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Explicit and Implicit Cognition and Knowledge Department of Psychology Chao-Ming Cheng

General Introduction The Metacognition Approach to the Distinction Between Explicit and Implicit Cognition and Knowledge Explicit (Conscious) Cognition and KnowledgeConscious Non-Human Organisms? When Does Human Become Conscious? Language, Consciousness, and SchizophreniaImplicit (Unco

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Explicit and Implicit Cognition and Knowledge Department of Psychology Chao-Ming Cheng

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    7. Conscious Cognition and Control Intentional learning Conscious memory (e.g., recall, recognition) Conscious perception

    8. Unconscious Cognition and Control Reflexive behavior Instinctive behavior Visceral control Implicit perception (e.g., blind sight, agnosia, prosopagnosia) Subliminal perception Unconscious memory and Unconscious learning Incidental learning Latent learning Automatic processing of motor or cognitive skills

    9. ???????? ??(blindsight) (Weiskrantz et al., 1974; Weiskrantz, 1986,1990) e. g. Pateint D. B. ?????(visual agnosia)(Humphreys & Riddoch, 1987; 1993; Warrington, 1984; 1985) e. g. Patient G. L. Patient H. J. A. ?????(prosopagnosia)(Bauer, 1984) e. g. Patient L. F. ???(anterograde amnesia)(Warrington & Weiskrantz, 1970)

    26. Is language the key? PET studies on the task of verbal generation in superior temporal gyrus (STG) (Frith et al., 1995) Normal participants STG was activated by listening to spoken language, but inhibited during self-generated speech. Schizophrenic patients No such inhibition was recorded during PET scanning, suggesting that self-monitoring of speech signals is a key component of the disorder.

    27. Implications: Schizophrenia is a disorder of the interaction between the two hemispheres; there is a failure to establish unequivocal dominance. Normal inter-hemispheric integration: Inhibition of any awareness by the verbally expressive hemispheric consciousness that it actually receives and sends thoughts, intentions, and feelings from and to another consciousness. In schizophrenia this integration is disturbed with the result that the LH consciousness becomes aware of an influence from an “external” force, which in fact is the RH.

    37. Figure 10. Examples of Chinese characters, pseudocharacters, and noncharacters.

    45. Learning in the control of dynamic system (Berry & Broadbent, 1984) Task : Production of a stimulated sugar factory.

    46. Independent variable : Number of workers employed (W). Dependent variable: The amount of sugar produced (P) Pt = 2Wt - Pt – 1 + rt where t is the number of trial, rt is the random component at t. Task: Participants were required to choose the W in such a way that the production reached and maintain a prescribed target value.

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