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Connective Tissues

Connective Tissues. Page 81 - 85. Functions. Protection Support Binding together other body tissues. Characteristics. Most connective tissues are vascularized (have good blood supply) Ligaments and tendons are exceptions Contains extracellular matrix

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Connective Tissues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Connective Tissues Page 81 - 85

  2. Functions • Protection • Support • Binding together other body tissues

  3. Characteristics • Most connective tissues are vascularized (have good blood supply) • Ligaments and tendons are exceptions • Contains extracellular matrix • nonliving substance found outside the cells • produced by the connective tissue

  4. Types of Connective Tissue • Bone = Osseous • Cartilage • Dense connective • Loose connective • Areolar • Adipose • Reticular • Blood

  5. Bone / Osseous • Cells are in cavities (lacunae) • Matrix – hard; contains calcium salts and collagen fibers • Protects and supports

  6. Bone / Osseous

  7. Cartilage • Matrix is more flexible made of collagen fiber hidden by a rubbery matrix with a glassy white appearance. • Found in the larynx; covers ends of bones; attaches ribs to breastbone; skeleton of fetus

  8. Cartilage

  9. Dense Connective • Main matrix are collagen fibers. More stretchy than cartilage matrix. • Makes of tendons and ligaments.

  10. Dense Connective

  11. Loose Connective – Areolar Tissue • Most widely distributed • Cushions organs • Has fluid matrix – appears to be empty space • “cobwebby” tissue

  12. Loose Connective – Areolar Tissue

  13. Loose Connective – Adipose Tissue • Fat tissue • Matrix – droblet of oil in cell • Cushions organs such as kidneys and eyes; found under the skin

  14. Loose Connective – Adipose Tissue

  15. Loose Connective – Reticular Tissue • Matrix – delicate network of interwoven reticular fibers • Support free blood cells in lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow

  16. Loose Connective – Reticular Tissue

  17. Blood • Vascular tissue • Matrix – blood plasma • Transports wastes, respiratory gases, nutrients and other substances.

  18. Blood

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