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math standards-you re teaching them- does anyone know

Why Did We Take On This Project?. Trouble retaining studentsFalling behind in math creditsWhen we started, students needed to pass the BST math testInstructor were already teaching math, didn't realize how it related to the students math classes. What Did We Do How Did We Accomplish It?. Started over 3 years ago in Auto Technician (Summer of 2007)With Auto Tech teacher, we went through the state math standardsErick explained the math standards and Pete(auto tech teacher) gave e9459

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math standards-you re teaching them- does anyone know

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    1. Math Standards-You’re Teaching Them- Does Anyone Know?

    2. Why Did We Take On This Project? Trouble retaining students Falling behind in math credits When we started, students needed to pass the BST math test Instructor were already teaching math, didn’t realize how it related to the students math classes

    3. What Did We DoHow Did We Accomplish It? Started over 3 years ago in Auto Technician (Summer of 2007) With Auto Tech teacher, we went through the state math standards Erick explained the math standards and Pete(auto tech teacher) gave examples from the world of automotive

    4. Initial Step

    5. Curriculum Sheet with Math Standards NORTHEAST METRO CAREER & TECHNICAL CENTER Career and Technical Academic Standards and Benchmarks Program: Automotive Technology Course: Brakes (AUST 100) Course Description: This course covers basic automotive brake system theory including hydraulic systems, drum brakes and disk brake systems. Student will learn to diagnose brake systems, machine brake drums and rotors, remove and replace drum and disc brake system parts, and overhaul brake cylinders and calipers and the understanding of micrometer parts and readings. Students will learn automotive tools, shop equipment, and basic safety procedures. Academic Standards and Benchmarks: The student will: Standard 1.0: Investigate career opportunities and career paths within the automotive industry. Explain the roles and functions of individuals engaged in the automotive industry. Investigate employment opportunities and five-year career outlook. Standard 2.0: Identify and apply ethical and safe practices used in the automotive industry. Describe shop safety rules. Wear safety glasses when in lab. Demonstrate safe and courteous behavior at all times. Standard 3.0: Demonstrate a positive work ethic and employability skills required in the automotive industry. Work as a team member in shop. Develop and demonstrate time management. Demonstrate safe and courteous behavior at all times. Standard 4.0: Properly test, diagnose, service, and repair general brake systems. Complete work order to include customer information, vehicle identifying information, customer concern, related service history, cause, and correction. 9412,9431,8248,9422 Identify and interpret brake system concern; determine necessary action. 8241,8324,9411 Research applicable vehicle and service information, such as brake system operation, vehicle service history, service precautions, and technical service bulletins.,9422,9438 Locate and interpret vehicle and major component identification numbers (VIN, vehicle certification labels, calibration decals). Standard 5.0: Properly test, diagnose, service, and repair hydraulic systems. Diagnose pressure concerns in the brake system using hydraulic principles (Pascal's Law). 9421,9422,9218,9242,,9221,9222,8211,9212,8241,9212,9423,9431,9438

    6. Who’s next? Deanne DeGraff sent out an email, “Does anyone else think they cover enough math to earn a math credit?” Over 2 years we’ve working with Design, Cosmetology, and Construction.

    7. Why Did Instructors Sign Up? Some to increase enrollment Knew the math was important They were teaching math anyway Students struggled with math

    8. Started with Blank Math Standards

    9. Example of Construction Math Standards with Examples

    10. All Other Programs Completed

    11. Setbacks / Silver Lining Our initial goal was to get a math credit Found out requirements, talked to member districts

    12. Transition from BST to GRAD When first started project, the test to pass was BST Then the GRAD test came along, and required an “intervention” to take the test again All programs covered a lot of areas of the GRAD test ?

    13. Two-Pronged Approach to GRAD Intervention (‘09- ‘10) Targeted Computer Based Intervention 2x/ week E2020 A+dvancer Integrated Curriculum

    14. Need Validation Needed validation for intervention Contextualized pre/post test for 4 programs

    15. Results of Pre/Post Tests ’09 - ‘10

    16. Expansion for ‘10 – ‘11 Perkins grant for full-time math coach Include more programs Shift focus from GRAD GRAD and Accuplacer

    17. Expansion for ‘10 – ‘11 VICTORY – Vocab to Integrate in Coursework Together Yearlong 29 Generic SMARTBoard Lessons All programs take sample Accuplacer instead of contextualized math tests

    18. Challenges Changing the Culture Validation

    19. Response From Member Districts Over half of our 10 districts currently consider Connie’s Design & Interactive Media class an GRAD math intervention

    20. Math by Design: Immersion Strategies for Visual Learners Visual hooks and daily practice help students retain the math they need to know.

    21. Background The problem The standards Pre and post test using design problems The math book The problems by test by strand

    28. Problemsolving First 20 minutes of the day Group activities Some math, some design, some drawing, some creativity Link to Connie’s blog for creativity exercises:http://demillodesign.com/wordpress/?page_id=125

    29. Sketchbook Daily practice in drawing.

    32. Scaled self portrait

    33. Orthographic Projection

    36. Shadows in Perspective Movies showing how to shade in perspective: http://www.ehow.com/video_4412111_drawing-two_point-perspective-drawing-shading.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp4ykackWDo

    38. Sustainable Design Katrina Cottage Plans: http://www.cusatocottages.com/selectaplan.php#

    39. Dream Room Project Measure your room or imagine the size of the room of your dreams Go online and furnish your room with everything you want. Take screenshots and total costs in a Google docs spreadsheet Draw your blueprint Draw your room in one or two point perspective

    40. Online Graphic Design Resource Collection of drafting exercises:http://www.technologystudent.com/designpro/drawdex.htm

    43. Fibonacci Pattern

    44. Online Design Basics Resource The best design basics book I have ever found:http://www.gdbasics.com

    45. Illustrator projects

    46. Adobe Illustrator

    50. Graphs in Illustrator

    52. Data

    53. Online Data Sources http://socialnomics.net/2009/08/11/statistics-show-social-media-is-bigger-than-you-think/ http://www.nemetro.k12.mn.us/202320102115343720/links/browse.asp?A=370&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&C=56355 http://www.flickr.com/photos/91884218@N00/3108768440/in/pool-songchart http://www.rsc-northwest.ac.uk/acl/eMagArchive/RSCeMags2007/July07/012eMagazine/C__Documents%20and%20Settings_dalzielj.LANCS_My%20Documents_eXe_eBooks_eMagazines_September06_InternetPeriodicTable.jpg

    54. Algebra

    56. Package Design

    58. Photoshop

    59. Photoshop Bit depth:http://livedocs.adobe.com/en_US/Photoshop/10.0/help.html?content=WSfd1234e1c4b69f30ea53e41001031ab64-73da.html Image size and resolution:http://livedocs.adobe.com/en_US/Photoshop/10.0/help.html?content=WSfd1234e1c4b69f30ea53e41001031ab64-73da.html

    60. Flash

    61. Web Design

    62. Enterpreneurship Research a career, find median salary What education do you need for this career? Compare the costs of schools you can attend Make a spreadsheet that compares your dream studio costs with the bare bones you need to run your biz Design a logo and print business stationery Spreadsheet the costs of living alone versus with roommates Find networking events, information interviews, job shadows, internships Volunteer in your chosen career field Make a list of people you know

    63. How to Grow Rich Stock market game Simple and compound interest Autosave 10% of income Down payment on a house Cost of a car Education debt Credit card debt Benefits at work Compare money market, CD, IRA, mutual fund, bonds, other vehicles Diversify

    64. connie@demillodesign.com

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