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Go Greek!. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMd29XfpNG8. Time Management. Buy a planner, wall calendar, desk calendar, or put everything in your smartphone calendar! Put EVERYTHING on your calendar: chapter events, work, class, assignments, other campus events, etc. Prioritize your life!
Go Greek! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMd29XfpNG8
Time Management • Buy a planner, wall calendar, desk calendar, or put everything in your smartphone calendar! • Put EVERYTHING on your calendar: chapter events, work, class, assignments, other campus events, etc. • Prioritize your life! • What is the most important thing you should be doing? Is the basketball game more important than your midterm tomorrow? Did you study enough to go to the mixer? • Should you be working on the paper due next week or studying for the test that is in two days? • Plan ahead! • If you plan on studying or working on your paper far enough in advance, you will have time to go do the things that you really want to do!
Procrastination • Never do today what you can put off for tomorrow. Better yet, never put off 'til tomorrow what you can avoid altogether! • Get organized! • Don’t overbook yourself and allow time for delays! • If you know that you have a huge project, paper, or test coming, don’t take on extra work. Academics have to come first! School is the reason you are involved in Greek Life so without it, what will you do? • Break large projects up into smaller tasks. • Don’t expect to do your entire paper in one day. Break it up into smaller deadlines. One day work on finding just your sources. The next day, work on coming up with your introduction and conclusion. Or come up with goals for yourself. Ex: By Sunday I will write two pages. By next Wednesday I will have written four pages. And so on.
Note Taking • The best method for note taking all depends on you, your professor, and what class you’re in. • Math notes are going to be very different than your notes for history. • If you professor posts notes, print them off before class. That way you can add to them as needed and not be frantically trying to copy down every word they say. • Pay attention to the professor. They will let you know what’s important. Anything they repeat, write on the board, emphasize, or make gestures about tend to be the most important! • Use abbreviations! Don’t waste your time writing out every word. • Ex: imp=important, rxn=reaction, bc=because, w/=with, etc. • It will safe you tons of time!
Studying • Find a study space where you won’t get distracted or interrupted. • Block off study time and let your friends know that you’ll be busy. • Turn off your cell phone and stay away from your distractions (facebook, twitter, tv, etc.) • Allow yourself to take breaks! • It is just as important that you take breaks as it is that you block off study time. When you start feeling yourself losing focus, take a break. Grab a snack, walk your dog, get up and stretch, something to reenergize yourself! • Find out what study method works for you: • Make yourself flash cards, have a friend quiz you, review your notes, etc. • Do what works for you!
Test Taking • Show up early or on time to the test! That way you can get your self set up; get out your pens or pencils, your scantron, and get comfortable! • Think back to previous tests. What took the longest? Where did you struggle? Prepare ahead of time. If the essay is the hardest part, maybe get it out of the way. • Read the directions! • Don’t dwell on one question too long! Answer all the question you know first. This will also build up your confidence in answering the other questions! • If you’re not sure of the answer, make an educated guess. Eliminate the choices you know are wrong. • When people start turning in their tests, take a deep breath. Just because they are finished doesn’t mean you need to be! They may have rushed through their exam and made mistakes. • If time allows, go back over your answers! Make sure you answered every question and bubbled in the correct answer!
Campus Resources • Math Tutoring Center • The Department of Mathematics runs a Math Tutoring Center in Boyd Building room 205. At the tutoring center, you can get help by not only students and faculty. Their hours are Monday-Wednesday from 9am-8pm, Thursday from 9am-7pm, and Friday from 9am-3pm. • EXCEL Tutoring • There is free tutoring in the EXCEL Center in all your core classes. • Math, Biology, Chemistry, Political Science, and all other core classes. • You can make an appointment by coming into UCC 200 or by calling (678)839-6280. • You can also make an appointment online: http://accuweb.westga.edu/Accusilver/#/Home
FOCUS • FOCUS • Don’t know what you want major in? Know what you want to major in but don’t know what you can do with it? Take FOCUS! • FOCUS is an online career and education tool that assesses your interests and shows you different options you might be interested in. After you take it online, you can make an appointment with an academic advisor to discuss your results. If you have any questions, call the EXCEL Center at (678)839-6280 or visit the FOCUS website: http://www.westga.edu/excel/index_3274.php.
Campus Resources • Writing Center • The Writing Center has faculty tutors that will assist in editing your paper and give you ideas on what you can improve upon. They offer 30 minute tutorials. When you come to your appointment, make sure you bring a hard copy of your work because there is no printing in the Writing Center. To schedule an appointment, stop by TLC 1201, call (678)839)-6513, or email them at writing@westga.edu.