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Q and A Sunday

Q and A Sunday. Q: If I was bad but I believe in God, would I still go to heaven?.

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Q and A Sunday

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Q and A Sunday

  2. Q: If I was bad but I believe in God, would I still go to heaven?

  3. Q: I am often amazed at the passivity of some fellow Christians. When controversial issues arise, their response seems to be “It’s all part of God’s plan, he has everything under control. I don’t have to do anything, only pray.”

  4. I believe we are agents of Jesus here on earth and he expects us, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to make an effort to right any injustices, to not be afraid to stand up and be counted as someone working for the betterment of humanity. Who is right?

  5. Q: We hear of so much war and violence in our world today. Can you give me a reason why we should study Isaiah and be disturbed by even more war and violence?

  6. Q: Reflecting on the reading from Maundy Thursday night, at what stage was Judas aware that he was going to betray Jesus?

  7. Q: Please explain the hours of the cross and how they relate to our present time?

  8. Q: If we celebrate Jesus’ crucifixion on the Friday and his resurrection on the Sunday; how is it…after the third day he rose again as that is only two days?

  9. Q: What does clergy mean?

  10. Q: How do you deal with someone who says, “I think Christianity is fine – But how literal are you? For example, where exactly is God?”

  11. Q: The rapture and second coming. According to the book of revelation, will the followers of Christ who are raptured be spared the trauma of death and the coming disasters that will occur when the tribulation breaks out upon the earth?

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