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Geo-Enabling DoD Business Transformation: The Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI)

This presentation discusses the Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) and its role in optimizing DoD investments in spatial data assets for defense and national goals. It highlights the DISDI Group, its governance and policy, working groups, and net-centric goals.

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Geo-Enabling DoD Business Transformation: The Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI)

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  1. Geo-Enabling DoD Business Transformation: The Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) presentation to the COI Forum Col. Hal Tinsley DISDI Program Manager Costi Tudan DISDI Architect Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment Business Enterprise Integration

  2. Purpose and Agenda • Defense Installations Spatial Data Infrastructure Group – DISDI Group (DISDI-G) • DISDI-G: the Community of Interest • Governance and policy • DISDI-G working groups • DISDI-G net-centric goals – implementation projects

  3. The DISDI Group “The DISDI-G will seek strategies across the RP&ILM core business mission area for optimizing DoD investments in people, policies, and practices necessary to acquire, steward, and share installation, environmental, and range spatial data assets for defense, federal, and national goals. Once strategies are developed, the DISDI-G will deliberate and forward proposed actions to the I&E Domain Governance Board (DGB) for approval.” “The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency will function as a key partner to the DISDI-G to ensure alignment with the strategic intent of the National System for Geospatial-Intelligence (NSG).”

  4. The Warfighter / Installation RelationshipDefense Basing Space - “The DoD Footprint” Where is the Warfighter in this picture?

  5. Geographic Information…. for the DoD Business Mission Real Property Management Environment Natural & Cultural Resources Base Operations, Services Occupational Health, Safety

  6. Geo-Enabling the Global Information Grid Defense ‘Basing space’

  7. DISDI-G GovernanceOSD Level and Component Level Real Property & Installation Lifecycle Management Investment Review Board (RP&ILM IRB) Real Property & Installation Lifecycle Management Domain Governance Board (RP&ILM DGB) Principals:DUSD(I&E) Asst Sec of the Army (I&E) Asst Sec of the Navy (I&E) Dep Asst Sec of the Air Force (Installations) Asst Chief of Staff for Installation Mgt, US Army Air Force Civil Engineer Navy Chief of Naval Operations (N-46) Asst Dep Comdt. (I&L)(F), US Marine Corps Dir, Real Estate and Facilities, WHS Principals:DUSD(I&E) Asst Sec of the Army (I&E) Asst Sec of the Navy (I&E) Asst Sec of the Air Force (IE&L) Joint Staff, J-4 Asst Sec of Def (NII/DoD CIO) Director, PA&E DISDI Group (DISDI-G) WORKING GROUPS ODUSD(I&E) BEI-DISDI Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure support SDSFIE METADATA ARCHITECTURE IMAGERY Asst Dep Comdt, (I&L)(F), US Marine Corps (GeoFidelis) HQNAVFAC, US Navy (GeoReadiness) ACSIM, US Army (Army IGI&S) Headquarters, US Army Corps of Engineers Director, RE & Fac., WHS Air Force Civil Engineer DISDI Functional Components CIO GIS Configuration Integration Board (CIB) MSC Enterprise GIS (EGIS) Group GeoReadiness Integration Team GEOFidelis Advisory Council Installation GI&S Business Mission Area Functional Inputs

  8. DISDI Governance and the GIG Real Property & Installation Lifecycle Management Domain Governance Board (RP&ILM DGB) OMB Geo LoB FEA FGDC COIs GEOINT WORKING GROUP (GWG) DISDI Group (DISDI-G) WORKING GROUPS ODUSD(I&E) BEI-DISDI Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure SUPPORT GLOBAL INFORMATION GRID Asst Dep Comdt, (I&L)(F), US Marine Corps (GeoFidelis) HQNAVFAC, US Navy (GeoReadiness) Air Force Civil Engineer (GeoBase) ACSIM, US Army (Army IGI&S) Headquarters, US Army Corps of Engineers Director, RE & Fac., WHS GLOBAL INFORMATION GRID

  9. DoD Business and The Key Drivers for Spatial Data Requirements The DoD Global Information Grid has Three Domains: (1) Warfighter (2) Intelligence (3) Business The DoD Business Domain has 5 Core Business Mission Areas: Defense Installations Strategic Plan - VISION: Installation assets and services are available when and where needed, with the joint capabilities and capacities necessary to effectively and efficiently support DoD missions.

  10. Policies affecting geospatial • Executive Order 12906, “Coordinating Geographic Data Acquisition and Access: The National Spatial Data Infrastructure”, April 11, 1994 • DoD Directive 8000.1, “Management of DoD Information Resources and Information Technology,” February 27, 2002 • DoD Directive 5105.60, “National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)”, October 11, 1996 • DoD Directive 8320.2, “Data Sharing in a Net-Centric Department of Defense”, 2 December 2004 • DOD Directive 8115.01, “Information Technology Portfolio Management” 10 October, 2005 • DoD Instruction 5210.52, “Security Classification of Airborne Sensor Imagery,” May 18, 1989 • Executive Order 10104, “Defining Certain Vital Military and Naval Installations and Equipment as Requiring Protection Against the General Dissemination of Information Relative Thereto, “ Feb 1, 1950 • DoD Directive 5030.59, “National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) LIMITED DISTRIBUTION Imagery or Geospatial Information and Data”, 13 May 2003 • DoD Directive 3020.40, “Defense Critical Infrastructure Program (DCIP)”, 19 August, 2005 • DoD Directive 5200.1, “DoD Information Security Program”, 13 December 1996 • DoD Directive 5144.1, “Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief Information Officer (ASD(NII)/DoD CIO)”, 2 May 2005 • DoD 5200.1-R, “Information Security Program”, January 1997 • DoD Directive 5205.2, “DoD Operations Security (OPSEC) Program”, 29 November 1999 • DoD Directive, “DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program”, 28 October 2005 • DoD 5400.7-R, “DoD Freedom of Information Act Program”, September 1998 • DoD Directive 8500.1, “Information Assurance (IA)”, October 24, 2002 • CJCSI 3901.01B, “Requirements for Geospatial Information and Services”, July 15,2004 • CJCSM 3150.15B, Standard Specified Geographic Location File Request, November 1, 2005 • DoD Directive 3025.1, “Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA)”, January 15, 1993

  11. Working Groups • Spatial Data Standard for Facilities Installations and Environment (SDSFIE) Working Group • Geospatial Metadata Working Group • Architecture Working Group • Imagery Working Group

  12. SDSFIE Working Group The SDSFIE Five-Year Vision Statement: The single DoD spatial standard that supports common implementation and maximizes interoperability for Installation, Environment, and Civil Works Missions. • Meet strategic requirements: DISR, BEA, DDMS, ISO, FGDC, and other DoD standards and models • Ensure interoperability of adaptations • Future releases of the SDSFIE will be driven by DoD Business Mission Area Requirements • Individual content requests and change recommendations will drive local adaptations and not the SDSFIE Logical Data Model

  13. SDSFIE Working Group SDSFIE Guiding Principles • SDSFIE will focus on the geospatial representation of features and maintain a minimum number of attributes. It will link to our business databases for attribute data and not duplicate attributes found in business databases. • SDSFIE will provide a data model that is scalable from installation mapping up to Service level and DoD; from local to global • If a relevant data content standard already exists, SDSFIE must incorporate it into the model rather than develop new content. • SDSFIE standard development will follow a nationally recognized development process • SDSFIE will reside in the public domain and is vendor neutral • The standard will be responsive and built to support the business needs of data creators and end users • SDSFIE is governed and managed by the DISDI Group.

  14. BEA 4.0 SDSFIE Governance and Business Mission Area Stakeholders Geospatial BEA 5.0 SDSFIE LOGICAL CORE RP&ILM DGB Oversee development & Implementation of I&E Business Transformation Real Property Environment Cultural Resources Military Operations Civil Works APPROVAL / GUIDANCE BUSINESS MISSION AREAS DISDI Group GEOSPATIAL SME’s – OWNERS OF THE LOGICAL CORE Cross-Service Working Groups Communities of Interest Cross-Service Committees BUSINESS PROCESS OWNERS USERS

  15. Metadata Working Group • Established to align with DoD Metadata efforts • Incorporate Defense Discovery Metadata Specification into geospatial metadata • Align with mandated DISR standards • Create and Implement ISO profile for geospatial metadata • In sync with Federal Geographic Data Committee and NGA geospatial metadata efforts • Developed DISDI Geospatial Metadata Profile based on ISO 19115 specification • Developing Metadata translation tools to help migration from old metadata standard

  16. Architecture Working Group • Address geospatial architecture federation requirements • Develop high level architecture views (OV-1, SV-1, TV-1,2) • BEA 5.0 geo-enabled location • Geo-enable Real Property Unique Identifier Registry • I&E - Universal Core “Where” • Authoritative Source for Location – “Where”

  17. Imagery Working Group • Consolidate Imagery Requirements • Reducing Redundancy by Building Awareness • Cross-Service Imagery Sharing Capability • Eliminating Redundant Acquisitions • Estimated $35 mil cost avoidance over a two year period.

  18. Current DISDI Initiatives • Implementing Geospatial Capabilities • Real Property Mapping Pilot Project • Environmental Liabilities Reconciliation Pilot Project • Geospatial Visualization for the Real Property Unique Identifier Registry • Geospatial Data Warehouse Pilot Project (DoD Legacy Program) • Pilot Development of Data Sharing Protocols • High Resolution Imagery Sharing • Standards & Strategic Initiatives • DISDI Metadata Profile 1.0 • Inserting Geospatial Fundamentals in Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA), Version 5.0 • Re-engineering the Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE)

  19. Sites and Land Parcels Dover AFB, DE Site Boundaries Land Parcels (owned) Land Parcels (non-owned) Transforming the Business with Geospatial Solutions Real Property Inventory Initiative DoDI 4165.14 RPI Requirements – Logical Data Elements and Spatial Data Map Layers RPI Mapping Pilot - Sites and Land (Parcel) Assets

  20. Geo-Enable Location in BEA 5.0 BEA 5.0 release date: March 08 • Problem: • DISR mandates the use of ISO standards for geospatial systems. • Current BEA products do not incorporate ISO geospatial standards. • Existing I&E geospatial data standards (i.e. SDSFIE) not included. • Strategy: • Update BEA products to align with DISR. • Implement ISO geospatial meta-model for BEA 5.0 release. • Align with geospatial standards and architectures as implemented by warfighter, intelligence domains and RP&ILM. • Outcome: • Geo-enables the Real Property Business Process Model. • Aligns all current efforts for geospatial representation, visualization and analysis of Real Property assets. • Ensures business domain geospatial data is aligned with the National System for Geospatial-Intelligence (NSG) and ISO compliant.

  21. Spatial Data Standards for the Business Enterprise Architecture BEA 4.1 BEA 5.0 DoD Business Enterprise Architecture EL HAZMAT RPI LOCATION (Geospatial) spatial? RP Spatial Data Model (land) EL Spatial Data Model (TEMP.) Geospatial LDM Core sustain THE SPATIAL DATA STANDARD FOR FACILITIES, INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENT 3.0 2.5 2.6

  22. DISDI Group COI Strategic Involvement - BEA 5.0, FEA, GWG, FGDC, Geo LoB Standards - Metadata, SDSFIE Geo-Enabling Business Mission Areas - Real Property Mapping, Environmental Liabilities

  23. Geo-Enabling DoD Business Transformation: The Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) presentation to the COI Forum Col. Hal Tinsley DISDI Program Manager 703.604.5807 Hal.Tinsley@osd.mil Costi Tudan DISDI Architect 703.604.4616 Constantin.Tudan.ctr@osd.mil Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment Business Enterprise Integration

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