1. Life in the South During the 1930’s and 1940’s By:Patrick,Teddy, and Alvin
2. Where is Alabama? In the United States
It is bordered by Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, and Mexico.
It touches a body of water.
3. Why is Alabama's location significant? A segregation state.
The Birmingham World
An important person named T. S. Stribling
4. What were differences between life for whites and blacks during the 1930’s and 1940’s African Americans
Shotgun homes
Not educated
Nursing and teaching
Couldn't be firemen, policemen, or salesmen.
Wealthy families
Church members
Poor land
Good education
Sport privileges.
5. What was the effect of the proposed 1948 civil rights legislation? Two executive orders that promised racial equality to anyone working in the armed forces or in a civilian operated federal buildings
Issued on July 26 1948
6. What are some important events in Alabama history that relate to race relations? Montgomery bus boycott
Birmingham bus boycott
Civil rights movement
Scottsboro boys trial
Dixiecrat convention
1948 civil rights legislation
7. Key Facts Sports were very important to the people and the army.
The radio was important to the army and people as well.
World war 2 affected many people in the U.S
The KKK was important for racial economy.
The Dixiecrats were people who also affect the racial economy.
8. Primary Source Life in South
9. Timeline
1931: Scottsboro Boys trial
1936: Franklin Roosevelt is reelected to be president
1939: The Great Depression ends
December 7, 1941: World War II starts at bombing at Pearl Harbor
1942: Congress of racial equality is formed
April 12, 1945:President Roosevelt dies of stroke, and vice president, Harry S. Truman becomes president
1948: Dixiecrat convention
October 26, 1949: The minimum wage is raised from 40 to 75 cents an hour
10. Bibliography http://www.jimcrowhistory.org/scripts/jimcrow/press.cgi?state=Alabama