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Apply for the Design in Social Care Programme 2018/19 by completing the application form and submitting it to socialcaredigital@local.gov.uk. Deadline: 4pm, Friday, 21 September 2018.
To apply for the Design in Social Care Programme 2018/19, please complete this application form and submit to socialcaredigital@local.gov.uk by 4pm on Friday 21 September 2018. Please read this information carefully and refer to the prospectus when completing your responses. Each question states the maximum length that responses should be. Instructions
What we’re looking for Sign off
To be eligible for this support offer, you must: (Please underline to indicate which requirements you have met) • Ensure that the problem you are trying to address aligns with the three themes specified • Include within your team wider health and social care or voluntary and community sector partners where appropriate • Confirm that between 3-4 members of your project team will attend all four London-based workshops • Commit to working as a team on the project outside the workshops and on-site support visits • Agree to sharing learning from the Programme with the LGA, other councils and Snook • Not be receipt of funding through the LGA’s Social Care Digital Innovation Programme in 2018/19* • Have engaged with and have this application signed off by your Director of Adult Social Care. *Councils that were funded through the 2017/18 Local Investment Programme are eligible to apply although priority will be given to councils not funded through this programme.
2a. Which theme does your problem statement align with? (please select one by underlining the text) • I have the information I need to help me stay independent within my home and community (prevention and early intervention) • The people and organisations helping me a joined up around me needs (integrated care and/or hospital discharge) • The care I receive values me and enables me to do the things I want to do (long-term care and support) Problem to be addressed
2b. What is the problem that you’re trying to address?(50 words) (Please provide a clear and concise description) Problem to be addressed
3. Why have you chosen this problem(Maximum 2 slides) You should consider: • The background • What stage (if any) your project is at • Whether it is a priority area for your council or wider health and care system • What local evidence do you have that would support you to take this problem forward Problem to be addressed
(Please provide a clear and concise description) Problem to be addressed
(Please provide a clear and concise description) Problem to be addressed
4. How do you propose to measure how successfully the problem specified above is addressed? (Maximum 1 slide) (You will have the opportunity to refine these as the programme progresses) Problem to be addressed
5. How will you contribute to a) the wider programme and b) your project teams to make sure that they are both successful in their aims? (Maximum 2 slides) Problem to be addressed
6. Please list the names and roles of your project team, including your team lead. We would recommend a multidisciplinary team of approximately 6-8 people. Please note that by submitting this application you have agreement for 3-4 team members to attend London-based workshops and be available for on-site support visits. Please note that the LGA is unable to fund travel expenses for participants to attend these workshops. Your team
8. If relevant to you, please state your current knowledge or experience of using service design principles and methodologies in previous projects(Maximum 1 slide) (This questions won’t affect how your application is scored – it’s just helpful for us to know) Problem to be addressed
9. Sign off Sign off
In launching the programme, the LGA and Snook would like to demonstrate each other’s commitments to the programme with successful councils. Shared Commitments
If you are selected to join the programme we will sign and share these commitments with you. Our commitment to you: • We will provide support to assist you in creatively addressing your specific adult social care challenge. • This support will be provided through on-site support, practical workshops and facilitated opportunities to engage with other local areas on the programme. • We will continue to encourage you to continue to put people at the heart of your work. • We will promote the outcomes and learning from your work with the rest of the sector so that others can learn from your approach. • We will be honest with you – highlighting your successes and achievements as well as areas you may benefit from feedback on. Your commitment to people needing care and support and also to us: • We will work as a multi-disciplinary team (with other organisations if appropriate) in addressing our specific adult social care challenge both during and outside of the support offered. • We will commit to putting service users at the heart of the work. • We will ensure that senior officers / elected members are engaged in the programme. • We will commit to engaging as a full team in the workshops and on-site support. • We will commit to share our learning with the rest of the sector. • We will be honest with you – highlighting what has worked well as well as opportunities to improve the tailoring of support to our needs. Shared Commitments
In your application you are welcome to propose amendments to existing LGA and Snook commitments as well as add new commitments that you would like to make to the programme. Please make any amendments and suggestions below. (Maximum 1 slide) Shared Commitments