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Explore the art, architecture, sculpture, and painting of the High Renaissance period in Italy. Discover the works of renowned artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. This project is co-financed by the EU.
Inovácia obsahu a metód vzdelávania prispôsobená potrebám vedomostnej spoločnosti „Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť/Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ“ Art History III High Renaissance VYPRACOVAL: Mgr, Vladislav, KravecMarec 2015
Content TheRenaissanceArt • HighRenaissanceItalianArt • Architecture • Sculpture • Painting
High Renaissance Italian Art(1500 – 1520) • artists and architects became true individuals – free from medieval past • H. R. represented a shift from Florence to Rome • Under the inspiration of Pope Julius II, Rome reached new hights • Many historians mark the conclusion of the High Renaissance period as 1520 (the death of Raphael)
High Renaissance Italian Architecture • Centres Rome and Venice • Reliogious themes (churches and chapels) • Secular buildings (palaces, offices, libraries) • Less use of rustication (heavy stone work) • Balustrades • The most noted architect was Bramante
High Renaissance Italian Sculpture • The work of Michelangelo highlighted High Renaissance sculpture • His commissions were overwhelming, heroic, monumental, muscled • Well known works include: Pietas David Figures for the Tomb of Julius II Medici Chapel
High Renaissance Italian Painting • Three Artists captured the style and spirit of High Renaissance painting: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael • Leonardo: sensitive, mystic beauty, sfumato (smoky) effects and chiaroscuro(dark and light shading) • Michelangelo: espeacially Sistine Chapel showed muscled , heroic and monumental forms • Raphael: Madonna and Child themes,sublime beauty, idelity of human proportions, physical perfection
sources • http://www.mmdtkw.org/RenRom0621a1-StPetersPlans.jpg • http://www.wga.hu/art/m/michelan/1sculptu/david/head.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Pieta_Bandini_Opera_Duomo_Florence_n01.jpg • http://www3.varesenews.it/blog/labottegadelpittore/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/2-Gajoni-MICHELANGELO.jpg • http://c300221.r21.cf1.rackcdn.com/tomb-of-julius-ii-1373332580_org.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/Leonardo_Da_Vinci_-_Vergine_delle_Rocce_(Louvre).jpg • http://uploads6.wikiart.org/images/michelangelo/sistine-chapel-ceiling-cumaean-sibyl-1510.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/RAFAEL_-_Madonna_Sixtina_(Gem%C3%A4ldegalerie_Alter_Meister,_Dresde,_1513-14._%C3%93leo_sobre_lienzo,_265_x_196_cm).jpg