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Cosc 4755. Personal Information Manager JSR-75 Optional PIM package. PIM. Personal Information Managers Contacts including the phone contacts info Calendars events, recurring and alarms lists To-Do lists. uses a subset of the Vcard and Vcalendar specifications. Package
Cosc 4755 Personal Information Manager JSR-75 Optional PIM package
PIM • Personal Information Managers • Contacts • including the phone contacts info • Calendars • events, recurring and alarms • lists • To-Do lists. • uses a subset of the Vcard and Vcalendar specifications. • Package • import javax.microedition.pim.*;
Optional Package • Like others, is the package installed? // Check that PIM Optional Package is available String v = System.getProperty( "microedition.pim.version" ); if( v != null ){ // PIMOP available } else { // PIMOP not available } //NOT necessary on Blackberry, the PIM package is installed.
PIM Package PIM <<Opens>> via enumeration interface PIMList PIMItem <<extends>> <<extends>> • ContactList • ToDoList • EventList • Contact • ToDo • Event • RepeatRule • Used with Event
PIM • With a security model, but assuming your app has permission • view the information • add/remove/modify information • We will work this the "default" of PIM. This should allow you access to information, that the "phone" app's use, such as the contact list for dialing. • Outside the simulators, you app will need to be signed. • Think of the damage this package can allow!
Opening the "database" //static method. PIM singleton = PIM.getInstance(); • Now which of the three do we want • PIM.CONTACT_LIST, PIM.EVENT_LIST, PIM.TODO_LIST • And PIM.READ_ONLY, PIM.READ_WRITE, or PIM.WRITE_ONLY. ContactListcl = (ContactList) singleton.openPIMList( PIM.CONTACT_LIST, PIM.READ_ONLY ); EventList el = (EventList) singleton.openPIMList( PIM.EVENT_LIST, PIM.READ_ONLY ); ToDoListtl = (ToDoList) singleton.openPIMList( PIM.TODO_LIST, PIM.READ_ONLY );
PIMList and PIMItem • All three lists inherit from a PIMList • All three “items” inherit from PIMItem • You can just use PIMList and PIMItem instead of the others, but easier not too.
ContactList • Contact createContact() • Factory method to create a Contact for this contact list. • Returns a blank contact that has been entered into the contact list. • Contact importContact(Contact contact) • Imports the given Contact into this contact list by making a new Contact for the list and filling its information with as much information as it can from the provided Contact. • void removeContact(Contact contact) • Removes a specific Contact from the list.
ContactList (2) • There are more methods, but the primary is • Enumeration items() • Return an Enumeration of all items in the list. • The order is undefined. • Throws: • PIMException • If an error occurs or the list is no longer accessible or closed. • java.lang.SecurityException • if the application is not given permission to read the PIM list or the list is opened WRITE_ONLY.
ContactList (3) • Category methods, to set/remove/rename categories. IE work, personal, etc. • And field and attribute methods • We’ll look at those as we are dealing with contact.
Getting an Contact try { Enumeration enum = cl.items(); while( enum.hasMoreElements() ){ Contact contact = (Contact) enum.nextElement(); // do something with the contact } } catch( PIMException e ){ // an error occurred } catch( SecurityException e ){ // can't read this list }
Contact Attributes, which may or may not apply to the all of the above fields ATTR_ASST (ASSISTANT), ATTR_AUTO, ATTR_FAX, ATTR_HOME, ATTR_MOBILE, ATTR_OTHER, ATTR_PAGER, ATTR_SMS, ATTR_WORK, ATTR_PREFERRED (Attribute classifying a data value with preferred status for retrieval or display purposes [platform specific]) ATTR_NONE (meaning there is no attribute for that field)
Retrieving contact info • You need to use try caught around the get methods. If the field is not support, it throws an exception • If the value of the field is blank, it also throws an exception! • Example, lets get the FORMATTED_NAME try { String str = contact.getString(Contact.FORMATTED_NAME, 0); System.out.println("FN: "+str); } catch ( java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { //The field is blank! } catch (UnsupportedFieldException e) { //That field is not supported }
Retrieving contact info (2) • Retrieving the name fields try { String str1[] = contact.getStringArray(Contact.NAME, 0); for (inti = 0; i < str1.length; i++) { System.out.println("Name: " +str1[i]); } } catch ( java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { //The field is blank! } catch (UnsupportedFieldException e) { //That field is not supported } • NOTE: Name has NAME_FAIMLY, NAME_GIVEN, NAME_OTHER, NAME_PREFIX, and NAME_SUFFIX
Creating a new contact • First a blank contact Contact contact = contacts.createContact(); • Now add the information String[] name = new String[contacts.stringArraySize(Contact.NAME)]; if (contacts.isSupportedField(Contact.FORMATTED_NAME)) contact.addString(Contact.FORMATTED_NAME, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, "Mr. John Q. Public, Esq."); if (contacts.isSupportedArrayElement(Contact.NAME, Contact.NAME_FAMILY)) name[Contact.NAME_FAMILY] = "Public"; if (contacts.isSupportedArrayElement(Contact.NAME, Contact.NAME_GIVEN)) name[Contact.NAME_GIVEN] = "John"; contact.addStringArray(Contact.NAME, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, name); if (contacts.isSupportedField(Contact.TEL)) contact.addString(Contact.TEL, Contact.ATTR_HOME, "613-123-4567"); try { contact.commit(); //until a commit() the record is not updated! } catch (PIMException e) { // An error occurred }
updating a contact • Assuming contact is the contact we want to update, it is just like creating a new one. • We'll add an address. String[] addr = new String[contacts.stringArraySize(Contact.ADDR)]; if (contacts.isSupportedArrayElement(Contact.ADDR, Contact.ADDR_COUNTRY)) addr[Contact.ADDR_COUNTRY] = "USA"; if (contacts.isSupportedArrayElement(Contact.ADDR, Contact.ADDR_LOCALITY)) addr[Contact.ADDR_LOCALITY] = "Coolsville"; if (contacts.isSupportedArrayElement(Contact.ADDR, Contact.ADDR_REGION)) addr[Contact.ADDR_REGION] = "Wyoming"; if (contacts.isSupportedArrayElement(Contact.ADDR, Contact.ADDR_POSTALCODE)) addr[Contact.ADDR_POSTALCODE] = "91921-1234"; if (contacts.isSupportedArrayElement(Contact.ADDR, Contact.ADDR_STREET)) addr[Contact.ADDR_STREET] = "123 Main Street"; if (contacts.isSupportedField(Contact.ADDR)) contact.addStringArray(Contact.ADDR, Contact.ATTR_HOME, addr); //Note there is also ADDR_EXTRA, and ADDR_POBOX try { contact.commit(); } catch (PIMException e) { // An error occurred }
ToDoList • Very similar to contacts • Note this one and calendar are less likely to be implemented on all phones. • ToDocreateToDo() • Factory method to create a ToDo entry for this ToDo list. • ToDoimportToDo(ToDo item) • Imports the given ToDo into this list by making a new ToDo for the list and filling its information with as much information as it can from the provided ToDo. • void removeToDo(ToDo item) • Removes a specific ToDo from the list. • java.util.Enumeration items(int field, long startDate, long endDate) • Return an enumeration of all the ToDos in the list where the value of the specified date field falls in the range from startDate to endDate inclusive. • The data for Date is expressed in the same long value format as java.util.Date, which is milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970). • To get all the ToDO items, use items() like from contacts.
ToDo Item There are no attributes for the ToDo fields.
Example creating an ToDo ToDoListtodos = null; try { todos = (ToDoList) PIM.getInstance().openPIMList(PIM.TODO_LIST, PIM.READ_WRITE); } catch (PIMException e) { // An error occurred } ToDotodo = todos.createToDo(); if (todos.isSupportedField(Event.SUMMARY)) todo.addString(ToDo.SUMMARY, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, "Buy going away present for Judy"); if (todos.isSupportedField(ToDo.DUE)) //note import java.util.Date; is needed! todo.addDate(ToDo.DUE, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, new Date().getTime()); if (todos.isSupportedField(ToDo.NOTE)) todo.addString(ToDo.NOTE, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, "Judy really likes stained glass"); if (todos.isSupportedField(ToDo.PRIORITY)) todo.addInt(ToDo.PRIORITY, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, 2); try { //We'll come back to categories at the end of the lecture if (todos.maxCategories() != 0 && todos.isCategory("Work")) todo.addToCategory("Work"); } catch (PIMException ex) { //Work is not a category } try { todo.commit(); } catch (PIMException e) { // An error occured }
EventList • Calendar events • Event createEvent() • Factory method to create an Event for this event list. • int[] getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int frequency) • Returns the Repeat Rule fields that are settable by the class user and supported by this EventList for the provided Repeat Rule frequency. • Event importEvent(Event item) • Imports the given Event into this list by making a new Event for the list and filling its information with as much information as it can from the provided Event. • void removeEvent(Event item) • Removes a specific Event from the list. • Enumeration items(intsearchType, long startDate, long endDate, booleaninitialEventOnly) • Return an enumeration of all the Events where at least one of the Event's occurrences falls in the specified range from startDate to endDate inclusive. • Searchtype constants: ENDING, OCCURRING, STARTING • Enumeration items() will return all events.
Event Item • There are no field attributes. • A single event may have multiple occurrences; i.e. the event may be a recurring event • that is repeated at specified intervals. Each occurrence of an event is determined by • using a RepeatRule to calculate when the event should have additional occurrences, • besides the one defined by the Event.START field.
Event creation example EventList events = null; try { events = (EventList) PIM.getInstance().openPIMList(PIM.EVENT_LIST, PIM.READ_WRITE); } catch (PIMException e) { // An error occurred } Event event = events.createEvent(); Date aDate = new Date(); //variable should be set to something other then now! if (events.isSupportedField(Event.SUMMARY)) event.addString(Event.SUMMARY, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, "Meeting with John"); if (events.isSupportedField(Event.START)) event.addDate(Event.START, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, aDate.getTime()); if (events.isSupportedField(Event.END)) event.addDate(Event.END, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, aDate.getTime()); if (events.isSupportedField(Event.ALARM)) event.addInt(Event.ALARM, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, (int) aDate.getTime() - 60000); if (events.isSupportedField(Event.NOTE)) event.addString(Event.NOTE, PIMItem.ATTR_NONE, "I phoned on Monday to book this meeting"); try { if (events.maxCategories() != 0 && events.isCategory("Work")) event.addToCategory("Work"); } catch (PIMException ex) { //Work is not a catergory } try { event.commit(); } catch (PIMException e) { // An error occured } try {events.close(); } catch (PIMException e) { }
RepeatRule • Event has two addition methods • RepeatRulegetRepeat() • Retrieves a RepeatRule object specifying how often and when this event occurs. • void setRepeat(RepeatRule value) • Sets the RepeatRule specifying how often and when this event occurs. • EventList has the • int[] getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int frequency)
RepeateRule examples • To specify the associated event occurs every day: • setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.DAILY); • To specify the associated event occurs every day for the next five days: • setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.DAILY); • setInt(RepeatRule.COUNT, 5); • To specify this event occurs every week on Monday and Tuesday: • setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.WEEKLY); • setInt(RepeatRule.DAY_IN_WEEK, RepeatRule.MONDAY | RepeatRule.TUESDAY); • To specify the associated event occurs every year on the 4th of July: • setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.YEARLY); • setInt(RepeatRule.MONTH_IN_YEAR, RepeatRule.JULY); • setInt(RepeatRule.DAY_IN_MONTH, 4);
RepeateRule examples (2) • To check if a particular Repeat Rule frequency value is supported for events for a certain event list: // Check if RepeatRule.DAILY is supported in the default event list EventList el = PIM.openPIMList(PIM.EVENT_LIST, PIM.READ_WRITE); int[] supported_fields = el.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(RepeatRule.DAILY); if (supported_fields.length > 0) { System.out.println("RepeatRule.DAILY is supported in default event list"); }
Category • Category is in PIMList and PIMItem, which is inherited by the three lists. • Categories are string items assigned to an item to represent the item's inclusion in a logical grouping. • The category string correspond to category values already existing in the PIMItem's associated PIMList. • Category support per list is optional, depending on the implementing PIMList class that the item is associated with. • The item's list determines if categories can be assigned, and how many categories can be assigned per item.
PIMList Category • void addCategory(String category) • Adds the provided category to the PIM list. • void deleteCategory(String category, booleandeleteUnassignedItems) • Deletes the indicated category from the PIM list. • String[] getCategories() • Returns the categories defined for the PIM list. • booleanisCategory(String category) • Returns indication of whether the given category is a valid existing category for this list. • void renameCategory(String currentCategory, String newCategory) • Renames a category from an old name to a new name. • intmaxCategories() • Returns the maximum number of categories that this list can have. • Enumeration itemsByCategory(String category) • Returns an enumeration of all items in the PIM list that match the provided category. • Field: UNCATEGORIZED • Constant for the itemsByCategory(String) method to indicate to search for uncategorized items.
PIMItem category • void addToCategory(String category) • Adds a category to this item. • void RemoveFromCategory(String category) • Remove a category from this item. • String[] getCategories() • Returns all the categories for that the item belongs to. If there are no categories assigned to this item, a zero length array is returned. • intmaxCategories() • Returns the maximum number of categories that this item can be assigned to.
Category example • From Todo Example • todos is TodoList and todo is the Item. try { if (todos.maxCategories() != 0 //0 says no category support && todos.isCategory("Work")) //Makes sure that Work is a category todo.addToCategory("Work"); } catch (PIMException ex) { //Error, list is closed or not accessible, assuming the above if statements. } //To see all the categories associated with an item String cat[] = todo.getCategories()
Blackberry PIM • net.rim.blackberry.api.pdap.BlackBerryPIM • Note, BlackBerryPIM required a signed app. • development on BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators can occur without code signing. • Extends PIMList • BlackBerryContactList, BlackBerryEventList, BlackBerryMemoList, BlackBerryPIMList, BlackBerryToDoList, ContactList, EventList, ToDoList • Extends PIMItem • BlackBerryContact, BlackBerryContactGroup, BlackBerryEvent, BlackBerryMemo, BlackBerryToDo, Contact, Event, ToDo
Blackberry PIM (2) • Other then the added pieces, works the same • Example memo (Fields: NOTE, TITLE, UID as string) PIM p = PIM.getInstance(); BlackBerryMemoListmemoList; try { memoList = (BlackBerryMemoList) p.openPIMList( BlackBerryPIM.MEMO_LIST, BlackBerryPIM.READ_WRITE ); } catch ( PIMException e ) { // BlackBerryMemoList could not be opened... } try { BlackBerryMemo memo = memoList.createMemo(); memo.addToCategory( "Work" ); if ( memoList.isSupportedField( BlackBerryMemo.TITLE ) ) { memo.addString( BlackBerryMemo.TITLE, 0, "New Company Policy" ); } if ( memoList.isSupportedField( BlackBerryMemo.NOTE ) ) { memo.addString( BlackBerryMemo.NOTE, 0, "Here are the details..." ); } } catch( PIMException e ) { // BlackBerryMemo could not be created } memo.commit();
Blackberry Note • With the simulators that allow you leave it open and insert the new package. • I got a Access Exception for the PIM. • I had to restart the simulator every time I wanted to try a new version of the code.
Android • Does no support JSR75 of course • Has contacts built in • The calendar is supported via gmail app and must provide login credentials to access it. • I was able to login to my gmail account with the email app on the android simulators. I could access my email, but I could not find a "calendar" app (looked at the Droid doc's for help). • The "android" calendar app doesn't look to be installed on the simulators, nor is gmail app that sync's contacts and calendar events. • Nor could I find any APIs on their development site. • Gmail and calendar app are closed source from google and are not provided in the SDK • There is no built in support for a memo or todo list.
ContactsContract API • There is a demo application, ContactManager • requires Google APIs Target for the simulator API level 7 • Causes Eclipse on my system to crash when importing the project. Ignore the stackOverflowError, then it loads. • Fails to work on the simulator. • no obvious reason for the failure. • attempts to connect to gmail contacts? • needs the gmail app? • Connected to Eclipse load problem?
gmail • On a real android phone • The first thing you must due is either connect to your gmail account or create one on the spot. • since it's not provided with the SDKs, this causes a lot of testing problems • you need an actual phone to test with. • The forums are full of some very "unhappy" people attempting to test their app's.
Q A &
References • http://developers.sun.com/mobility/apis/ttips/pim/ • http://java.sun.com/javame/technology/msa/jsr75.jsp • Sort of JavaDocs • http://mobilezoo.biz/jsr/75/pim/index.html