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While both lead generation agencies and in-house teams have their own benefits, we compare the advantages and shortcomings of both on some common parameters.
Introduction • The big question for organizations today is whether to outsource their sales to lead generation companies or invest in an In-house sales team as their business relies on sales and sales on most parts relies on leads. • But should an organization go for third party lead generation companies? As both in-house and outsourced teams have their own pros and cons it all comes down to the approach the business owner wants to follow. • It is often difficult to gain leads, if you have the budget to spare on the training and retaining employees, and like the convenience of having sales professionals, businesses can go in-house. • But when it is coming to the point when your company requires more leads, you might need to outsource the right lead generation specialist.
Leveraging According To Business Model • Companies who have the capacity and budget to take on more staff can benefit from outsourcing and it can be their best decision. • Even if the businesses who already have an in-house lead generation team can get additional support from the added clout that comes from working with multi-skilled agencies. • When it comes to cost benefit and in terms of skills they can easily access the benefits of outsourcing for a comparatively small investment.
Industry Focused Lead Generation • You will need to have a specific lead generation agency working within your defined industry and audience. • When sales are outsourced you can easily tap into specific markets, create a database of prospects and also handle the customer-base. They will already have the knowledge and expertise in your market and will help you gain leads more efficiently. • When opting for in-house getting the right team can be expensive and to successfully make your place in the market hiring inexperienced reps won’t do, you will need a robust team.
Need For Wide Range Of Skill Set • Depending on your company’s sales strategy, your business might require several different services like web development, social media marketing, SEO, email marketing and what not. • When you want access to several different skill sets you can blindly trust an agency as your fees will go to the best expert working for your company. • When hiring in-house you have to hire each person designated to do a specific work as it is not possible to have one person filling many hats. • Naturally, lead generation agencies are already equipped with knowledgeable professionals who know it all and are specialized in all the areas of sales and marketing.
Staying Ahead Of Competitors • You have probably heard that sales and lead generation tactics might work once or twice but won’t be effective if repeated again and again as competition is really tough. • When you are working with an in-house team it can be difficult to stay on top as they are constantly working to get the next campaign out or generate leads. • The in-house team does not have much time to optimize their approach for better performance. • On the other hand, agencies stay on top of all the latest trends and best practices- most of which simply are not within reach for in-house sales teams.
Access To Tools And Platforms • Your in-house team would feel the pressure to excel and try to make things happen without knowing if that would be fruitful or will take them closer to their goals. • When it comes to leveraging technology it can be expensive to invest dollars and the time it takes for the training. • As a business you will have revenue goals but won’t have the proper tools and platform to meet those goals, in that case, you don’t have to think about the time consuming and expensive process if you work with an agency.