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MO6 Lab Sampling Guidelines. See NSSH 631MO6 Guidelines are for production soil surveys onlyObjective to ensure cost-effective sampling and meaningful results, improve quality of soil survey. Analyses at the Project Office. CCE, pH run routinely on full pedon descriptionsOther analyses:Sieving
1. Lab Sampling Procedures Tom Hahn
Lakewood MLRA Office
Soil Scientist Workshop
March 17-19, 2009
2. MO6 Lab Sampling Guidelines See NSSH 631
MO6 Guidelines are for production soil surveys only
Objective to ensure cost-effective sampling and meaningful results, improve quality of soil survey
3. Analyses at the Project Office CCE, pH run routinely on full pedon descriptions
Other analyses:
Sieving for sand content
EC meters
Hydrometer particle-size distribution
4. Reference Sampling Allow staff to plot lines, and describe and classify soils with added confidence
Limited number of analyses, maybe not all horizons
Short turn-around time
No work plan needed
5. Characterization Sampling For important soils and where extensive soil property data needed
Entire pedon sampled
Standard suite of lab analyses
Work Plan required
Scheduled in advance
6. Planning Sample Collection Reference samples
Sample all horizons if more than a few analyses requested
Large scope reference samples
When number of analyses approaches complete characterization
Must be on approved map units
Must be modal or representative pedons
Follow complete characterization protocols
7. Approximate Lab Costs (1996) Reference Samples
Per sample - $50
Per pedon - $250
Characterization Samples
Per sample - $250 350
Per pedon - $1500 - 2100
8. Identifying numbers for field samples YR ST CCC 11 where:
YR = two-digit calendar year (not fiscal year)
ST = state FIPS code (e.g. CO, WY)
CCC = three digit county FIPS code (note this may not be the same as the soil survey area code)
11 = two-digit consecutive pedon number (first pedon sampled in county in that year is 01, etc.)
9. Procedure for Requesting Lab Analyses Characterization
Requested 1 yr in advance, through NSSC
Work Plan required well in advance
Requested through MO6 SDQS
Need pedon in NASIS
Complete Request form
10. Key NASIS Elements Must be Populated Site latitude and longitude coordinates, with datum name
Site Area Overlap (enter overlaps with legend, County, MLRA, and mapunit)
Pedon User Site ID
Pedon Horizon Sample Field Sample ID (the field sample number for the horizon, e.g. 07WY041001-01) (These numbers do not need to be consecutive - if horizons are skipped during sampling, there will be a skip in the horizon sample numbers)
DO NOT ENTER Pedon Horizon Sample Lab Sample # - this is a number assigned by the lab only (such as 08N00362)
Pedon Soil Name As Sampled
Pedon Taxonomic Class
Pedon PSC Top Depth
Pedon PSC Bottom Depth
DO NOT ENTER Pedon Lab Pedon # - this is a number assigned by the lab only (such as 08N00560)
11. Request Form
12. Common Physical Analyses Code Analysis name Common Taxonomic Applications
DbWR Bulk Density, Clod Andic materials
PSDA PSDA, Air-dry, <2 mm Particles Particle-size families
[special request: fine clay] Argillic horizon
[special request: carbonate clay] Particle-size families
WR15b Water Retention, 15 Bar, Isotic mineralogy,
Pressure-Plate, <2mm Particle-size if poorly dispersed
13. Common Chemical Analyses Code Analysis Name Common Taxonomic Applications
Carb Calcium Carbonate Equivalent, <2mm Calcic horizon; calculate % Org C
Carb2 Calcium Carbonate Equivalent, 2-20mm Carbonatic and gypsic mineralogy
CEC CEC and Cations, Routine CE Activity, base saturation,
Natric (Exch. Sodium (ESP))
EC Electrical Conduct. 1:20, <2 mm Salic horizon
Gyp2 Gypsum, <2mm Gypsic horizon
Gyp2_20 Gypsum, 2-20mm Gypsic mineralogy
NZPRe New Zealand Phosphorus Retention Andic materials
Oxal Acid Oxalate Extract Andic materials, spodic materials
pHNaF pH, NaF Isotic mineralogy, andic materials
pHRou pH, Routine
SatP Saturated Paste and Soluble Salts Natric horizon, SAR
TotC Carbon, Total Mollic epipedon, spodic materials, Fluventic features