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Water Resource Variability and Livelihoods in the Lower Rufiji Ecosystems (Tanzania)

This study examines the effects of water resource variability in the Lower Rufiji Ecosystems in Tanzania, focusing on livelihood strategies such as floodplain agriculture, fishing, and small businesses. The research highlights the challenges posed by changes in water flow, dams, flooding patterns, and their impact on local communities. Recommendations are provided to address the collapse of flood-dependent livelihoods and decline in biodiversity.

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Water Resource Variability and Livelihoods in the Lower Rufiji Ecosystems (Tanzania)

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  1. Water Resource Variability and Livelihoods in the Lower Rufiji Ecosystems (Tanzania) By Mwakipesile Augustino University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania Email: eamwakipesile@yahoo.com

  2. Rufiji River maf 800m3 /s River basin surface 180,000 km2 Three dams upstream controlling 23% flow Planned dam to control 95% flow of the river Expected to affect flooding patterns To affect LRE and livelihood strategies of the people Introduction

  3. Livelihoods in LRE • Floodplain agriculture (94%) of 150,000 pop. • Fishing in RR and small lakes (70%) • Forests and NTFPs (89%) • Wetland cultivation (69%) • Small business (33.3% )

  4. Floods (2000-2006) Rainfall (1980-2006) Water Resource Variability in LRE

  5. Effects of Water Resource Variability in LRE on Livelihood strategies • Floodplain agric-terrace agric (forest decline) • Floodplain agric-cultivation along wetlands • Long distance to fetch water (women) • Decline of floodplain food crop produces • Decline in fish catch and stock

  6. Conclusion and Recommendations • Collapse of flood dependent livelihoods • Decline of delta mangroves (500km2) • Biodiversity studies • Studies on livelihood strategies • Flood release management (for environmental flows and livelihood strategies)

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