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Belgium and the Netherlands. Belgium and the Netherlands
1. Chapter 6Belgium and the Netherlands Steven B. Wolinetz
2. Belgium and the Netherlands Belgium and the Netherlands – similar or different?
History and institutions
Segmentation and its impact
Parties and the party systems
Governing and policy processes
Consensus democracy: sharing space
External dynamics
3. Belgium and the Netherlands – similar or different? Both are parliamentary democracies with fragmented multiparty systems
Less similar than they appear
Belgium is a consociational democracy
Netherlands is an ex-consociational democracy
4. History and Institutions Netherlands and Belgium united under Kingdom of the Netherlands (1815)
Belgium declared independence in 1830
Belgium industrialized earlier than the Netherlands
Post-WW2: both countries joined European and international organizations
Netherlands is a unitary state
Belgium has become a federal state
5. Segmentation and its impact Both Netherlands and Belgium characterized by pillarization/segmentation
Belgium divided into Catholic, Liberal and Socialist pillars
Netherlands divided into Calvinist, Catholic, Socialist and Liberal pillars
Divides managed through consociationalism
Belgian linguistic conflicts prevail
Clientelism ensures strong parties in Belgian state
6. Parties and the party system Both countries have complex multiparty systems
Both countries have proportional representation with low thresholds
Parties divide around religious cleavages, class/ideology cleavages
Rise of anti-immigration and anti-EU sentiment in Netherlands
Rise in electoral volatility
Coalition politics prevails
7. Governing and policy processes
Holding coalitions together requires tactical sensitivity
Ministers enjoy a large degree of autonomy in the Netherlands
In Belgium parties retain a greater degree of control over their ministers
8. Consensus democracy: sharing space National governments share space in both countries:
In the Netherlands, with para-public agencies and social partners
In Belgium, with regional governments
Consensual government; policy change is difficult and slow
Organized capitalism
The Netherlands is a consensus democracy
Belgium is a consociational and consensus democracy
Consensus democracy has prompted a rise in the populist right and anti-establishment parties
9. External dynamics
Both original members of the EU
Both historically pro-integration, in part as legacy of German invasion
Both economies highly dependent on trade
10. Conclusions Dutch citizens appear concerned with government’s governing ability
In Belgium there are concerns over the effectiveness of the police and justice system
Dutch have become more sceptical about EU