Level 2, Lesson 9 Oral Assignment (Due 12/6, Thursday)Name:1. Answer questions according to the text. First translate the questions into English; then, write out the answers in pinyin with tones and record them (insertmovies and soundsrecord sound). Move the sound icons to the desired location.Q:A:Q: A: Q: A:Q: A:Q: A:
2. Talk about your childhood experience and your view on children’s education. Write it out in pinyin with tones, before recording it (you may want to use more than one clips for ease of editing). Pictures appreciated. Include information on :Ni_ shi zai\ nar_ chu-sheng- zai\ nar_ zhang_da\ de? Ni_men jia- shi yi/min/ ma? Ni_men shi shen/me shi/hou yi/min/ lai/ mei_guo/ de?Ni_ de tong/nian/ zen_me yang\?Ni_ xue/guo shen/me (gang-qin/, hua\huar\, you/yong_, da_qiu/ deng/deng)?Ni_ de shi/jian- an-pai/ de man_ ma?Ni_ xiao_shi/hou ya-li\ da\ ma?Ni_ bao\yuan\ guo\ gong-ke\ tai\duo- ma?Ni_ tong/yi\ hai/shi\ fan_dui\ Li_zhe/ de sao_zi de zuo\fa_?Ni_ de fu\mu_ shi hu_ma/ he hu_ba\ ma?Ni_ de fu\mu_ zun-zhong\ ni_de xuan_ze/ ma?Ni_ jue/de shen/me geng\ zhong\yao\, kuai\le\ de tong/nian/ hai/shi\ geng\ duo-de zhi-shi?Ni_ neng/ li_jie_ “wang\zi_cheng/long/, wang\nv_cheng/feng\” de zuo\fa_ ma?Ni_ jue/de zhi-shi ying-gai- cong/ shu-ben_ shang xue/ hai/shi cong/ sheng-huo/ he she\hui\ zhong- xue/?Ni_ xiang_ de/dao\ shen/me xue/wei\?Ni_ you_ jie_fu- he sao_zi ma? Ni_ you_ zhi/zi he zhi/nv_ ma? Ta-men duo-da\? Ta-men de ya-li\ da\ ma?