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Initiatives for Decentralised Planning by PRI in West Bengal. 3-TIER SYSTEM OF PRIs IN WB. Zilla Parishad (ZP) Avg.pop 3.2m . Panchayat Samiti (PS) Avg. pop 0.17m. Gram Panchayat (GP) Avg. pop 17000 . Gram Sansad. Gram Sansad. Gram Sansad . Gram Sansad .
Initiatives for Decentralised Planning by PRI in West Bengal
3-TIER SYSTEM OF PRIs IN WB Zilla Parishad (ZP) Avg.pop 3.2m Panchayat Samiti (PS) Avg. pop 0.17m Gram Panchayat (GP) Avg. pop 17000 Gram Sansad Gram Sansad Gram Sansad Gram Sansad
GPs were provided with Map based pictorial statistics of 17 important indicators related to 13 areas of development & comparative position within the Block & District after election in 2008 Planning was one of the topic covered in one week residential training of all PRI functionaries An annual exercise of score based self-evaluation of progress made & status of delivery of services is done by every panchayat – to show the gaps to be covered Every GP also has the household survey data in their computer which shows the socio-economic status of the population The Road Map for PRI has been communicated to all the PRIs to get a broad vision Visioning for Planning 5
Example of a Map on Status of Education DISTRICT: SOUTH 24-PARGANAS More than 50% % of Women Education 40% - 50% South 24-Parganas : 47.20% Less than 40%
Example of a Map on Status of Public Health DISTRICT: SOUTH 24-PARGANAS Less than 44% % of Malnourished Children 44% - 50% South 24-Parganas : 47.84% More than 40%
GP Baseline Data (2007-08) in 11 BRGF districts forming the basis of annual GP plans - followed up by annual updation at the time of planning exercise Resources that will be available to the PRI is communicated before the start of the year The Committee on Finance & Planning allocates the same for each Standing Committee to draw out their plans & budget is also prepared for each such committee District sector budget of the line departments are generally not available – discussed later in Standing Com’ Own resources & people’s contribution are included Thus the planning is restricted to what PRI may do with resources under their direct control Visioning & Resources for Planning 8
The Planning process starts at the habitation level The process is facilitated by a team called GPFT – for which around 6 to 8 volunteers are drawn from the locality The entry point is preparation of resource map – both social & natural in a participatory mode and use of simple PRA tools The process identifies the priority of schemes in different sectors for each Gram Sansad and is aggregated at GP level Labour budget for NREGA is also worked out for each Sansad for integrating the same with the plan It also identifies activities with little or no cost to be carried out at the Sansad level based on principles of subsidiarity People Centred Bottom Up Planning 9
Collection of relevant data from each household, through neighbourhood level interactions and intense participation, more as a tool for learning & empowerment Analysis of problems, resources & potentials by communities at Gram Sansad level Prioritisation of action points based on needs & resources Preparation of Annual Action Plan The entire process takes around six months to complete & requires one professional for providing support to around every 7-8 GPs Such plans are being prepared in 1050 out of total 3351 GPs of the state & the remaining GPs will be covered by the end of the 11th Plan period Facilitation for Planning 14
Informal Disadvantaged Groups Gram Panchayat as a Body Sub-Committee for Finance & Planning Sub-Committee Education & Public Health Sub-Committee Women & Child Development Sub-Committee Agriculture & Animal Resources Dev Sub-Committee Industry & Infrastructure Gram Panchayat Gram Unnayan Samiti Functional Committee Education Functional Committee Public Health & Nutrition Functional Committee Women & Child Development Functional Committee Agriculture & Allied Functional Committee Infrastructure & Others Gram Sansad Representatives Neighbourhoods CSOs SHG SHG SHG SHG Neighbourhood Other VLIs SHG SHG SHG SHG VILLAGERS SHG VILLAGERS VILLAGERS Principal Actors in Gram Panchayat Planning
Sectors of GS Plan & GP Plan Education Women & Child Development Public Health Miscellaneous & Other Infrastructure Agriculture & Allied Industries
Two-Tier Gram Panchayat Plan Gram Panchayat Level Activity Plan Gram Sansad Plans
Krishi O Pranisampad Bikas Upa-Samiti Plan Artha O Parikalpana Upa-Samiti Plan Nari, Sishu Unnayan O Samaj-kalyan US Plan Siksha O Janaswasthya Upa-Samiti Plan Shilpa O Parikathamo Upa-Samiti Plan Structure of GS Plan Based Upa-Samiti Plan Based GP Plan Gram Panchayat Level Activity Plan Gram Sansad Plans
Peer appraisal of GP Plans – one GP apprising plans of another – more for learning Approval of GS Plan by Gram Sansad/ overall GP Plan by Gram Sabha No permission of higher tier or govt necessary However, vetting of engineering schemes are to be done appropriately Implementation of GS level activities mostly by SHGs/GUS with community contribution (around 20%) in the form of labour, materials & cash Implementation of GP level activities by the GP with help of Gram Unnayan Samiti / SHGs Salient features are displayed for public view Appraisal of the Plans 19
Locally made ready to eat baby food for supplementary nutrition
Planning Process in Other GPs • Planning process starts with direct interaction between GP and electors twice a year – November & May – at Gram Sansad (village parliament) • Data source: Self-Evaluation data, Census data, Rural Household Survey data, data from line departments, baseline data being collected by GP with support from BRGF • Gram Panchayats Plans are prepared sub-committee-wise • Gram Panchayats Plans are approved by Gram Sabha
An initiative has been taken to prepare GIS Maps of all GPs to assist area planning & convergence The outline of GP boundary worked out using Thana map The PMGSY Core Network has been ported on the maps (99% completed) All public utilities have been captured using hand held GPS and shown in the Map (72% completed) The natural features seen from satellite have been superimposed on the Maps to locate habitations, water bodies, forests etc (65% over) The Maps are available in different layers and GPS & software is going to be provided up to Block level for capturing new data and updation Map Based Area Planning 25
GP Map showing Service Delivery Institutions, PMGSY Core Network and Habitations
Major Data Sources for PS/ZP Planning • Consolidated primary data from GP plans • Rural Household Survey data, compiled for Block & District levels • Data from Self-Evaluation exercise by PS/ZP, forming the basis of baseline • Baseline data being collected by each PS/ZP in the context of BRGF • Secondary data from Censuses, line department offices etc.
Process of Planning at PS & ZP Levels • Standing Committee wise plans • External facilitators to provide capacity building and technical support to PS & ZP level planners • Appraisal of plans by external teams • Validation of plans at Block Sansad / Zilla Sansad meetings before integration into draft District Plan
2. Janasasthaya O Paribesh 1. Artha, Sanstha, Unnayan O Parikalpana 3. Purta Karya O Paribahan 10. Khudra Shilpa, Bidyut O Achiracharit Shakti 9. Khadya O Sarabarha 4. Krishi Sech O Samabaya 8. Matsya O Prani Sampad Bikash 5. Shiksa, Sanskriti, Tathya O Krira 7. Bon O Bhumi Sanskar 6. Shisu O Nari Unnayan, Janakalyan O Tran Sthayee Samiti Plan Based Panchayat Samiti/Zilla Parishad Plan
Integrated Panchayat Planning for Overall Development District Panchayat Plan Plans of Municipalities Plans of different district-level line-departments Based on Integrated Upa-Samiti Plans Based on Sthayee Samiti plans • Zilla Parishad Plan • Panchayat Samiti Plan • Gram Panchayat Plan • Gram Sansad Plan ÙÛ¡u£ p¢j¢af¢lLÒfe¡ ¢i¢šL f¢lLÒfe¡
VISION OF INTEGRATED BOTTOM-UP PLANNINGFROM GRAM SANSAD TO STATE LEVEL State Plan To include State level plan activities, taking into consideration the proposals forwarded by Zilla Parishad / District Planning Commitee To Include: District level plan activities taking into consideration the proposals forwarded by Panchayat Samiti District / Zilla Parishad Plan To propose for consideration in State Plan : Activities that cannot be undertaken at ZP level due to technical or jurisdiction reason To Include: Blockt level plan activities taking into consideration the proposals forwarded by Gram Panchayat Block / Panchayat Samiti Plan To propose for consideration in District / ZP Plan : Activities that cannot be undertaken at PS level due to technical or jurisdiction reason Gram Panchayat Plan To Include: Gram Panchayat level plan activities taking into consideration the proposals forwarded by Gram Sansads To propose for consideration in PS Plan : Activities that cannot be undertaken at GP level due to technical or jurisdiction reason Gram Sansad Plan To Include: Gram Sansad level plan activities To propose for consideration in GP Plan : Activities that cannot be undertaken at GS level due to technical or jurisdiction reason