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. BRIEFING ON WOMEN'S POLICE STATIONSOctober 24, 2007. Topics in the presentation. IntroductionHistoryVisionWorking methodologyOrganizational structureJurisdictionResourcesAchievementsHindrances in achieving objectivesRecommendations . Introduction. NameRank PostingWorking experien

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Presentation Transcript

    1. ISLAMIC POLICE WOMEN CONTRIBUTING TO A SECURE FUTURE Presented by Ms. Nighat Haider Deputy Superintended of Police Islamabad, Pakistan


    3. Topics in the presentation Introduction History Vision Working methodology Organizational structure Jurisdiction Resources Achievements Hindrances in achieving objectives Recommendations

    4. Introduction Name Rank Posting Working experience Areas Ms. Nighat Haider Sub- Divisional Police Officer Islamabad Joined women police in 1980 and worked in various critical positions Traffic, Special Branch, Complaint Cell, Male police station

    5. History of a women’s police station Established on 15th June 1994 by notification of the Federal Government Situated in Sector G-7 Markaz, Sitara Market, Islamabad It is the only police station for women in the Capital Other police stations were set up in other big cities of Pakistan

    6. Vision To safeguard the human rights of women To investigate and prevent crimes To resolve conflicts and issues that affect women adversely To provide special services to society with a special focus on women Making arraements for providing shelters to women

    7. Working methodology

    8. Organizational structure of police

    9. Jurisdiction Jusrisdiction of the women’s police station is the whole area of Islamabad

    10. Islamabad at a glance 1998 Census 2006 (estimated) Average growth rate Urban population Rural population Circle/Sub divisions Police stations 805,235 1,270,000 5.19% 65.7% 34.3% 06 15

    11. Islamabad at a glance Area Density Male literacy rate Female literacy rate Housing units Source: Population Census Organization Islamabad 906 sq. km. 889 persons/ sq. km 80.6% 62.4% 128,753

    12. Resources Human resources Arms and ammunition Anti-riot equipment Transport Communication system Technological resources

    13. Details of strength at the women’s police station

    14. Arms and Ammunition

    15. Anti-Riot Equipment

    16. Transport Only one vehicle is available The vehicle is a pick-up truck

    17. Communications

    18. Technological Resources Five computers are available One operator is providing perpetual training in Microsoft Office

    19. Achievements Comparative Crime Statement Preventive actions taken for miscellaneous issues Resolving issues of deserted/abandoned women Details of complaints

    20. Comparative Crime Statement: Crime Registered

    21. Detailed Crime Statement

    22. Details of preventive actions during the last five years

    23. Resolving issues of deserted/abandoned women

    24. Details of complaints


    26. Hindrances in achieving stated objectives Shortage of personnel so the shift system is not workable Police station building does not meet requisite standards for a police station Residential accommodation for female personnel in the jurisdiction of the police station is in sufficient Shortage of vehicles Public Conciliatory Committee is not established

    27. Hindrances in achieving stated objectives No financial assistance is provided for various procedures Dare care centres are not available for the children of female employees Salary is not in accordance with the duty hours


    29. Recommendations There is a need to re-examine and change the policies that are restrictive of women to make them more women-friendly It is important to sensitize the selection of committee members for gender interviewing to ensure that women are in all selection and promotion committees Increase in the number of personnel is highly recommended so that the excessive workload can be lightened for individual police women Cont…

    30. Recommendations Need for training in investigation, record-keeping, fingerprints, handling latest firearms, ammunition, weapons, explosives, prevention of terrorism, computer hardware and software, office procedures, English and driving Need to reduce pressures that women fave because of being a professional minority, integration may be enhanced by increasing their numerical representation in the polcie department Cont…

    31. Recommendations Day care centres for children of female employees should be established Refresher courses and seminars could be arranged periodically for sharing views to help adapt to the new era Public Conciliatory Committee is required to resolve family matters and to give positive direction Special training could be given to enhance interviewing and counselling skills for resolving disputes Appropriate budget must be available for improving services Cont…

    32. Recommendations Reward and recognition system must be revised to motivate the police Promote ways to minimize the communication gap between top management and subordinates Due credit must be given to women police. Sometimes credit is deliberately withheld.

    33. Thank you Questions?

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