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COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS. November 2001, the Planning and Development Department initiated the process to hire a consultant to assist us with the Downtown chapter of the Master Plan and a consultant to assist us with the comprehensive rezoning process.

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  1. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS November 2001, the Planning and Development Department initiated the process to hire a consultant to assist us with the Downtown chapter of the Master Plan and a consultant to assist us with the comprehensive rezoning process. The RFQ process resulted in the hiring of the Cecil Group to help us with both projects.

  2. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Very pleased with the Downtown Master Plan Chapter product Comprehensive Rezoning product did not live up to our expectations The project will be completed within the original budget using a new consultant

  3. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Why has this project has taken longer than expected? We spent almost six months attempting to resolve the qualitative issues. Given the high quality of the Downtown Master Plan Chapter product, I thought it made sense to try to work out the problems with the existing consultant. We were not successful.

  4. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Why has this project has taken longer than expected? Once we came to a mutually acceptable termination agreement with the Cecil Group, I wanted to make absolutely sure we had enough funding to complete the project within the original budget. Discrepancies between my office financial reports and Business Office and it took me some time to resolve the discrepancy.

  5. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Why has this project has taken longer than expected? During much of this time period one of my staff was out on medical leave that increased the workload for everyone. During most of this time period, I was responsible for the Economic Development functions of the City in addition to my regular responsibilities, which resulted in virtually all of my projects taking longer than normal.

  6. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Why has this project has taken longer than expected? During this time period I was twice asked to fill the Interim City Manager position. This added to the office workload issues already created by the points noted above.

  7. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS In April the Comprehensive Rezoning Committee was reactivated and is meeting monthly. It is my goal to have this product ready for Planning Board and City Council review by the end of this calendar year. I will be discussing with the Planning Board the possibility of contracting for some plan review assistance.

  8. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Along with the challenges noted above, the Department has many other responsibilities. During this same time period Planning staff have: Worked with the Cecil Group and the Downtown Master Plan Committee to assist in the production of the chapter, Continued to work with CORE on the implementation of key components of the Downtown Chapter of the Master Plan,

  9. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Written/co-written several amendments to Site Plan and Subdivision regulations, Written much of the original Planned Unit Development Ordinance, Written the Architectural Review Regulations, Worked with the Historic District Task Force over a two year period to explore creating a Historic District Ordinance, Written the bulk of the Historic District Ordinance,

  10. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Assisted in the creation of the Conservation Overlay District, Significantly improved application, review, approval, and implementation processes for Planning Board applications, Developed a package for Planning Board applications including new checklists, information sheets, and application forms, and, Written the 28 part architectural series for Rochester Times newspaper

  11. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Also, many larger scale projects evaluated and approved by the Planning Board during this time period. Planning staff have worked hard to encourage significantly superior projects in terms of: amount of open space sidewalks connected footpaths architectural quality amount and quality of landscaping

  12. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS access management efficiency of on-site circulation erosion and sediment control stormwater management techniques mixed use development protection of natural resources preservation of existing specimen trees installation of street trees proper platting of lots quality of lighting and signage, and, attractive site layout.

  13. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Some of the more significant projects include: Secretariat Estates PUD Highfields PUD Homemakers PUD Clark Brook PUD Chesley Hill subdivision (33 lots) RSA subdivision on Four Rod Rd (15 lots) Salmon Falls Road subdivision near Portland Street (11 lots)

  14. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Hillsmore subdivision on Governors Road (20 lots) Pray subdivision off Salmon Falls (11 lots) Arlington subdivision off Walnut Street (33 lots) Bradlin subdivision off Walnut St (20 lots) Fowler subdivision on Sullivan Farm Road (12 lots) Applevale development off Ten Rod (104 units)

  15. COMPREHENSIVE REZONING PROCESS Southern New Hampshire Services development on McKinley Street (55 units) Gerrity industrial subdivision on Allen Street Northeast Credit Union on Route 125 Mainly Pizza on former Granite Ford site New Granite Ford site Autozone store on South Main New McDonalds on North Main

  16. MAJOR COMPONENTS OF NEW ZONING ORDINANCE General Provisions Purpose Overview Authority Interpretations Lots in two zoning districts Impact fees District boundaries Definitions

  17. MAJOR COMPONENTS OF NEW ZONING ORDINANCE Residential Zoning Districts Urban Suburban Rural Village Other

  18. MAJOR COMPONENTS OF NEW ZONING ORDINANCE Commercial Zoning Districts Core Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Village Commercial Office Commercial Highway Commercial General Commercial Medical Other

  19. MAJOR COMPONENTS OF NEW ZONING ORDINANCE Industrial Zoning Districts Light General Park Recycling

  20. MAJOR COMPONENTS OF NEW ZONING ORDINANCE Table of Uses Dimensional Standards Overlay Districts Airport Overlay District Conservation Overlay District Regulatory Flood Zone Aquifer Protection District Historic District Shoreland Protection Special Downtown District

  21. MAJOR COMPONENTS OF NEW ZONING ORDINANCE Standards for Particular Uses Wireless Communications Facilities Contractor Storage Yards Other uses? Mobile Home Parks Signage Soils Based Lot Sizing Conditional Uses Design Guidelines and Standards Planned Unit Development

  22. MAJOR COMPONENTS OF NEW ZONING ORDINANCE Traditional Neighborhood Development Conservation Subdivision Performance Standards Nonconformities Nonconforming uses Nonconforming structures Nonconforming lots

  23. MAJOR COMPONENTS OF NEW ZONING ORDINANCE Zoning Board of Adjustment Appeals Variances Special exceptions Equitable waivers Class VI Roads Procedures Amendments

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