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Nuclear Terror in a Toxic World

Dive deep into the evidence of nuclear terror incidents like OKC bombing and 9/11, unraveling the intricate web of conspiracy and deception shaping the world order. Discover the truth behind these catastrophic events and their lingering impacts on global wellness. Uncover the secrets hidden beneath the rubble of history.

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Nuclear Terror in a Toxic World

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  1. Nuclear Terror in a Toxic World * Nuclear Terrorism of OKC 911 & Future * Control Matrix of the New World Disorder * Natural Wellness in a Toxic World * End of the Empire of CLAY and IRON www.CLAYandIRON.com to Order DVD Online & Order Wellness Solutions www.NutriMedical.com ORDER 888-212-8871

  2. Nuclear Demolition of OKC Murrah & 911 WTCEvidence for Indictments Dr Bill Deagle MD May 2007 Tarzana, CA 911 Truth & Wellness in a Toxic World Conferences

  3. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Acts ‘Of Abuse • Providing Advanced Technologies to Receive and Intercept Operational Terrorism • 1999 – Special Ops / Delta – Norfork, VA – 2 years before 911 received huge section of near complete PATRIOT Antiterror Act • March 1st 2001 – Adams Mark Hotel – Denver – Lunch Dr Reddington VA Infectious Disease Director U of CO and US BioTerror FBI and CDC Directors  FBI “There will be a ‘Pearl Harbour Event” ..in a large NE US city that will bring the United States under Martial Law..with a 95% probability within 24 months…” • Delta Agent – “The PATRIOT Act was written ten years before 911 and the whole operation..”

  4. Der Fuehrer Bush Fourth Reich

  5. Conspiracy Realities! • 1988 – Tom-Scott Gordon – Photographer of WTC Complex for Port Authority of NY in preparation for demoliton of the WTC Complex • Ruby Ridge – Randy Weaver’s Family Attacked and Wife and Child Killed by ATF Agents • Waco, TX – Attack and Incineration of US Citizens – Branch Dividians • WTC 1993 – FBI Hired Egyptian Munitions Expert Failed Demolition – 6 US Citizens die • OKC 1995 – 168 US Citizens Die including Nursery • 911 WTC & Pentagon – Over 3000 citizens die immediately and many times this are dying from environmental pollution of lower Manhattan

  6. Lenin “Show me the man and I will tell you the crime…”

  7. OKC 1995 • OKC 1995 – Murrah – Special Ops Removed 2 Unexploded Micro Nukes Fourth Gen US Army Corp Engineers 1/10th Kiloton and C4 Pineapple with RDX and High Explosive Cord, 3 Radiation Detectors positive with Tritium Elevation at Scene [CCOM Exit Dr. Bill Deagle MD] • Wakenhut security armed guarded 24/7 debris buried and concreted capped – Carlyle Owned Security Company

  8. OKC Federal MurrahAfter Demolition April 1995

  9. 911 WTC NY 3D Site Map

  10. OFFICIAL LIES – Why the Towers Collapsed – Jet Fuel Stories!?

  11. 911 WTC & Pentagon 2001 • 911- Dr Ward MD  THE ONLY Explanation of Nanoparticularied WTC 1 and 2 with, FLIR Satellite images weeks later, Massive Craters, Footprint of Fallen WTC Complex AND fall speeded by vacuum collapse by microNukes & • Ted Tweitmeyer DOD Engineer  EMP hundreds of thousands of Tesla of 3/1000th second paramagnetic effects on engine blocks and aluminized mirrors

  12. Does 911 WTC appear to be a nuclear event?

  13. 911 WTC HOT SPOTS Sept 18th 2001

  14. 911 WTC Hot Spots Oct 18th 2001

  15. 911 WTC Hot Spots Feb 12th 2002

  16. 911 WTC Radio Tower Vaporizes

  17. Giga Telsa EMP Electromagnetic Pulse Effects ONLY from Nukes • Lines of Force or Vectored Energy Hits all Paramagnetic Objects – People, Aluminum Mirrors, Engine Blocks • Superheated structures explose to atomic and nanoparticle sizes • People are instantly changes to bone ash • FDNY and Port Authority Police Vehicle Mirrors and engine blocks catch fire • Paper is NOT PARAMAGNETIC and is not ignited

  18. 911WTC EMP Eddy Magnetic Giga Tesla Vectors

  19. WTC Vehicle Vectored Paramagnetic Thermal Effects

  20. Paramagnetic InducedEngine Block Fires – Ignore NYPD on Vehicle

  21. Structure of Nuclear Bomb

  22. Micro Nuke Component Design

  23. Fission Fusion Bomb Design

  24. Nuclear Fission Fusion Bomb

  25. Micro Nuclear Isotopes Required: • Beryllium-9 • Polonium-210 with 138 day t1/2 half life – Neutron Trigger Micro Nukes • Uranium 238 • Yttrium – Used in Neutron Reflector • Lithium Deuteride – “Red Mercury”? Sources of Neutrons for Reaction • Plutonium 239

  26. Micro Nuclear Forensics Analysis: • Plutonium-239 • Uranium-237 and 235 • Strontium 90, Iridium ++ • Tritiium – Heavy Water Isotope – 55 times background after 120 millions liters of fire suppression from water hoses at WTC • IRON in Girders: Fe 57, Fe 58 and Radioactive Fe 59

  27. Neutron Activated Isotope Ratios • High percentage stable element with small percentage neutron activated element. This was done since as little as 10% of the material may have been effected. Dr Ward ordered tests with elements that would be stable with only one neutron activation. • Here's the list of what Dr Ward found. • Silicon 28 Si 92.23%, 29 Si 4.67%, 15% • Carbon 12 C 98.9%, 13 C 1.1% stable, 2% • Sulfur 32 S 95.02%, 33 S 0.075%, 3% • Iron 56 Fe 91.72%, 57 Fe 2.2%, 58 Fe 0.28%, 1.63% • Nickel 58 Ni 68.08%, 59 Ni 1/2 life 7600 years, 60 Ni 26.22%, 61 Ni 1.14%, 37 ppm

  28. Neutron Activated Isotope Ratios • Niobium 93 Nb 100%, 94 Nb 1/2 life 20,000 years, 8.3 ppm • Beryllium 9 Be 100%, 10 Be 1/2 life 1.5 mil years, only 3 ppm • Potassium 39 K 93.256%, 40 K only plant animal, 1/2% • Titanium 48 Ti 73.8%, 49 Ti 5.5%, 0.25% • Chromium 52 Cr 83.79%, 53 Cr 9.5%, 116 ppm • Cobalt 59 Co 100% , 60 Co 1/2 life 5 years, only 6ppm

  29. Tritium Nuclear Reaction

  30. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • TOTAL WATER DECONTAMINATION & DILUTION: • @ 120 million liters of water - 30 mil gallons - 4 million gallons is from rain and fire hoses, • AND 26 million gallons of leakage of the bathtub • Unknown how much got to WTC 6 of that 26 million gallons but that dilution level was used for the sewerage water calculations • About 7 Billion Tritium units possible for the sewerage water. • Calculated estimated 1 million liters of water was calculated as the approximate amount of water that would have been in WTC 6 - that dilution amount would have been OVER 1 Billion total Tritium units possible at the quoted levels of the USGS report for JUST WTC 6.

  31. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • The environmental amounts of Tritium in water is CLEARLY STATED in 0.1 - 0.2 nCi/L (although this is considerbly higher than 20 TU = 0.0638 nCi/L). • The testing of samples show this to be a fact - NO SAMPLES WERE SHOWN TO BE ABOVE 0.2 nCi/L, 16 samples were less than 0.13 nCi/L, with at least 6 samples LESS THAN 0.09 nCi/L. (I could and should have used the 0.09 nCi/L or 0.0638 nCi/L as the least contaminated value, but instead did the calculations for environmental levels at 0.13 nCi/L. • The values for 0.09 nCi/L or 0.0638 nCi/L would be considerably higher than 35 times or 25% higher than normal.)


  33. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • "It was determined that 3 million gallons of water were hosed on site in the fire-fighting efforts between 9/11 and 9/21 (the day of the tritium measurement; samples 6 and 7 in Table I) (42). In addition, there were two episodes of rain during the same 10-day period: on 9/14 and 9/20,21, totaling 0.9 million gallons of water in the Bathtub area. • Considering the neighboring areas, we take 1 million gallons from the rain. Therefore, a total of 4 million gallons of water percolated through the debris in the first 10 days and collected at the bottom of the Bathtub."

  34. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • http://www.llnl.gov/tid/lof/documents/pdf/241096.pdf - FROM THE ACTUAL REPORT ON TRITIUM and my report on the ACTUAL REPORTING OF TRITIUM - http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/07/03/05/ward.htm. • "Based on the pumping records, a total of 30 million gallons of water passed through the Bathtub between 9/11 and 9/21 (4,46)." • http://www.llnl.gov/tid/lof/documents/pdf/241096.pdf - FROM THE ACTUAL REPORT ON TRITIUM and my report on the ACTUAL REPORTING OF TRITIUM - http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/07/03/05/ward.htm.

  35. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • Tritium units - http://toxics.usgs.gov/definitions/tritium.html . And thanks to a very well timed question from Mr. Barkley it is also shown that there were no Tritium signs in the WTC. We were. informed by PANYNJ authorities that there were no tritium signs at WTC, ... • www.llnl.gov/tid/lof/documents/pdf/240430.pdf - • 1 Tritium Unit = 3.19 pCi/L = 0.00319 nCi/L.

  36. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • 3.53 nCi/L = 1,106.6 TU = 20 TU (0.0638 nCi/L - the average environmental level) X 55.33 = 55.33 Times the Tritium level that should have been found after some degree of 16 million liters of water diluted the Tritium present. • 2.83 nCi/L = 887.2 TU = 20 TU (0.0638 nCi/L - the average environmental level) X 44.36 = 44.36 Times the Tritium level that should have been found - even after some degree of 16 million liters of water diluted the Tritium present. • 0.164 nCi/L = 51.4 TU = 20 TU (0.0638 nCi/L - the average environmental level) X 2.57 = 2.57 Times the Tritium level that should have been found – even after some degree of 120 million liters of water diluted the Tritium present.

  37. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • Now based on the Tritium report which mentions these values are 7 times less than EPA reportable. What would it take to be EPA reportable? At least 7,746 TU based on the information in the USGS Tritium report. • 7 x 3.53/0.00319 = 7,746 TU. This is 6 to 7 times higher than the maximum amount of Tritium dispersed by hundreds of Megatons Atomic Blasts in the 60's. This is at least 387.3 Times the standard amount of Tritium present in the environment - the reportable EPA level

  38. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • 3.53, 3.83, 0.164 TU at GZ -- all tritium amounts are well within expectations for prosaic background levels of tritium (less than 10 TU). • Begins with 3.53 and ends with (less than 10 TUs). It was not clearly stated, but this is a direct quote from Prof. Jones. Later qualified as an error of mistaken units (nCi vs TUs).

  39. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • WTC 6 = 1 acre (approx) • WTC site = 16 acres. Rain = 4 million liters. 4/16 = 1/4 of a million liters deposits in WTC 6 in its 40 ft (depth) by 120 ft (diam) crater. • WTC 6 was hot - see thermal images. • Firemen = 12 million liters. Firemen would mostly be spraying the hot areas.

  40. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • There are about 5 acres that gradually increase to maybe a total of 6 to 7 acres, but lets be generous and say they sprayed 8 acres (this will lower the total amount of Tritium Units estimate). • 8/16 = 1/2 of 12 million liters = 6 million liters spread over 8 acres = 3/4 of a million liters per acre • Rain plus Firemen = 1 million liters in WTC 6 in the 40 ft (depth) by 120 ft (diam) crater.

  41. Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • 1 liter of the pooled water = 1,106 TUs X 1 million liters of water = 1.1066 BILLION TUs JUST IN WTC 6 (no other places were checked. • This completely ignores 104 Million Liters (30 Million Gallons) pumped out of the bathtub and the drain water of 51 TUs. 120 million liters X 51 = 6.120 BILLION TUs. • This completely ignores the amount of Tritium in gas form that escapes into the atmosphere and gets massive dispersal

  42. WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 1 ] Super heated steel beams creating steel vapor comet trails while falling • 2] Sub-100 micron pulverization of 99% of concrete in floors • 3] 330 ton sections of outer wall steel columns ripped off • 4] Ponds of molten metal in basements of WTC 1, 2 and 7

  43. 911 WTC Meteor Kennedy Airport Hangar

  44. LIDAR Infrared 911 WTC Images

  45. WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 5] 100 days required to cool down the debris piles • 6] Pyroclastic (Massive plumes of debris) flow of debris with tall chimney rising upward • 7] People, computers & furniture vanished but paper remained • 8] 20 % of WTC dust is made of metals in atomic sizes

  46. 911 WTC Paper In Streets

  47. WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 9] WTC1 transmission tower falls first indicating central support was removed • 10] Tritiium levels elevated in area weeks after 9/11 • 11] Witnesses say cars exploded and burned our wrecks that had not been hit by debris surrounded the area • 12] Wide power outage that cut off all communications in a very large area

  48. 911 WTC Bone Dust + Building Particles

  49. 911 WTC Discarded ‘Radioactive’ Vehicles??

  50. WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 13] Winter Garden hit by 22 ton steel ejected 600 ft. from WTC1 • 14] Sharp spikes in seismograph at nearby Lamont-Doherty earthquake lab • 15] Brown shades of color in the air due to nuclear radiation forming sulfuric acid • 16] Huge expanding dust clouds taking five times the volume of the tower

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