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THE GAY MARKETING. Avice Mathieu Lacroix Marguerite Martin Damien. THE GAY MARKETING. PLAN: Introduction A community that asserts itself more and more Community profile: the “dinks” No more hiding: gay pride Pressure group A community that attracts market Advertisements, press…
THE GAY MARKETING Avice Mathieu Lacroix Marguerite Martin Damien
THE GAY MARKETING PLAN: • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • Community profile: the “dinks” • No more hiding: gay pride • Pressure group • A community that attracts market • Advertisements, press… • Internet, Magazine tv • Conclusion
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion We speak a lot about the community marketing and about the potential which it represents, but we speak less often about a target very appreciated by a lot of announcers: GAYS. In USA: the“Dream market” phenomenon In Great Britain: “Pink Pound” phenomenon 3
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Indeed, if the homosexual community seems heterogeneous and difficult to measure, it is a fact, numerous brands crossed the cape and have targeted this community for some years. 4
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • Community’s profile: France: 8% of the global population. 85% of men. Source: Distiforce.net 5
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • Community’s profile: USA: 10 % of the total population was either exclusively homosexual or frenquently engaged in gay sex (Knisey Institute – 1948). If that estimation is accurate today, the American gay population may count 25 million people. Source: New York Times - 2004 6
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • Community’s profile: 40 % live in couple and are a part of Dink’s • How old are they ? • Round 30 Years Old • How much do they earn ? • 24 000 euros 32 % of gays are executives or exercise a liberal profession (against 15,6 % for the total of men) Source: Spira Rapport 1992 – l’Expansion 10/07/1995 7
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • Community’s profile: This community is an urban population: How many percent are they ? From 70% to 86% of them live in big cities, sometimes in a whole quarter, like The Marais in Paris or Greenwich in New York. Sources: New York Times 8
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion No more hiding: gay pride Every year in June, gays from all over the world demonstrate in big towns to celebrate their pride of being gays and lesbians 9
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • No More Hiding : gay Pride • History June 1969 : police raid routine in a gay bar of N.Y : The Stonewall Inn. Supervision, control, and repression of homosexuals was usual at this time and seemed to be accepted by people, even the victims. But this day, gays raised against the police. 10
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • No More Hiding : gay Pride • History It becomes a riot during two days. 400 policemen, and 2 or 3 thousands of homosexuals faced each other. Source: Wikipedia 11
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • No More Hiding : gay Pride • History One month later, in N.Y. is created the Gay Liberation Front which will spread all over the country. The year later 5 thousands people walked in procession to begin this riot. Source: Wikipedia 12
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Canada: 1981, on February 5th 304 persons are arrested in various saunas at Toronto, the names of the accused being published in the press. Then demonstrations took place in the city, and on June 28th, the first gay pride of the city takes place. Source: Wikipedia 13
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Demonstration in other American cities, and then everywhere in the whole world like in Europe : London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Barcelona… 14
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion GAY PRIDE in Paris gathered about 800 000 sympathizers in 2006 (600 000 according to the police headquarters of Paris) against 550 000 in 2005, and 50 000 in 1996. 15
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion 75% of questioned gays, have made their coming out. 74% of gays have estimated that homosexuality is not a brake to get promoted at work. 80% of homosexuals could boycott a firm if it had homophobic attitude… Source: web site Fosfoo- 2004 16
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Pressure groups:“ fight for the right of indifference first”. Today more and more groups are created in big firms, public and private ones, to think, militate or simply cooperate 17
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion The PACS, adoption, and coming out of lots of celebrities and politics, the desire of being visible, and not to feel ashame, like the approbation of their look or culture by straight people… All of the above are a proof of the influence of the Gay community. Whether it’s in fashion, in music, in advertisements, or even in medias, the gay community is well represented on the market. 18
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that assert themselves more and more • A community that attract market • Conclusion In France mentalities have evolved: PACS Source: SOFRES 19
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion “ Is homosexuality a decent way to live our sexuality?” Source: SOFRES 20
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Target for the market: Purchasing power: France USA ~3 to 4 billion euros ~450 billion dollars 21
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Target of the market: Particularity of the population • Difficult to convince. • Exacting • Can dislog and do the spade-work on new trends 22
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion In France: Dior, La Maïf, Renault, L’Oréal… lots of firms launch regularly on the market, products which are first designed for homosexuals and single persons, then for straight people 23
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • Advertisements: Homosexuality is neither a taboo, nor a society problem. The dream market has permit a lot of brands to gain modernity. In the United States, advertisers don’t hesitate to target directly this population, whereas in France, they try to choke. 24
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • More and more sexed advertisements: 25
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion The sells of SUV Subaru, exploded with the add with Martina Navratilova with a furniture remover look Source: gay website - 2004 26
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Are army and church the two last institutions that aren’t open to gay humour? Industrials have less scruples… Minute Maid 27
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion France: Adds are “ laïque”, neutral, and don’t recognize minorities. Our culture targets the maximum amount of persons. If they differentiate it will be taken as segregation. Consequently, homosexuality in French addsis limited: References to this community, or cabaret humour. 28
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • 1980: Eram where boys were wearing dresses and girls were wearing pants!! • It’s obvious that the gay spirit, the taste of immediate modernity are trendy. The gays have inspired the art, the fashion. 29
THE GAY MARKETING Luxury products: Transgression, phantasm: from Gucci to Vuitton…they have passed from allusive to explicit • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion 30
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Triolisme, gay, lesbians, sadomasochism. The principle of the fashion and adds is to transgress taboos. 31
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion 32
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • Main sectors: News papers: USA: 160 gay weeklies, biweeklies, monthlies and quarterlies devoted to local events and news. Source: www.innewsweekly.com 33
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • Examples: Puhleeze! launched in may 2007. Aimed at gay audiences, they expect to attract heterosexual readers as well. Moreover, recent arrivals, like Genre and NYQ magazines, seem to be growing… 34
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • In France: • “Têtu”: Launched and financed by Yves Saint Laurent, Pierre Berger. For the first time, a homosexual magazine obtains in its pages a budget of non-specialized announcers: dressmakers, stylists, operators of telephone, Internet service providers, perfumers, brands of mineral water, etc. . Certain advertisements of non-specialized announcers are exclusively sent to the homosexual population. 35
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • The places to be (restaurants, bars, clubs): The main anouncers are brands of alcohol, for example brands of beers: USA: Brand Of Wild Great Britain: 1664 became a brand gay friendly France: Kronenbourg has sponsored the Gay Pride in 1997 36
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • Another example: Absolut Vodka, owes its entrance, ten years ago, on the American market thanks to Andy Wharol. Made agreaments with Banana Cofee, at les Halles in Paris and the trendy gay night club Queen in Champs Elysées. 37
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Many places of gay - friendly releases don’t hesitate anymore to put " rainbow flag “ stickers on their shop windows to attract the gay clients. 38
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Cultural Products They are said to be: • more cultivated than the average • consumers of lots of cultural products or entertainments In France, the site Adventice.com is the leader of the targeted sales. Fnac is a regular announcer of Radio FG 39
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Tourism: Gay’s tour operators: France: 68 % of the gays travelled abroad in twelve months Source: Bonnet- Sourys prospective ( 1996) 40
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Attitude Travel and Gay Journeys propose gay – friendly destinations (San Francisco, Key West, Sidney, Rio, Mykonos, Ibiza). SNCF has proposed the reduction“ Discovered for two” implicitly aimed at gays. 41
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion USA: The Med Club rents to the tour operator Atlantis its villages for weeks exclusively gays, even its sailboat Med One club for cruises gays. 42
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion The American Airline companies are big announcers in the gay specialist publications. They have created: 43
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • The favorites destinations of gays and lesbian from all over the world Community Marketing, Inc - 2005 25 % of 4.000 gays and lesbians having participated in this study 44
THE GAY MARKETING Community Marketing, Inc - 2005 25 % of 4.000 gays and lesbians having participated in this study Introduction A community that asserts itself more and more A community that attracts market Conclusion 45
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion Community Marketing, Inc - 2005 25 % of 4.000 gays and lesbians having participated in this study 46
THE GAY MARKETING Financial services: United States, "Rainbow Card" exists for common accounts. • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion 47
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • Financial services: France, 46 % of the homosexuals would be ready to change bank for a gay – friendly one Source:Gay.com -January, 2002. 48
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion The health / beauty: Whether they are the brands of condoms or cosmetics, this sector is the second announcer. Perfumes are crossed bosses in the openly gay advertising or crypto-gay ( the male aestheticism). 49
THE GAY MARKETING • Introduction • A community that asserts itself more and more • A community that attracts market • Conclusion • Internet: We onsider that gays are among the most numerous and best equipped Internet users: the US In 2003: 80% declared surfing regularly In France, with an identical percentage, the big community sites record 5 000 new users every day 50