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The Effects of Product P lacement in R eality Television. 11/21/11 Jeffrey Tyson & Alex Mixon. Introduction. The purpose of this study is to understand if product placement is effective in reality television.
The Effects of Product Placement in Reality Television 11/21/11 Jeffrey Tyson& Alex Mixon
Introduction • The purpose of this study is to understand if product placement is effective in reality television. • The main focus of the study focuses on age, gender, marital status, income, ethnicity and education.
Theoretical Definitions • Product placement is the inclusion of a product in a television program or film as a form of paid advertisement. (Merriam-Webster Online, 2011) • “Product placement is increasing in importance as a non-traditional method to reach consumers.” (Wilson & Till, 2011, p. 373) • “We only know that which we are currently exposed to: reality as an objective truth.” (Tony Shrato and Jenn Webb, 2004, p. 76) • The reality is what the viewer takes from the shows. How do they feel and react after watching them. (Rose & Wood, 2005)
Operational Definitions • There is a positive association among viewers that connect with the underlying television content. (Karniouchina, Uslay, & Erinburd, 2011, p. 28) • “When audiences have a positive attitude towards product placement in general, the practice is more likely to strengthen their brand loyalties by validating their purchase decisions.” (Lee, Sung, & Choi, 2011, p. 487) • Rubin(1981) operationalized reality through perceived realism, a way of estimating how true-to-life viewers understand reality. • Product placement in reality TV has different effects on the purchasing habits of certain ethnicities.
Previous Findings • According to McDonnell and Drennan (2010, p.34) “unaided recall of fictitious brands was low, but suggests that even short term exposure duration can be effective for some viewers.”(when viewing shows with product placement) • Bandura’s social learning theory explains how repeated exposure of a product can result in a behavioral change.
ethods: Procedures • Convenience volunteer sampling on UNF campus. • This survey was handed out in a campaigns class and various locations on the UNF campus. • Male (43%) • Female (57%)
Research Question #1 • Does income have an effect on the likelihood to purchase a product seen on a reality TV show? • Hypothesis: Income does have an affect on the likelihood to purchase a product seen on a reality TV show.
Results • Because p > .05, income did not have a significant affect on the likelihood of purchasing a product seen on reality TV. • F(2,32) = 1.356, p = .27 • Hypothesis 1 was rejected.
Research Question #2 • Does the number of hours spent watching reality TV have an affect on how people relate to the characters. • Hypothesis: The more people watch reality TV the more they will relate to the characters.
Results • Because p > .05, there is no correlation between the number of hours spent watching reality TV and how people relate to the characters. • r(34) = -.211, p = .223 • Hypothesis 2 was rejected
Research Question #3 • Does marital status have an affect whether or not people watch reality TV to find out what is in fashion? • Hypothesis: Marital status does not have an affect on whether or not people watch reality TV to find out what is in fashion.
Results • Because p > .05, marital status did not significantly affect people who watch reality TV to find out what’s in fashion. • F(2,32) = .140, p = .87 • Hypothesis 3 was supported.
Research Question #4 • Do male and female viewers differ in levels of education? • Hypothesis: Female viewers are more likely to have a higher level of education.
Results • Results are not significant, observed values do not differ significantly from expected values. Although it seems as if women tend to have a higher education, these results are not significant and cannot be generalized to the entire population. • p = .56, so p > .05 • Hypothesis 4 was rejected
Research uestion #5 • Does ethnicity have an affect on the likelihood of purchasing products seen on reality TV shows? • Hypothesis: Ethnicity does have an affect on the likelihood of purchasing.
Results • Because p < .05, there is a significant difference between ethnicity and the likelihood to purchase products seen on reality TV. • Hypothesis 5 was supported
Discussion • Three out of our five hypotheses were rejected; however, four of the tests had low confidence levels, p (greater than .05) • Only one of the five had a high confidence level (less than .05) • Ethnicity had a significant effect on the likelihood of buying products seen on reality TV shows; however all ethnicities were neutral or less likely to buy.
Conclusion • Product placement is an effective tool used for branding. • Product placement has different effects on ethnicities and their buying habits.(according to our studies). • Our survey was limited because of the sampling procedures and the number of participants. • Further studies should focus on specific types of reality TV shows rather than reality TV shows in general.
Examples • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb4_pYEwkk4 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LQenTID2jo • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMMCyFXchUk&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL478ABE5471578335