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Linking Out in Winnipeg University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/health. Ada Ducas, Head Tania Gottschalk, WRHA Librarian Carol Cooke, Resource Development Librarian Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library Winnipeg, Manitoba. How is health organized?.
Linking Out in Winnipeg University of Manitoba Health Sciences Librarieswww.umanitoba.ca/libraries/health Ada Ducas, Head Tania Gottschalk, WRHA Librarian Carol Cooke, Resource Development Librarian Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library Winnipeg, Manitoba
How is health organized? • Health care is funding is provided by both Federal and Provincial governments in Canada • The Provincial governments have control over the way health care is managed in each province. Usually by a Minister of Health and associated department.
How is Health Organized? • Manitoba Health has divided the province divided into regions. Funding for health distributed to the regions. http://www.gov.mb.ca/health/rha/ • Each region manages the hospitals, non-profit long term care facilities, and public health services http://www.rham.mb.ca/
Who else is regionalizing library service? This is a trend in Canada…here are just a few see http://www.chla-absc.ca/nnlh/prov.html • Health Sciences Consortium of Toronto • Queen’s University • Calgary Region and Health Information Network • Health Knowledge Network (Alberta) • Saskatchewan Health Resources Information Partnership • Atlantic Health Knowledge Partnership
What about Winnipeg? • Winnipeg lies at the geographic centre of North America. • Winnipeg is the capital and largest city • Manitoba is a resource-rich province of 1.1 million people bordered by Ontario to the east, Saskatchewan to the west, and North Dakota and Minnesota to the south. • Total Population of Census Metropolitan Area (2004) - 702,396
Why did we get here? • Inequalities in access provision and resources – some hospital libraries better funded than others • Not much training being offered at any of the hospitals in Winnipeg • Technology rapidly changing and resources going electronic • Very little coordination of health library services within Winnipeg (or Manitoba) • Fee-based services served as a barrier to access
How did we get here? • 1996 - Brand new Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library (NJMSHL) becomes the primary resource for health professionals at the Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg’s and Manitoba’s largest hospital. • 1997 -The Regional Health Authorities Act legislation of Manitoba came into force. • Two agencies: Winnipeg Hospital Authority (acute care) and Winnipeg Community (home care and long term care)Area are formed to cover Winnipeg region.
How did we get here? • 1998 – Schools of Nursing closed in hospitals and all programs transferred to University of Manitoba and Red River College. Results in downsizing of funding for Winnipeg’s hospital libraries • 1998 - after a two-year negotiation period, the St. Boniface General Hospital (SBGH) Library became a unit of the NJMHSL. SBGH is the second largest hospital in Manitoba
How did we get here? • 1999 – Victoria General Hospital (VGH) approaches NJMHSL about managing library services. VGH is a community hospital • 2000 – Winnipeg Hospital Authority and Winnipeg Community Authority merged to form the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
How did we get here? • 2000 – WRHA approaches NJMHSL about management of other hospital libraries. A legal agreement between University and WRHA is made and signed • April 2002 - Grace General Hospital and Seven Oaks become units of NJMHSL. Both are community hospitals. Grace is a Salvation Army hospital • September 2002 - Concordia Hospital joins NJMHSL. Concordia is a community hospital and has a Mennonite affiliation.
How did we get here? • December 2004 – WRHA approaches NJMHSL to write a needs assessment for Long Term Care • February 2005 – Agreement in principle to bring Deer Lodge (a rehab-geriatric hospital), Misericordia (urgent care and long term care facility), and Riverview Health Centre (large long term care hospital) in as unit libraries. Also to provide services to Winnipeg’s 35 personal care homes
What do we look like now? • One large academic health sciences library (part of University of Manitoba Libraries) that also serves the largest teaching hospital, Health Sciences Centre located next door • Six hospital libraries serving the twelve community areas comprising the WRHA • Outreach services to: • WRHA Corporate Offices • WRHA community areas • 35 personal care homes and Riverview Health Centre (long term care facility)
How does it work? • NJMHSL is the central library with hospital librarians reporting to the Head. • NJMHSL has ten librarians and 40 staff who serve faculties of medicine, dentistry, OT and PT, and Health Sciences Centre. • Hospital Library – minimum librarian and library technician at each site • Part-time librarian at WRHA Corporate Office • Community Areas of WRHA – each hospital provides services and support to WRHA staff (mostly nurses involved with public health, home care, or long term care)
Victoria Hospital LibraryFt. Garry and River Heights St. Boniface Hospital LibrarySt. Boniface and St. Vital Concorida Hospital LibraryRiver East and Transcona Seven Oaks Hospital LibrarySeven Oaks and Inkster Grace Hospital Library St James and Assinaboine South Deer Lodge Centre (J.W. Crane Library)Personal Care Homes and Riverview Health Neil John MacleanPoint Douglas, Downtown includes WRHA Corporate Office
How does it work? • Library Program Liaison Committee made up of WRHA and UM staff advise the NJMHSL about the library. Meets twice a year. • Health Sciences Libraries are a WRHA Program and report through the WRHA Executive Director of Research, Quality, and Health Information Management. Meet as needed with Executive Director
How does it work? • All librarians meet biweekly at NJMHSL • Section Heads (hospital heads meet monthly) • Librarians serve on various committees for hospitals or WRHA (e.g. research or accreditation committees) • Librarians are also UM Faculty members and serve on library committees and university committees.
What services are offered? • Literature searches • Document Delivery • Table of Contents (Electronically via CISTI Source and in print)
What services are offered? • Electronic Access • Onsite access to databases and e-journals in hospitals. 10,000+ e-journals, 126 databases • Online access for those with UM faculty appointments (many physicians, nurses, and health care administrators have these appointments) • Training and House Calls (librarian visits office for special training seehttp://www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/health/reference/housecalls.shtml)
How do we communicate? • Created an online newsletter called Info-Rx: Newsletter of the Health Sciences Libraries with the tag “your prescription for quality health information” • Goes out nine times per year. Distributed to listservs and to all hospital and WRHA staff emails • www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/health/newsletter
What about collections? • Duplicate serials cancelled • New serials purchased but in electronic format (if available) • Hospitals collect in areas of specialization (e.g. Concordia –orthopedics; SBGH & Grace – palliative care) • Centralized processing at NJMHSL • Hospital libraries choose books for their collections but all invoices paid at NJMHSL
What about collections? • All holdings in BISON (SIRSI Catalogue) • ExLibris SFX allows linking to electronic holdings from all databases including PubMed • SERHOLD coordinated centrally – all print and e-journal holdings added by Resource Management at NJMHSL for all hospital libraries • Ariel receive software at each site for document delivery. Ariel send at NJMHSL and SBGH - the biggest libraries
What about PubMed? • Users are required to have a library card to login to utilize the full-text linking to journal articles. • Use a Proxy Server to give people access so that they can utilize from any computer with an Internet connection www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/health
Green boxes show print holdings of hospital libraries Use Linkout (Yellow Umanitoba Online) for MD-Consult &EbscoHost because linking works better UM Links is the SFX linking What about PubMed?
What about PubMed? Clicking on UM Links shows users the options available for linking to full-text of an article
What about PubMed? • Promote Loansome Doc • Each hospital accepts registrations. We have a pre-registration form so that the hospitals can know the status of the applicants: http://www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/health/docdel/loansomedoc/
What about My NCBI? • Have just started promoting this to our users as a way to set up tables of contents or to create search profiles. • Featured article in our newsletter: http://myuminfo.umanitoba.ca/index.asp?sec=857&too=100&dat=4/21/2005&sta=2&wee=4&eve=8&npa=8311
What about My NCBI? By selecting Outside Tool in MY NCBI users can see the UM Links button
What about connections? • Leased computers at each hospital to ensure a three year renewal – technology is a priority not an afterthought • Supported by centralized computer support department, Libraries Electronic Technologies and Services(LETS) of the University of Manitoba Libraries • Library services listed on the WRHA intranet, and UM Libraries website www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/health
What’s next for us? • Promoting our services more to WRHA staff in Community Areas • Promoting My NCBI and Loansome Doc more via our electronic newsletter, training, and House Calls • User Needs Assessment and Satisfaction Survey • Expansion of services to personal care homes
What’s next for us? • Simplifying requesting procedures for document delivery, use of library catalogue, delivery of materials around the city • Extending electronic access and services across Manitoba to the northern and rural Regional Health Authorities (the dream!)
Questions? Ada Ducas, Head Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library 770 Bannatyne Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W3 (204)789-3821 ada_ducas@umanitoba.ca