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ENGLISH II Teacher : Lic. Carla V. Nuñez Flores

ENGLISH II Teacher : Lic. Carla V. Nuñez Flores. FUTURE with “BE GOING TO”. WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME?.

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ENGLISH II Teacher : Lic. Carla V. Nuñez Flores

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  1. ENGLISH IITeacher: Lic. Carla V. Nuñez Flores FUTURE with “BE GOING TO”

  2. WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME? Tom :Say, Anna, what are you doing tonight? Would you like to go out? Anna :Oh, sorry, I can't. I'm going to work late tonight. I have to finish this report.Tom :Well, how about tomorrow night? Are you doing anything then?Anna :No, I'm not. What are you planning to do?Tom :I'm going to see a musical. Would you like to come?Anna :Sure, I'd love to !!! But let me pay for the tickets this time. It's my turn.Tom :All right!! Thanks !!

  3. FUTURE with“BE GOING TO” POSITIVE FORM I am Sheis He is Itis You are We are They are write a letterto my boyfriend clean my bedroom in thisweek need a computerforpractice buyfruitfor my baby eat a pizza hawaiana GOING TO Subject+ verb TO BE+ GOING TO + infinitive + complement

  4. FUTURE with“BE GOING TO” NEGATIVEFORM NOT I am Sheis He is Itis You are We are They are write a letterto my boyfriend clean my bedroom in thisweek need a computerforpractice buyfruitfor my baby eat a pizza hawaiana GOING TO • Subject + verb TO BE+NOT+GOING TO + infinitive + complement

  5. FUTURE with“BE GOING TO” INTERROGATIVE FORM ? Am I Isshe Is he Isit Are you Are we Are they write a letterto my boyfriend clean my bedroom in thisweek need a computerforpractice buyfruitfor my baby eat a pizza hawaiana GOING TO • Verb TO BE+ subject+ GOING TO +infinitive + complement + ?

  6. FUTURE with“BE GOING TO” INTERROGATIVE FORM ? Am I Isshe Is he Isit Are you Are we Are they write a letterto my boyfriend clean my bedroom in thisweek need a computerforpractice buyfruitfor my baby eat a pizza hawaiana GOING TO What Where When • WH+Verb TO BE+ subject+GOING TO+infinitive+complement +?

  7. NOW PAY ATTENTION!!!! Cuando el verbo en infinitivo que sigue a la forma goingtoes el mismo verbo go, la frase puede parecer un poco confusa a causa de la repetición verbal. Este tipo de frases se suelen abreviar de la siguiente manera: En lugar de :We'regoingtogotothecinemaon Friday. Se omite togo y se dice :We'regoingtothecinemaon Friday.Y en las preguntas suele omitirse también, a fin de evitar la redundancia verbal con el verbo go. Observa: En lugar de :Where are yougoingtogo? Se omite togo y se dice :Where are yougoingto?Las formas negativas e interrogativas se construyen de acuerdo con las normas que seguramente ya conoces. Las formas negativas se construyen colocando la partícula not entre el verbo auxiliar y la forma goingto. Observa:I'mnotgoingtoplaytennistomorrow.He'snot/ He isn'tgoingtowatch TV thisevening. Las formas interrogativas se construyen invirtiendo el orden del sujeto y del verbo auxiliar. De este modo:Are yougoingtostay at home tonight?Isitgoingto rain? Whatis he goingto do?

  8. NOW PAY ATTENTION!!!! • "GONNA": COLOQUIALMENTE HABLANDO.  En el habla coloquial la forma verbal goingto a menudo se pronuncia /gona/ o/gana/, lo que a veces se refleja en la forma escrita gonna. No obstante, esta forma coloquial no debe utilizarse en el lenguaje escrito habitual, limitando su uso al lenguaje informal, como el empleado, por ejemplo, en la transcripción de canciones modernas.  • Aquí tienes un mini-diálogo para que practiques cómo utilizan los norteamericanos el famoso gonna: A: What are yougonna do tonight? B: I'mgonnastay home.  A: What are yougonna do foryourbirthday? B: I'mgonnagooutwithsomefriends.  A: Where are yougonnago? B: We'regonnagoto a restaurant.

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