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Join Dr. Richard Peters in this session to understand stress, its signs, and management strategies. Explore causes of stress and ways to enhance mental wellbeing at work. Maintain confidentiality and support each other's mental health.
A HealthyHour MentalWellbeing Puttinga spotlight onmental wellbeing A ‘Healthy Hour’ prepared by Dr Richard Peters, Chief MedicalOfficer
Purpose The purpose of this session is to provide the necessary information to allow open discussions to take place with your teams and to help raise awareness of‘stress’. Many of us will not talk about stress and how it affects us, so it is important that we all recognise the signsand symptoms of stress. This will allow us to know when to ask for support or how to signpost others forsupport. Stress may be caused by one thing, however it could also be a build-up of smaller things both inside and outside of work. This can make it hard to identify a cause and explain to others. A ‘Healthy Hour’ preparedby Dr RichardPeters, Chief Medical Officer at NetworkRail Please read through the slides and facilitate group discussions at the highlighted ‘discussion points’.I hope you enjoy this ‘healthymoment’.
Rules ofSession Takethissafety hourseriously We want to support anyNetwork Rail employee experiencing symptoms ofstress Keepa‘circle oftrust’ Maintain the confidentialityof what is said during the opendiscussion Make a pledge and share with thegroup Share a change you will make to improve your ownpersonal mentalwellbeing Respect that what is said inthe room, must stay in theroom We also want to reduce the impact of work-related causesto as low as reasonably practicable in NetworkRail Share an action you will take to support the mentalwellbeingof others in NetworkRail Remember, ‘Sharing iscaring; blabbing isstabbing’
Everyone Fit for the Future - OurVision “ “ At Network Rail, when we talk about mental wellbeing: We want our people to feel positive, have a sense of purpose and be able to handle everydaypressures Delivery of the company’s objectivesandperformance targets relies on our employees being able to perform their roles: Our employees’ safetyandhealth go hand inhand Caring for our employeesmeans: Supporting ouremployees’ mental and physicalhealth Promoting the mechanisms and tools that enable optimal mental and physicalresilience Competently Safely Effectively
Intended sessionoutcomes Understand what stress is and how it can affect you and others? What are some of the causes of stress and how can stress bereduced? How do you develop your mentalwellbeing?
What isstress? To maintain positive mental wellbeing, we all need a certain amount of pressure tothrive. The right amount of pressure gives us energy, improves our confidence and allows us to feel and perform at ourbest. If the pressure becomes excessive, or alternatively is insufficient, this canlead to stress and have a negative impact on performance andhealth. Stress occurs when the perceived demands placed uponan individual exceed their perceived ability tocope.
Why is mental wellbeingimportant? 2017/2018 2015-2018 2017/2018 1 in6 74% 46% 1 in 6 workers will experience a mental health issue everyyear Increase in reported stress-relatedabsences at NetworkRail Of all mental health relatedOccupational Health referralswere recorded as work or part workrelated
How do you recognisestress? Discussion point 1 (10minutes) Think of a time that you have feltstressed. What signs and symptoms did youexperience and how did it make youfeel? In pairs, list asmany of these as youcan Think about howlong these feelingslasted What was thecauseand how did you manage to overcome the stress?
How do you recognisestress? Always look out for the signs and symptoms,not only in yourself, but in those aroundyou. Think about: Behaviours Mood andEmotions PhysicalChanges ThinkingStyle The next four slides aim to consolidate Discussion point 1 andtell you more about the above signs andsymptoms.
Behaviours often linked tostress Performanceproblems at work Tearful Avoidingplaces andpeople Isolation Strained homeand workrelationships Working longerhours Turning up tomeetings and worklate Irritability,aggression andoutbursts
Thinking styles often linked tostress Low mood andsadness Lack ofmotivation Helpless andhopeless No enjoyment inlife Lowself-esteem Anxious Tearful Worrying Guilt Suicidalthoughts/ self-harm Irritable andintolerant
Physical changes linked tostress Speakingmore slowly/quickly Headaches Moving more slowly/quickly Unexplainedaches andpains Stomachproblems Change to menstrualcycle Lack ofenergy Loss oflibido Skinproblems Disturbed sleeppattern Change inweight
Thinking style often linked tostress Increase in negativethoughts Confusedthinking Getting thingsout ofperspective Worryingexcessively Dwelling onproblems ormistakes Difficultymaking decisions
Common causes ofstress Discussion point 2 (10minutes) StepOne Being able to spot common signs and symptoms ofstress is an important firststep. StepTwo By understanding what can cause and contribute to stress, you can learn ways to manage stress more effectively and also look to create a positive culture of wellbeing at work. As a group, list as many causes of stress you can think of, including those from both inside and outside ofwork. Please proceed to the next slide where you will further consolidate your knowledge and understanding of the common causes.
Common causes ofstress Stress can be caused by many external influences that include both inside and outside of work problems. There are, however, internal influences that can contribute aswell. Being aware of these can help you identify potential causes and become a more resilientperson. Reflect on the list below as they are read out during thissession. Can you identify with any ofthese? • Some externalinfluences • Pressure to meet tightdeadlines • Challengingrelationships • Peer pressure • Financialworries • Commute towork • Work-lifebalance • Familydifficulties • Some internalinfluences • Setting standards toohigh • Trying to pleaseeveryone • Being afraid to say‘no’ • Never beingsatisfied • Always runningaround • Personalitycharacteristics • Pre-existing healthconditions
Recognising sources of workplacepressure Health and Safety ManagementStandards Aim to help both employers andemployees identify any potential risks at work. MentalWellbeing DiscussionTool A practical tool which looks at anyspecific demands made onemployees. The HSE have identified six main sourcesof work-relatedstress. It is used to identify causes, assessseverity of the risk and agree actions to reduce or eliminate the causes ofstress. Proceedto the next slide to find out more about the six main contributors to work-related stress and some potentialcontrols.
Six main sources of work-relatedstress Aim to promote a positive relationshipat work and tryto avoid conflict wherepossible. Ensure an understandingofa person’s roleand how it fits into the bigger picture. Ensure any demandsuchas workload, pattern and work environment are optimal. Consider how much controla personhasin the way theywork. Ensure there is adequate support, with appropriate resources,encouragement andsponsorship. Think about howchange is communicated and supportprovided.
Wellbeing DiscussionTool Discussion point 3 (2minutes) It is important to use the ‘Mental WellbeingDiscussion Tool’ at the first sign of stress symptoms, whether or not the causes arework-related. TheMentalWellbeing DiscussionTool will allow for a suitable action plan to be put in place which can include the necessary modifications and reasonable adjustments tohelp limit further progression of symptoms. This is to prevent rapid progression of symptoms, which in their ownrightcould lead to barriers, reduced wellbeing and preventing attendance atwork. Once finished, please proceed to the nextslide Please familiarise yourself with the printed copies of our new ‘Mental Wellbeing Discussion Tool’ to help consolidate the last twoslides.
Developing mentalwellbeing Taking steps to look after your mentalwellbeing can help you deal with pressure and reduce the impact stress has on your life. The ability to adapt and havestrategies to cope when something happens in your life isimportant. Each block below has some ideas to help you develop your mental wellbeing or assist in supporting others who may be suffering with signs and symptoms ofstress. Make some lifestylechanges Look afteryour physicalhealth Giveyourself abreak Use yoursupport network Please proceed to Discussion point4
Learning from eachother Discussion point 4 (5minutes) Everyone has their own ways of relaxing and dealing withpressure. In pairs, share your personal experience of what you currently do to relax and improve your mentalwellbeing. Please don’t worry if you have no techniques or tools to do this currently, as the next 5 slides will provide some areas forreflection. Once finished, please proceed to the next slide.
What lifestyle changes can youmake? Set realistic goals, prioritise and practisebeing assertivewithothers if demands are unrealistic andunachievable Make time for your friends andfamily Use relaxationtechniques such as having a bath, going for a walk, listening to music or practisingmindfulnessexercises Make use of flexible working andthereasonable adjustments policy Developyour interests andhobbies Do things that make youhappy
How do you look after your physicalhealth? Get good sleep - aim for 6-8hoursof unbrokensleep Eat a regularhealthy balanced diet with portioncontrol Be more physically active with a mixof cardiovascularand resistanceexercises Don’t smokeor takedrugs Drink alcoholsensibly and stayhydrated
How do you give yourself abreak? Reward yourself for achievements such as simply saying ‘welldone’ Resolve conflicts and speak to others aboutit Forgive yourself when you make a mistake or didn’t achievesomething. Remember nobody’sperfect Get a change ofscenery and give yourself abreak Take a break or holiday to help yourself feel refreshed. Don’t forget to not take your work with you on holiday.Try and switch offcompletely
Who and what is in your supportnetwork? Talking to family andfriends can make a bigdifference Ask to be referredto OccupationalHealth Ask for supportatworkby speaking toyour line manager,HR,union representative, and/or employeenetwork Find a talkingbuddy in yourteam Never forget tosee your GP as thereare treatments to help settle the symptoms of stressand prevent themworsening Call Validium, the Employee Assistance Programme,24 hoursper day on 0800 3584858
Share yourpledge Discussion point 5 (1minute) Please share in your group what is the one thing you willdo: To help support the mental wellbeing ofothers To help develop your own mentalwellbeing Once complete, please move to the last twoslides.
AnyQuestions Please contact: healthandwellness@networkrail.co.uk This mailbox is monitored by the central Health and Wellbeing team and all correspondence will be treated inconfidence