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Know Your Home Wiring

Your home is the place where you relax and spend most precious moments, so it's important to understand your home. Knowing your home wiring is the best way to understand your home. It helps in avoiding an emergency situation and also equips you to contact the electrician at the right time so that repair doesn't cost you a fortune.

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Know Your Home Wiring

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  1. KNOW YOUR HOME WIRING Alltheimportantinformation aboutelectricalwiringofhome RICHARDSALTERELECTRICLTD.

  2. KNOW YOUR HOME WIRING "The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back" -WendyWunder Yourhomeisprobablythebestplaceon earthwhereyoufindabsolutecomfort andpeace. Youputyourheartandsoulin makingitabeautifulplacetolivein irrespectiveoftheownership. RICHARDSALTERELECTRICLTD.

  3. KNOW YOUR HOME WIRING Ittakesyearsofhardworkandeffortsto getadreamhomeanditisperhapsthe pricelessassettomostofusbecauseour emotionsandfeelingsareattachedtoit orevenifyouhavetakenthepropertyfor commercialpurposesyouwouldhave workedreallyhardtobuyit. Itisnoteasy tobuildassetsasthetimesgettougher andtougher. Well, justlikethehome, the electricalsystemandwiringarealso importantanditisfarmorethanjusta bunchofwires. Althoughitisacomplex system, itisnotimpossibletounderstand it. Sinceitcontrolsandcommandsthe wholepowersupplyanditkeepsyour energyneedsgoing, Itbecomeseven moreimportanttoknowaboutit. RICHARDSALTERELECTRICLTD.

  4. KNOW YOUR HOME WIRING Itisimperativethatyouarefullyaware ofthehomewiringandelectrical arrangementsbecauseitwouldhelpyou ifsomethinggoeshaywire. Thisarticleistojustforthati.e. helpyou findouteverythingaboutwiring, arrangementcircuitsandwhatshould youdo. Now, Letusunderstandindetailabout wiring, itstypes, codes, colorindications, andprecautions. RICHARDSALTERELECTRICLTD.

  5. KNOW YOUR HOME WIRING TypesofWiring: Therearesomanydifferenttypesof wiringused. Butthemostcommon electricalwiringmethodswhichare beingusedthesedaysareasfollows: CLEATWIRING CONDUITWIRING PVCSHEATHWIRINGORCTSORTRS WOODENCASINGANDCAPPING WIRING LEADSHEATHED/METALSHEATHED WIRING CleatWiring ConduitWiring  RICHARDSALTERELECTRICLTD.

  6. KNOW YOUR HOME WIRING PVCSheath Wiring orCTSorTRS  Wooden Casing & CappingWiring LeadSheated/ MetalSheated Wiring RICHARDSALTERELECTRICLTD.

  7. KNOW YOUR HOME WIRING ColorCodes: Youwouldhaveseendifferentcolorsof wiresintheelectricalcircuitbutdoyou knowwhatdothecolorsindicate. Letus knowmorewhattheyare: RICHARDSALTERELECTRICLTD.

  8. KNOW YOUR HOME WIRING Nowthatyouunderstandyourhome wiringdoesn'tmeanthatyoucansetup yourhomewiringordorepairworkby yourself. Electricalworkshouldbe handledbyprofessionalsotherwiseit couldbedangerous. Ifneedany professionalhelp, contactSalterElectric, oneoftheoldestelectricalcompaniesin Ottawawithstellarcustomer satisfaction record. Visit: SalterElectric.Com Facebook: RichardSalterElectricLtd OtherSocialPlatforms: SalterElectric

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