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Reducing Risk Factors in the Aging Workforce. Cindy Roth Ergonomic Technologies Corp. AGING. Aging is a very different process today than it was a century ago
Reducing Risk Factors in the Aging Workforce Cindy Roth Ergonomic Technologies Corp.
AGING • Aging is a very different process today than it was a century ago • Medical knowledge and attendant behavioral changes have not only helped increase life expectancy, they have considerably enhanced the quality of life • The longevity gains of the 20th century are supported by health reforms and changes in personal behavior • More and more people are learning from the example of Eubie Blake, the great jazz musician, who so aptly said when he was 97 or 98 years old, "If I'd have known I'd live this long, I would have taken better care of myself."
AGING WORKFORCE • So has the notion of "retirement“ • In most jobs, strength and endurance may not be the requirements • The aging work force and the expected labor shortages due to North America’s low birth rate, require that employers, policy makers and workers to come up with creative solutions to allow all seniors the option to remain active in the work force if they so wish
Trends • Older workers continue to work and retirees return to work for financial reasons, socialization, and wanting to contribute/feel valued • However, with personal savings significantly lower than in the past, the most compelling reason to work for older Americans is economic
Aging • 13% of the population is over 65 • 25% of the population is over 50, the age of decline • In 30 years, the 65+ population will double to 66 million people
Do aging workers need any special accommodations? • Yes and no (how’s that for an answer) • A well-designed work place benefits everyone, young and aging • Workstations and job tasks that are matched to the needs of the individual employee are always best • Different conditions for different workers may be needed to meet the needs of any employee, not just one that is older • However, that being said, there are some things older workers may need to work safely and comfortably
Are there any specific health and safety concerns related to aging workers? • Most studies say that older workers tend to have fewer accidents, but when an older worker does get injured, their injuries are often more severe • They also may take longer to get better • The types of injuries can be different
Effects of Aging • Loss of strength • Loss of muscular flexibility • Loss of joint range of motion • Diminished postural steadiness • Reduced grip strength • Reduced nervous system responses • Reduced blood flow and tactile feedback • Reduced visual capacity • Slowing of mental processing
PROBLEM Decreased high-frequency hearing Decreased ability to discriminate some sounds SOLUTION Avoid high-frequency noise Reduce background noise Use equipment with adjustable noise levels Aging Audio…Hearing
Environmental Conditions • Noise • unwanted sound in the workplace • may interfere with the ability to concentrate, cause distraction, interfere with communication • health risk: damage to hearing
PROBLEM Decreased muscle mass and strength Increased muscle response time and fatigue SOLUTION Reduce work with static muscle effort (e.g. sustained positions) Increase use of mechanical lifts Keep work in "neutral zone" Eliminate twisting Stretch upper body throughout the day Continue or begin regular exercise programs Loss of Muscle Strength
Effects of Aging • Aging muscles • As muscles age, they begin to shrink and lose mass • This is a natural process, but a sedentary lifestyle can accelerate it • The number and size of muscle fibers also decrease • It takes muscles longer to respond in our 50s than they did in our 20s • The water content of tendons, the cord-like tissues that attach muscles to bones, decreases as we age • This makes the tissues stiffer and less able to tolerate stress
Effects of Aging • Handgrip strength decreases, making it more difficult to accomplish routine activities such as gripping, lifting, turning a valve, opening a jar or pulling tasks • The heart muscle becomes less able to propel large quantities of blood quickly to the body • We tire more quickly and take longer to recover • The body’s metabolic rate (how quickly the body converts food into energy) slows • This can lead to obesity and an increase in "bad" cholesterol levels
Effects of Aging • Aging bones • Throughout life, bones constantly change through a process of absorption and formation called "remodeling." As we age, the balance between bone absorption and bone formation changes, resulting in a loss of bone tissue. • The mineral content of bones decreases, so that bones become less dense and more fragile. • As bones lose mass, osteoporosis develops, affecting both women and men. In the spine, osteoporosis can lead to crush fractures of the vertebrae, resulting in a "dowager’s hump." Osteoporosis is also responsible for almost all hip fractures in older men and women.
Effects of Aging • The chemistry of cartilage, which provides cushioning between bones, changes • With less water content, the cartilage becomes more susceptible to stress • As cartilage degenerates, arthritis can develop • Ligaments, connective tissues between bones, become less elastic, reducing flexibility
Aging and the BACK • As we grow older, we grow drier • All of our joints • Our back is at particular risk • Discs are 70-90% water • Need movement for nutrition in..waste out • Cumulative trauma affects quality of life
Effects of Aging • Aging joints • Joint motion becomes more restricted and flexibility decreases with age because of changes in tendons and ligaments • As the cushioning cartilage begins to break down from a lifetime of use, joints become inflammed and arthritic
PROBLEM Decreased inflammatory response Increased risk of infections SOLUTION Avoid repetitive-motion work Take precautions to avoid infection Aging Immune System
"Ageing is a life long process and it's a good idea to think about how healthily you are doing it”
Concerns of Aging Workers • Health and healthcare costs • The world in which we work • The world in which we will retire • “Open borders” has created created more competition, rapid changes (puts premium on ability to adapt) • Changes open opportunities • Internationalization of production will accentuate need for specialists • Use of latest technologies
Ergonomics and the Aging • Issues: • Physical capabilities • Mental aptitudes • Personality changes • Medications • Prior injuries/illnesses • Prior jobs and tasks • “At home” activities over the years • Employee genetics
Positives Experience Commitment to Quality Low turnover Attendance/punctuality Judgement Negatives Not flexible Difficulty in accepting new technology Difficulty in learning new skills Do not possess the ability to perform strenuous tasks Some Employers’ View of Older Workers
Risk Factor Potential • Any combination of posture, repetition, force, contact stress, environment, persons’ genetics or vibration will increase risk factor contribution for potential injury • This is becomes even greater as we age
Age Diabetes Obesity Rheumatoid Arthritis Hypertensive Heart Disease Smoking Pregnancy Menopause Trauma and medication Gender Personal Risk Factors for CTD Symptoms
Carpal Tunnel syndrome Cubital Tunnel syndrome DeQuervaine’s syndrome Epicondylitis Ganglionic Cyst Trigger finger Vibration White finger Neck tension syndrome Shoulder pain Back pain Tendonitis Tenosynovitis Common CTDs
Don’t Panic • There is still hope for us
How to Assist Postal Employees Some helpful tips from an “Old One”
Doctors 'failing' to promote elderly exercise Older people can benefit from exercise Doctors have been accused of failing to encourage elderly people to take exercise that would be beneficial for their general health.
Doctors and often the aging themselves fear that more damage is likely to be done by exercising in old age, or that chronic disease has its roots earlier in life, so there is little point trying to reverse the process
Peak Strength of Active vs. Inactive • It is apparent that strength training remains highly effective in maintaining muscular strength throughout life • After about age 60, strength levels fall more rapidly, independent of training • This is probably influenced by marked changes in the hormonal production • Both testosterone and growth hormone appear to decline more dramatically after about age 60 • The decreased strength is due to atrophy of muscle fibers. It is important to notice that with strength training, the maximal strength of a 60 year old can exceed that of his untrained sons! • Several studies have demonstrated that strength gains are possible even into the 90s • So it is never too late to begin a strength training program!
Countering the Effects • Long-term regular exercises may slow the loss of muscle mass and prevent age-associated increases in body fat • Exercise also helps maintain the body’s response time, as well as its ability to deliver and use oxygen efficiently • Just 30 minutes of moderate activity, incorporated into your daily routine, can provide health benefits. • An exercise program doesn’t have to be strenuous to be effective • Walking, square dancing, swimming and bicycling are all recommended activities for maintaining fitness into old age • The 30 minutes of moderate activity can be broken up into shorter periods; you might spend 15 minutes working in the garden in the morning and 15 minutes walking in the afternoon • It all adds up
Assist Your Employees Thru Knowledge • During this century, the average number of hours people spend asleep per night in more developed countries has decreased from nine hours to 7.5 hours • The change has been made to accommodate increased demands of work and more leisure activities • Millions of shift workers average less than 5 hours of sleep per day
Lack of sleep may speed aging process Lack of sleep can cause chemical changes in the body Sleep deprivation has a similar impact on the body to the aging process and may increase the severity of age-related chronic disorders such as heart disease and diabetes, researchers have found
Assist Your Employees Thru Knowledge "We suspect that chronic sleep loss may not only hasten the onset, but could also increase the severity of age-related ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and memory loss." • US Department of Medicine in Chicago
About 1/2 all of smokers between of 35 and 69 die ahead of time but the new smokers replace them Smokers could be losing an average of 20 to 25 years of their life Everyone knows that smoking effects the heart and the lungs A new study shows that smoking can further increase diabetics' already high risks of heart disease and blood-clotting problems Add Osteoporosis, Back Pain, and Fractures to nicotine's Health Threats
Aging and Ergonomics • Educate engineers responsible for: • Job designs • Equipment designs • Tool designs • Workflow/ cycle times • MMH • Anatomy and Physiology • Anthropometrics
What Contributes to User’s Muscle Effort? • High trigger efforts > 4 kgs • Slick or oily grips • Heavy weight tools • Oversized air hoses/Couplings on tool • Grip diameter too small • Poor gloves • Poor equipment maintenance • Extended static postures • Repetitive motions • Forceful tasks • Lifing heavy objects • Pushing, pulling, lowering, carrying
Posture and Strength Extension 45 degrees 75% of Grip Strength Neutral 0 degrees 100% of Grip Strength Flexion 45 degrees 45% of Grip Strength
Posture and the HandGrasp Postures and Strength Power grasp = 100% of max grip strength Pinch grasp = 25% of max grip strength
Aging and Ergonomics • Educate employees regarding their limitations and capabilities • Identify the jobs that are creating the most risk factors for all age groups • Re-engineer tasks with highest risk factors • Provide administrative alternatives when re-engineering is not doable
Think about Ergo • Risk Factors • Root Cause • Fixes • Training • More Training • More Fixes • All to keep us healthy and happy
Think about your JobsThink about your RecreationThink about your RetirementThink how Aging is assisted by ERRP
Save our Wrists Before ERRP After ERRP Vacuum nozzle - "bend the tool, not the wrist"!