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“Approach & Methodology to support innovation & financing for SMEs” Knowledge Intensive Services Platform 3rd July 2008 INSME Annual Meeting Robert Sanders EBN rsa@ebn.be. What is KIS?.
“Approach & Methodology to support innovation & financing for SMEs” Knowledge Intensive Services Platform 3rd July 2008 INSME Annual Meeting Robert Sanders EBN rsa@ebn.be
What is KIS? KISPLATFORM is a horizontal support measure of the KIS Innovation Platform (KIS-IP) that will guarantee the effective promotion of the results of selected KIS sector projects. It will aim to facilitate the coordination of the current three sectoral initiatives: KIS4SAT - downstream satellite applications ACHIEVE MORE - ICT/software KIS-PIMS - Renewable Energy technologies
KIS IP The KISPLATFORM will foster technological and non technological innovation in services whilst taking into account the dynamic interconnections between research, skills, entrepreneurship, finance and clusters and addressing the needs of high growth ventures active in KIS
KIS IP By delivering a service package (communication platform, dissemination, marketing tools) to high growth ventures active in the 3 specific sectors, the overall goal is to open doors to valuable partnerships and to foster faster growth.
KIS IP The KISPLATFORM will: Establish and further promote a European Repository of knowledge and better practices on technological and organisational/business model innovation in services Develop a handbook on the facilitation of organisational innovation in services Create the "Club of 100" - a pan-European business community of 100 leading young innovative KIS companies with high growth potential Organise annual European KIS Contests as well as present European innovation/service awards Offer an online platform that serves as means for active interaction among KIS players and the investor audience
KIS4SAT……….. KIS in satellite downstream applications
KIS4SAT sector The KIS4SAT project addresses the specific features of economic activities which make use of one or a combination of the following satellite capabilities: Satellite telecommunications (SATCOM) European Satellite Systems for Navigation, Timing, or Geo-Positioning (SATNAV) Earth observation satellites (EO)
Satellite downstream applications Broadband telecommunication and info-mobility services Environmental monitoring, security management and emergency services Route guidance, goods tracing and tracking, fleet management, location based services
The Consortium A group of complementary organisations involved in the stimulation and the support of innovative high growth SMEs in the area of satellite downstream applications.
Consortium Rationale Direct access to a large number of innovative SMEs and entrepreneurs in the field of satellite downstream applications Strong links with the major European Knowledge Creation Centres in 4 European space leading countries (France Germany, Italy, UK) Strong links with space specialised experts in Incubation & Innovation management Access to finance
Networks ENCADRE An informal European Platform to support the creation of a market strategy in the field of space and Galileo derived applications.The ENCADRE network – 20+ regional clusters in the field of satellite and space technologies based applications (initiated by CASTLE, FINANCESPACE & INVESAT) ESINET is the European Network of Space Incubatorswhich share the mission to act as a catalyst for the launch of new innovative companies capitalising on space developments; and to support its members in stimulating entrepreneurship and SME development. Supported by ESA and managed by EBN And others……..join us!
Field of satellite applications in KIS • 80% of SMEs involved in satellite applications are KIS related • Numerous barriers to innovation : • A fragmented adding value chain • The need to build networked based business models • A lack of critical mass for the services proposed by SMEs (usually, regional markets are targeted) • Difficulty to protect the innovations • Lack of standards • The raising of private money is fraught with difficulties when the space programmes are public dependent.
KIS4SAT objectives O1To assess the research, skills and knowledge components required by KIS ventures in the field of satellite based applications to share these needs with universities, knowledge centres and business schools in order to help these KIS ventures become more innovative
KIS4SAT objectives O2 To instigate cross fertilization of expertise among and inside 25 Regional Clusters to promote KIS ventures added value, to encourage networking and partnership building among the various players, to foster the building of European critical mass services to support the development of Lead Markets in Europe for Satellite Based services
KIS4SAT objectives O3 By adapting existing self assessment tools already developed in previous and ongoing EC initiatives such as PAXIS, Gate2Growth and Europe Innova and compiling them with the Satellite Applications knowledge, to make the KIS platform the market place where SMEs and entrepreneurs can find the relevant business support packages they need to accelerate their innovation processes and their business development in the field of satellite-based service applications
KIS4SAT objectives O4To test and validate value added business support packages with 250 high growth KIS ventures or innovation intermediaries focusing on the following areas : access to finance, access to clusters and research / business partners, access to business coaching & advice, access to market or research knowledge
KIS4SAT objectives O5To deliver to a wider audience of public and private stakeholders, ranging from universities, incubators, clusters managers, regional policy makers and investors a “KIS4SAT platform toolbox” which will further support and stimulate the innovation and growth processes at stake in the satellite applications area.
KIS4SAT objectives O6To test an exit strategy through robust sustainable mechanisms (such as innovation vouchers/free of chargefor KIS companies) to be developed public-private partnerships with the Regional clusters to ensure continuation of the KIS4SAT platform after completion of the EC funded project
The “IMP3rove” tool for KIS4SAT « An assessment tool to help SMEs improve their innovation management capabilities »
The IMP3rove self assessment process: an innovation model IMP3rove – A Europe INNOVA project ….. AND • A performance comparison against 1500 European SMEs • A support from innovation experts to improve on managerial skills Inno-vationstrategy Innovation organization and culture Innovation lifecycle management Product/process development Launch/continuous improvement Ideamanagement Enabler, e.g. Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Project and Program Management, Controlling and IT Source: IMP3rove Core Team, 2006
The quick assessment results • There are innovation processes with inputs ( ideas) and outputs • ( increase of profits and sales coming from innovation) • Where do the output indicators stand when compared to similar companies over Europe ? Innovation strategy Innovation organization & culture Innovation Management success Innovation strategy Innovation vision Comprehensiveness of innovation strategy Adaptation & flexibility Transfer rate Innovation lifecycle Enabling factors
The in-depth questionnaire • The innovation process output indicators stand somewhere in the European landscape • What are the root causes for such a ranking ? Innovation strategy Innovation organization & culture Innovation Management success Innovation strategy Innovation vision Comprehensiveness of innovation strategy Adaptation & flexibility Enabling factors Innovation lifecycle Transfer rate WHY such results ? What are the champions implementing ?
The ”innnovation 14 piece puzzle” Efficiency documented IPR Documented & Secured Capital requirement correctly estimated Technology verified Management capabilities documented Competitors described & evaluated Market access demonstrated Market size estimated ROI meeting investor requirement Business model Regulatory compliance Prototype tested Price regulation & ”Feed in” tarifs Investor preferences met
More on KIS4SAT ? http://www.europe-innova.org rsa@ebn.be