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The Cold War in Asia: Part 2

The Cold War in Asia: Part 2. The Korean War 1950 - 53. Significant US Background. NSC-68 is new definition of US policy Containment is no longer enough Red Scare at home encourages and allows political leaders to pursue stringent anti-communist policies Mao’s victory in 1949

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The Cold War in Asia: Part 2

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  1. The Cold War in Asia: Part 2 The Korean War 1950 - 53

  2. Significant US Background • NSC-68 is new definition of US policy • Containment is no longer enough • Red Scare at home encourages and allows political leaders to pursue stringent anti-communist policies • Mao’s victory in 1949 • US’ China Lobby miffed at Truman

  3. Stalin’s Refusal turns to Approval • Stalin initially worried the US would respond, BUT • Dean Acheson’s “Defense Perimeter” speech • US pulls out of S. Korea 1949 • Stalin worried that Mao would support Kim; become more influential in Asia • Sino-Soviet Pact ensures cooperation in Asia Sino-Soviet Pact 1950 Dean Acheson

  4. Mao is Ready to Support • Mao gives approval to North’s Kim when asked • Is also concerned about possible action in Formosa • Willing to get involved b/c don’t want US to have control over all of Korea – fear imperialism

  5. The War • June 25, 1950 – July 37, 1953 • Initially N. Korea vs. S. Korea & UN • China gets involved when UN forces push back to the Yalu R. (Chinese border) • USSR provides aid; few secret air missions • Battle of Inchon is most significant battle

  6. Gains & Losses • 2.5 million civilians (both N. & S) died • 1million soldiers • No territory was ulitmately gained or lost • A demilitarized zone at the 38th parallel still exists today

  7. Political Fallout • Inability to win war decisively hurts him • 1951 56% of US see war as “useless” • Eisenhower wins the 52 election – brings armistice • MacArthur loses his post – fired by Truman for insubordination in wanting a wider war (nukes)

  8. Armistice • July 1953 – after 2 years of negotiation • 5 articles involving: • Demarcation line • Cessation of hostilities • POW’s • Recommendations to both gov’ts • Misc • Signed by UN & commanding officers of North & South Korea • Rhee refused to sign • No formal Peace Treaty ever signed

  9. US Reactions • Treaty of San Francisco 1952 allowed for US bases in Japan • US continues to support Chiang in Taiwan w/ economic & military support • China remains isolated from US • US becomed committed to other Asian nations battling Communism (I.e. Vietnam) • SEATO

  10. Your Turn: Use your critical thinking to analyze the outcome of the Korean War on: • China • USSR • Korea Then: Analyze the effects of the Korean War on the Cold War

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