigate to a specified slide. With VBA and conditional statements (If…Then), you can control where a student navigates next. • Syntax:ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View. • GotoSlide (num) • Next • Previous

  8. Embedded Assessment with Redirection of Learners

  9. Embedded Assessment with Redirection of Learners • When we add embedded assessment: • Allows us to monitor how students are understanding material. • Allows us to redirect learners to review material. Redirection statement: ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Gotoslide(2)

  10. Embedded/Formative vs.Summative Assessment • Embedded: • Provide feedback to learner. • Possibly give them more than one chance at material. • Redirect learners back through material for review or relearning. • Summative (test): • Do not provide feedback. • Allow learners to have one chance at each item (question). • Keep score. • Display score at end for assessment purposes.

  11. Planning Ideas • Create a naming plan for variables and procedures so that you do not reuse names. • Because this is formative assessment, think about providing constructive, informative feedback that the learner can use. • Think about if it is appropriate to provide multiple tries on an item. • See which coding (macros) you can reuse by making minor naming changes.

  12. Embedded Assessment with Redirection of Learners • Let’s ask 3 questions, embedded within the lesson. • Question 1: Let’s give the students one chance to answer the question. • Question 2: Let’s provide more than one chance to answer the question. • Question 3: If they get question 2 items wrong, let’s redirect them back through the material. Otherwise, direct them to go on.

  13. TRY IT • Embedded Question #1 • Create a public variable to keep track of learner progress through the 3 embedded items. • Provide feedback to the learner. a. INCORRECT response to this item. b. CORRECT response to this item. c. INCORRECT response to this item.

  14. TRY IT • Embedded Question #2 • Provide 2 chances to answer the item correctly. • Redirect the user to go to the next slide OR to go back through the material. a. INCORRECT response to this item. b. CORRECT response to this item. c. INCORRECT response to this item.

  15. TRY IT • Embedded Question #3 • If the user answered 2 questions wrong, redirect the user to go back through the material. Otherwise, redirect the user to go on with the lesson. a. INCORRECT response to this item. b. CORRECT response to this item. c. INCORRECT response to this item.

  16. Manipulating Objects on a Slide with VBA

  17. Manipulating Objectson a Slide with VBA • Using VBA, it is possible to add text to textboxes already on a slide. With ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange .Text = “Put some text here.” + Chr$(13) .Text = .Text + “Put more text here.” End With This statement is too long to remember. To use, just copy and paste it into your VBA, and adjust as needed.

  18. Let’s Understand the Statement Use plus sign (+) here because you are working with the text property. With ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange .Text = “Put some text here.” + Chr$(13) .Text = .Text + “Put more text here.” End With PP numbers each shape in order. Title is shapes(1), text box is shapes(2). Chr$(13) is the same as hitting “enter.” This statement takes the current contents of the text box and adds more to it.

  19. TRY IT Add Text to Textbox

  20. Working withConditional Statements:Summative Assessment

  21. Embedded Assessment with Redirection of Learners • Let’s ask 2 questions, keep track of learner progress, and present the information for printing. • Question 1: One chance to answer – keep track of progress. • Question 2: One chance to answer – keep track of progress. Navigate to results. • Create a print results screen.

  22. TRY IT • Embedded Question #1 • Create a public variable to keep track of learner progress through the 3 embedded items. • Provide feedback to the learner. a. INCORRECT response to this item. b. CORRECT response to this item. c. INCORRECT response to this item.

  23. TRY IT • Embedded Question #2 • Provide 2 chances to answer the item correctly. • Redirect the user to go to the next slide OR to go back through the material. a. INCORRECT response to this item. b. CORRECT response to this item. c. INCORRECT response to this item.

  24. Results Show Results

  25. Analyzing Student Input

  26. Tools to HelpAnalyze Student Input • Trim(variable) • variable = LCase(variable) • Use If statement with Or to provide input variations (misspelling). Spaces and capitalization count when analyzing learner input. Therefore we have to control these elements.

  27. DEMO: Short Answer • Question #4 Answer Question

  28. DEMO: Two Responses • Question 5: Enter Response 1 Enter Response 2 George was the President of the United States.

  29. Alternative: Output User Answers without Analyzing Answer Question 6 Answer Question 7

  30. Results Show Results

  31. Assignments

  32. Assignment • We will start putting everything together in this week’s assignment. • We will start the assignment together. • Utilize the instructor-developed coding “cheat sheet” when coding from now on. You don’t have to memorize everything. Use the ready-made script elements as needed to create CBT.

  33. Assignments • Download Dr. Steve’s VBA Coding “Cheat Sheet.” • Download the sample CBT. Let’s start it together. • Review the comments we made on our message board about possible topics. Consider the topic for your final CBT project. Start collecting material and ideas to complete this project.

  34. Next Week • Having completed CBT assessment techniques, next week we will turn to instructional extras you can include when presenting material. • Instructional practice: • Random numbers. • Arrays.

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