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Lipids/ fatty acids and glycerol. Natalia-Tea-Olivia. Structure and function . Oils are a liquid fat. Lipids contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. A fat = large lipid made from two kinds of similar molecules: glycerol and fatty acids
Lipids/ fatty acids and glycerol Natalia-Tea-Olivia
Structure and function • Oils are a liquid fat. • Lipids contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. • A fat = large lipid made from two kinds of similar molecules: glycerol and fatty acids • All lipids are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents • important for - cell membranes, hormones, energy storage molecules, thermal insulation, mechanical protection, electrical isolation of nerves and buoyancy.
Fats • Fats are solids at room temperature • Saturated fats: all available bonds are occupied by hydrogen • most animal fats are saturated
Oils • Oils are liquids at roomtemperature • Oils occur naturally in plant tissue • In the Oil class there is also satured fats • Coconut and palm oil are two saturated vegetable oils.
Types of lipids • 1-Steroids 4 carbon rings with different side chains • 2-Phosoplipids Same as triglycerides except one group of fatty acids are swapped with a phosphate group • 3-Triglycerides Most common, 3 fatty acids and one glycerol molecules connected by a ester bond
Triglycerides Or Neutral Fats • The properties • determined by constituent fatty acids • Dehydration synthesis occurs between the hydroxyl group of the glycerol molecule and the carboxyl groups of the fatty acid molecule producing an ester • Main function: ENERGY STORE • Stored in adipose tissue • Provide insulation (prevent heat loss) and provide protection around organs.
TriglyceridesOr Neutral Fats • Glycerides are lipidesters • A triglyceride places fattyacidchains at each alcohol group of theglicerol • An ester of glycerol with three fatty acids. • Also known as triacylglycerols • One type of lipid categorised as simple lipid
Phospholipids • Similar to triglycerides One fatty acid replaced by a phosphate group which often have other groups attached • One fatty acid is saturated and the other is Unsaturated! • Phospholipid has two distinct ends -hydrophilic head- LIKES WATER -hydrophobic tail- HATES WATER
Phospholipids • This property causes phospholipids to spontaneously form Bilayer • Bilayer: Afilm two molecules thick in which each molecule is arranged with its hydrophobic end directed inward toward the opposite side of the film and its hydrophilic end directed outward. • The function of phospholipids is: • Being an essential component of cells and organelle membranes • Component of lung surfactant
Steroids • Steroidshave a more complicatedstructurethantheothertwotypes of lipids. • Allsteroidshavethesame fundamental skeleton: Fourrings of carbonatomsjoinedtogethertoform a single unit. • Steroidsare hormones thathavepowerfuleffectsonthebody. • Forexample: testosterone,estrogen,progesterone, holesterol • Itserves as a structuralcomponent in bodytissues. • Italsoserves as theraw material fromwhichthebodymakesothersteroids, such as testosterone.
Glycerol • Is a type of alcohol with a hydroxyl group on each of its three carbons • Glycerol is a simple polyol compound. • It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is widely used in pharmaceutical formulations. • Glycerol has three hydroxyl groups that are responsible for its solubility in water and its hygroscopic nature. • Soluble in water
Diseases and Mutations • Specific types and amounts of enzymes are required for the body to be able to balance storage and breakdown of fats. • Imbalances or abnormal production of these enzymes can lead to an accumulation of fats that can damage many organs in the body.
Diseases and Mutations • These are some of the disease caused by this imbalance • GAUCHER'S DISEASE: is a rare, inherited disorder in which you do not have enough of an enzyme called glucocerebrosidase. • This causes too much of a fatty substance to build up in your spleen, liver, lungs, bones and, sometimes, your brain.
Diseases and mutations • TAY-SACHS : disease is a rare, inherited disorder. It causes too much of a fatty substance to build up in the brain. This buildup destroys nerve cells, causing mental and physical problems. OTHER ONES ARE: • NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE • FABRY'S DISEASE • FATTY ACID OXIDATION DISORDERS • MCAD DEFICIENCY
Bibliography • http://www.merckmanuals.com/home/print/childrens_health_issues/hereditary_metabolic_disorders/disorders_of_lipid_metabolism.html • http://vsearch.nlm.nih.gov/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3Aproject=medlineplus&query=LIPID+OXIDATION+DISORDER%3A&x=-1110&y=-97 • http://www.slideshare.net/search/slideshow?searchfrom=header&q=lipids • http://www.slideshare.net/GretaSuperTramp/glycerol-biotech-productions • http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.aspx?ID=2099 • http://www.ehow.com/list_7266302_three-different-types-lipids.html • http://www.slideshare.net/teer_sourya/lipids-and-fats-2-office98-2003-show • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lrG65DdBl8