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Why did Richard not able to jell with local conditions

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Why did Richard not able to jell with local conditions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Marketing Management

  2. Marketing Management Q1.Why did Richard not able to jell with local conditions? Q2.If you were Richard ,What would you do Q3.Explain how you will methodically go about compiling the requested information covered in the seven questions for management. Include in your explanation an estimate of the expense involved in obtaining the information.

  3. Q4.Develop a 10-question questionnaire for the purpose of making a survey. Q5.Describe the consumer behavior differences among laundry products’ customers in Brazil. What market segments exists? Q6.Should Unilever bring out a new brand or use one of its existing brands to target the north-eastern Brazilian market? Q7.How should the brand be positioned in the marketplace and within the Unilever family of brands?

  4. Q8.How does Ryanair’s pricing strategy account for its successful performance to date? Would you suggest any changes to Ryanair’ pricing approach? Why/why not? Q9.Is the ‘no-fares’ strategy a useful approach for Ryanair in the short term? In the long term? Q10.Do the issues facing Ryanair threaten its low-fares model?

  5. Q11.Why did LEGO encounter serious economic difficulties in the late 1990s? Q12.Conduct a SWOT analysis of LEGO and identify the company’s main sources of advantage. Q13.Critically evaluate the LEGO turnaround strategy.

  6. Global Study Solutions Dr. Aravind Banakar aravind.banakar@gmail.com www.mbacasestudyanswers.com 9901366442 – 9902787224

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