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S ituation in Hungary regarding education of professionals working with/for people with disabilities. ICTA EUROPE Seminar , Kosice, 29 – 30 April, 2004. A good question:. Who teaches and who learns about the disability issues in Hungary?.
Situation in Hungary regarding education of professionals working with/for people withdisabilities. ICTA EUROPE Seminar, Kosice,29 – 30 April, 2004
A good question: Who teaches and who learns about the disability issues in Hungary? A Brief Summary onEducation of Professionalsand Officials Author: Sandor Radai M. Sc. Engineering, Expert of Accessibility Issues, Consultant Member of ICTA EUR, Budapest, Hungary
The Past Once upon a time … • Before 1996 - 1997 there was nothing technical document on the requirement and needs of disabled people to serve as basic literature in middle or high level education. • Before 1998 there were no projects for teaching disability issues, accessibility knowledge etc. in the Hungarian education system. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
The Past • Before 1998 there were no teachers, lecturers and plans to develop or implement the special knowledge into the national educational system, in spite of the continuous initiation of the competent civil organisations of the disabled people. Authorities did not recognise that the rehabilitation technology and accessibility are special knowledge and they must be taught at different level of schools. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
The Past • Due to the lack of the skilled professors, assistants, teachers, lecturers and masters great difficoulties occurred in organising the education at any level. • There would have been possibilities to send students to abroad (to Berlin, Prague, Dalarna, Delft etc.) to study rehabilitation engineering or inviting professors from there, but almost nothing happened. • Only one special research project (in 1986) for Determination Free Spaces Needed for Accessible Moving of Wheelchairs has gained „green way” and subsidy. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
The Present Time No.1 • There are special rehabilitation schools for disabled pupils where few teachers are also living with some kinds of disability. • Most of such teachers and lecturers finished their studies at the universities and high schools with considerable difficoulties, as most of the buildings are full with barriers.Only in the last 2 - 4 years new projects have been launched to create accessible environment in all public buildings, including educational locations. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
The Present Time No.2 • At the Budapest University of Technical and Economical Sciences (BME= TUB) a two year post-gradual education started in 2001 as a Faculty of Rehabilitation Engineering. • The basic knowledge of accessibility has been taken over both into the Hungarian legislation and the education plans from the European Concept of Accessibility edited by the ECA Network Experts` Group, and most of the members of it have been worked parallel in the ICTA EUROPE Group, as well. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
The Present Time No.3 • 10 ~ 15 engineer, architect and medical students obtained 1 year scholarship to learn at the Dalarna University in Sweden and receive a Rehabilitation Engineer graduation.(From 1998) • Sad fact that more then 90% of these engineers has left this profession since. • Some young grad. architect organised a faculty for Accessible Built Environment at the Ybl Architectural High School. They all have the Certificate of the Dalarna University. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
The Present Time No.4 • At the Technical University of Budapest (TUB) the students of architecture even today learn about only a few dozen hours through 5 years study about the topic of accessibility. There are no special courses held for the accessibility issues in public buildings, housings and transport facilities. • The experts of civil organisations are holding courses to the staff of the local governments. • Practising architects are studying the accessibility topics from literature only. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
The Present Time No.5 • The accessibility audit is quite unknown in Hungary. There are no authorized experts, accredited auditors or offices. • The investors of the new buildings do not need co-operation of specific skilled experts, first because they have no knowledge about the legal regulations, second there are no any reprisal in the Acts, codes, laws etc. against those who ignore the regulations. • There is a big need for skilled physio-therapist and their education is going on high level in more High schools. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
Positive outlooks • Two year ago the Ministry of Equal Rights and Opportunities was set up and most of the disability issues has been concentrated there to deal with. • Act No. XXVI. of 1998 on Provision ofthe Rightsof Persons Livingwith Disabilityandtheir Equality of Opportunity regulates everybody`s rights to education on every level. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
Positive outlooks • The need for professional people in the advanced specific technology of rehabilitation, informatics and accessibility is continuously growing. This need for educated and skilled people now is accepted and so the necessary arrangements and costs of this new branch of education begins to be common, usual items. • People begin to recognise the following facts: Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
Positive outlooks • The Design for All, and the accessibility features included, are independent studies that must be learned before apply them. • The accessibility is much more, then barrier free approach to a gate or door without stairs. • The accessibility includes the free and safe use of the environment for hearing, visually and mentally impairedpeople, as well. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
Positive outlooks • Designing or reconstructing an accessible public building must be made with the consideration in the mind, that each and all office desk has two sides: one for the client and the other for the clerk. Both sides must be accessible! • Sorry, but if somebody is a wheel-chair user, only due to this fact he/she will not become an expert of accessibility. Non-professional, bad suggestions or tips lead to expensive and unsuitable, superfluous solutions. Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
Extreme accessibility (Sorry!) Is this a good example? Do we know better ones? I hope we can design nicer & better sites for enjoying our everyday life in health & happiness! Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
Summary • My aim has been - when compiling this presentation - to give you a brief overlook on the topic of the „Situation in Hungary regarding education of professionals working with/for people withdisabilities” This title was proposed to me by our friend Dr. Šimšik. I regret but this is not my preferred topic and the time was too short to make a detailed report of about 100 slides, and to speak about it for 24 hours, at least.Excuse me, please! Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary
I hope next time I can speak about my favourite topic: the new results in the accessibility issues in Hungary. Thank you for your kind attention and patient! Education by Sandor Radai, Hungary