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Travel and Business Expense Reimbursements. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE GENERAL POLICIES and PROCEDURES. The Role & Responsibilities of the Traveler/Employee . Familiar with Departmental, University and funding agency policies and regulations Familiar with location of policy guidance and tools
Travel and Business Expense Reimbursements ACCOUNTS PAYABLE GENERAL POLICIES and PROCEDURES
The Role & Responsibilities of the Traveler/Employee • Familiar with Departmental, University and funding agency policies and regulations • Familiar with location of policy guidance and tools • Documents business purpose and justification for each expense and trip • Provides all original receipts, flight itinerary and/or all supporting documentation • Requests reimbursement no later than 120 days (or end of fiscal year, whichever is sooner) after expenses were incurred
The Role & Responsibilities of the Processor • Understands the nature of each expenditure • Checks the completeness and accuracy of accounting • Inputs expense reports into AP/CAR and selects appropriate approvers • Segregates “unallowable” expenses to an 8500 sub-code • Ensures that all supporting documentation is provided
The Role & Responsibilities of the Designated Approver(DAF) • Understands nature of the expense • Completeness of documentation and accuracy of accounting • Segregation of “unallowable" expenses • Compliance with University policy and funding agency regulations • Absence of a conflict of interest(employees’ duty and responsibility to conduct business matters solely for the benefit of the University) • Appropriateness of expense and availability of funding
Role & Responsibility of a Supplemental Approver When approving transactions, Individuals with Supplemental Approval authority are in all cases responsible to verify: • the business need for the exception • the propriety of the exception in compliance with the Supplemental Approver and Travel & Business expense policies. Individuals with Supplemental Approval authority are in all instances ultimately responsible for the approval decision.
Under no circumstances may an individual approve his or her ownExpense Report or that of a person to whom he or she reports DAF/Supplemental Approval Reminder
Role & Responsibilities of AP • Process DAF approved expense reports and prepare and issue timely payment to the employee. • Image and archive all original documentation related to the reimbursement request. • Perform audits of these expense reports to verify: • Compliance with University reimbursement policy • Completeness of documentation and accuracy of accounting • Segregation of allowable expenses • Assist with policy & procedure guidance and approval of exceptions
Compliance • Compliance is everyone’s responsibility • The importance of compliance cannot be overstated and remains of the highest importance to the University. Consequences of non-compliance: • Decrease in federal funding, donations • Fines & penalties • Loss of tax-exempt status • Damage to reputation
Compliance – Why it is important: EXAMPLES: • “IRS brings end to Oscar swag: In settlement, stars owe for 2006 but are off the hook for prior years; Academy says no more gifts.” • Stanford University - In the early 1990s, federal investigators looked at Stanford’s overhead costs for U.S. research and found thousands spent on sheets, an Italian wooden commode, and an enlarged bed • U. Tennessee - An audit showed that…had routinely failed to turn in receipts, overspent lodging allowances, received exemptions to university policies • IRS Recent Revocations of 501(C)3 determinations
Compliance Foundation of policy: • IRS Regulations • Reimbursement submission time limit • Receipts/Proof of payment • Business purpose • Federal Regulations • Segregation of “unallowable” expenses • Fly America Act (travel on grants) • Expectations of a 501(c)3 organization
Reimbursement Submission Time Limit Employees should submit within 10 days of a trip (for travel) or bi-monthly/monthly (for business expenses) Employees must submit requests for reimbursement to their department within 120 days from the date the expenses were incurred, or the end of the University’s fiscal year on June 30th, depending on which comes first.
Reimbursement Submission Time Limit • Failure to submit within 120 days or at the fiscal year-end requires Supplemental Approval. Facts and circumstances of the late submission must be documented to determine if it is taxable. • Legitimate circumstances (not taxable) • Prolonged travel with no mechanism to submit expenses • Medical issues or leaves • Circumstances that are not legitimate (taxable beyond 120 days) • Being busy • Not having administrative support to prepare TBER • Not knowing the policy • If the expenses are not submitted within one year, they are always taxable.
Documentation: Receipts • Original receipts, invoices, web confirmations, payment documentation should be submitted to the department for all expenses • Lost receipts must be documented and require Supplemental Approval for: • Expenses over $75 • Meals costing over $25 • Lodging costing any amount
Documentation: Receipts • Receipts may take many forms: • Cash register receipt • Order form • Web receipt/confirmation • Detailed receipts must identify: • Date of purchase • Vendor name • Itemized list and unit price of the purchased items • Total amount
Documentation: Proof of Payment • Proof of payment is required to demonstrate that payment was tendered and is often part of the receipt • Proof of payment may be documented by: • “Cash Tendered” • “Paid” • A zero balance due • Evidence of debit/credit charge • Debit or credit card statement
Business Purpose • Written explanation of valid business purpose must be documented • Where appropriate, conference agenda, flyer, registration form, or schedule of events should be provided. • Business purpose must be specific: “Travel to Boston to Accounts Payable Network conference to speak about CU Accounts Payable Department” is an appropriately documented business purpose. “Boston conference” is not. What did you do +where did you do it + why is it CU business Business purpose may be obvious to traveler but not to a third-party!!
Compliance with IRS Regulations • Business vs. Personal Benefit (personal inurement) • This concept may be applied in evaluating approval of exceptions to policy • Reimbursements made by the University must have a clear business purpose related to mission and substantial business benefit • If the expense has primarily personal benefit, it should not be reimbursed (and would be taxable to the employee) • Personal benefit = additional compensation, so the IRS gets their share • Penalties include possible loss of tax-exempt status & tax penalties against the individual • This is why many expenses are non-reimbursable (suntan lotion, late fees, toothpaste)
Compliance with Federal Regulations “Unallowables” or “Segregated” expenses • NO government funds are to be used to pay for “Unallowables”or “Segregated” expenses, that is, expenses characterized by the Federal Government as “frivolous” • Costs not clearly related to University business (e.g. alcohol, flowers, chocolate, entertainment) • Excess expenses over policy thresholds
Compliance with Federal Regulations Fly America Act • Travelers on federal grants must comply with US Flag Carrier Rule • With limited exceptions, travel must occur on US air carriers • Be careful of “code sharing”, rules are restrictive and require issuance through US Carrier • http://www.columbia.edu/cu/opg/policies/usflag.pdf
Expectations of a 501(c)3 Organization The University is supported by: • IRS & taxpaying public (tax exemption) • Donors • Students • Granting Agencies We must be careful stewards of these funds! (Remember the front-page test)
Compliance Reminder • Be mindful of departmental budgetary constraints and restrictions on federal funds • More restrictive policies mandated by: • Specific programs or grants • Departments or schools will take precedence over University policies.
Exception Requests to AP All policy exceptions not listed as eligible for Supplemental Approval, or any requests for exception of amounts that exceed the thresholds allowable for Supplemental Approval, still require a formal written exception request approved by a Senior Departmental Officer for documentation and evaluation of approval by AP. • Travelers should understand this is a request, not a guarantee • For guidance, contact Accounts Payable prior to expenditure (where possible) or prior to submission or reimbursement request For example: • Meals in excess of 50% of policy guideline. • Helicopter service
Planning Travel • Consult the University preferred travel agency when possible. Also inform them of any special discounts available for conference. • Use a University preferred vendor. • http://tp194.purch.columbia.edu/purchasing/contracts/travelServices.asp • Check the internet for low fares. • When in doubt about whether an expense may be allowable, contact the AP Service Center with questions and/or obtain prior approval from your DAF.
Travel Expense Policy: Airfare • Should be purchased at the lowest available commercial/economy rate (typically 14 days before travel) • Travel on U.S. air carrier is preferred, but not required for non-government grants only. • Carrier selection should be influenced by price & not by the traveler’s frequent flyer affiliation. • Business or first class air travel for flights in excess of 5 hours (or if there is a documented medical need) requires Supplemental Approval. • Air tickets, e-tickets, confirmations should show dates, price, to/from info and class.
Travel Expense Policy: Rail/Bus • Should be purchased at the lowest available commercial/economy rate • For rail, when traveling by Amtrak’s Acela train, a traveler should obtain business class tickets. • Business or first class for rail travel requires Supplemental Approval. • Tickets should show dates, price, to/from info and class.
Travel Expense Policy: Ground Transportation • Taxis, private car services, shuttle services will be reimbursed • Rental cars • Compact or intermediate/mid-size car rate • If using CU preferred vendor (Hertz) in the US, do not purchase the insurance • Insurance will be reimbursed for all other vendors (when Hertz is not available), or using Hertz internationally • Receipts should show dates, price, to/from info (and class for rentals).
Travel Expense Policy: Mileage Set by the IRS – currently $.505 per mile and includes: • fuel, • maintenance • insurance costs • In other words, DO NOT request reimbursement for gas when requesting reimbursement for mileage. • Tolls and reasonable parking charges will be reimbursed in addition to mileage • Tickets, fines, vehicle repairs are not reimbursable • Traveler should keep record of miles traveled (odometer reading or map quest). This does not need to be submitted to AP
Travel Expense Policy: Lodging • Threshold for reimbursable lodging expense: • Up to $350 per night for domestic travel • Up to $400 per night in international locations • Over- limit expenditures for lodging (by no more than 50%) require Supplemental Approval • Anything over 50% requires a formal written exception request approved by a Senior Departmental Officer for evaluation of approval by AP • If conference held at hotel where price exceeds threshold, provide conference flyer • Detailed hotel bill is required for all lodging expenses • Token gift for stay in private residence (should be $100 or less) and long-term rental accommodations requires Supplemental Approval
Travel & Business Expense Policy: Business Meals • Thresholds for reimbursable meal expenses (not including tips or tax) • Up to $25 for breakfast, • Up to $35 for lunch, • Up to $50 for dinner, • Over-the-limit expenditures for meals (by no more than 50%) requires Supplemental Approval. • Anything over 50% requires a formal written exception request approved by a Senior Departmental Officer for evaluation of approval by AP • Original cash register or credit card receipt required over $25 • For groups, document the business purpose, names of the attendees (if over 10 people, the number of attendees), and the relationship of the attendees • This covers: • Individual meals during travel • Meals involving only CU personnel • Meals among peers for research collaboration or administrative meetings
Travel & Business Expense Policy: Business Meals Involving External Parties • Expenses for business meals involving external parties (hosted and paid by a University employee and attended by business colleagues, donors, students, or prospective employees, which result in a business benefit to the University) should not exceed $100 per person, not including tips or tax. • Document the business purpose, names of the attendees (if over 10 people, the number of attendees), and the relationship of the attendees • Over-limit expenditures for meals involving external parties (by no more than 50%) requires Supplemental Approval • Anything over 50% requires a formal written exception request approved by a Senior Departmental Officer for evaluation of approval by AP • Original cash register or credit card receipt required over $25 • Examples include:Fundraising, Recruitment, Speaking engagements
Travel Expense Policy: Meals • Thresholds are maximum spending limits, NOT per diems, and should not be charged as such • Per Diems • May be used if allowable in the terms of a grant • May be used in destinations where local custom or culture (remote locations) makes it difficult to obtain receipts • Requires Supplemental Approval • Per diem rate must be in accordance with the government’s published per diem rate for M&IE (http://www.state.gov/m/a/als/prdrn/cl6476.)
Travel Expense Policy: Other Reimbursements during Travel • Meeting and conference fees • An emergency purchase of supplies, equipment, or books under $500 while traveling • Detail “emergency circumstance” in “Description of Expenses” • Greater than $500 requires Supplemental Approval, greater than $2500 require approval from Purchasing
Travel Expense Policy: Miscellaneous Reimbursable Expenses • Baggage handling • Storage expenses • Business office expenses • Business-related calls and faxes • Up to 3 personal calls per day of reasonable duration • Currency conversion fees • Gratuities to porters, bellhops and other service personnel • Internet access • Laundry or cleaning expenses on trips lasting over 5 days • ATM fees and traveler check fees • Ground transportation • Parking and tolls • Travel change/cancellation fees (if required for business needs)
•Loss or theft of cash advance • Loss of airline tickets • Loss or theft of personal fund • Lost baggage • Luggage and briefcases • Personal reading materials • Medical expenses while traveling • Mini-bar alcoholic expenses • Movies • Personal entertainment • Pet care • Recreational expenses • Saunas, massages • Shoe Shines • Souvenirs, or personal gifts Airline club membership dues or one-day admission fees Air-phone usage Baby-sitting Barbers & hairdressers Clothing (purchase or rental) Toiletry items More than 3 personal calls each day, unless emergency circumstances are documented Expenses related to vacation taken before, during, or after a business trip. Frequent flyer miles Helicopter services for local travel/entertainment Snacks Travel Expense Policy: Non-Reimbursable Expenses
Travel Expense Policy:Foreign Currency Conversion • Expense Reports can only be submitted in U.S. dollars, and need an explanation & translation of foreign receipts and their conversions. • For conversion, traveler can choose the appropriate rate: • Using Oanda.com’s Daily default “Interbank Rate”, either the daily rate or average rate during the trip • Actual conversion rate based on cash exchange or credit card conversion • New Currency Conversion Worksheet enables the traveler to perform conversions into U.S. dollars automatically. • If the worksheet is not used, the traveler should write the conversion amount in U.S. dollars on each receipt and submit to the department. • The traveler should remember to provide conversion rate sources to the department. These are not required to be submitted to AP.
Travel Reimbursements for Non-University Employees • University travel policies and procedures apply to everyone, even individuals who are notUniversity faculty or staff. Visitors should be informed prior to visit. • Expenses of guest lecturer, consultant, or prospective faculty member or officer must be pre-approved by proper DAF.
Travel Reimbursements for Non-University Employees • Request reimbursement for a non-University individual’s travel expenses on a CHECK REQUEST with required back-up documentation • Have individual complete a W-9 form and provide a homeaddress • If foreign person (non-US citizen), upon arrival, obtain copy of I-94 or passport with visa entry stamp to confirm the person may be reimbursed (http://www.columbia.edu/cu/isso/faculty/paymentchart.html) • Attach flyer of event as back-up documentation • To organize expenses, new non-employee worksheet may be used (similar to Expense report format)
Travel Advances • Where required, advances are allowable up to $500 to cover out of pocket expenses that cannot be reasonably charged to a corporate charge card • “Special” circumstances may warrant an advance over $500: • International travel • Travel by teams or large groups • Travel for recruiting purposes • Funds for program or research start-up or short-term operations • Payments to conference/research participants Budget justification should be provided. • Charge to 2380 sub-code
Entertainment Expenses • Business entertainment includes events such as (theatre, sporting events, recreational outings) that are taken with guests, business colleagues, donors, students, employees, prospective employees and are directly related to a University business purpose and conducted for the benefit of individuals outside the University. • Appropriate University purchasing mechanism (direct billing) should be used when possible • These types of expenses cannot be charged to a research grant. • Entertainment expenses over $1,000 reimbursed on a TBER or expenses for business entertainment conducted in private homes require Supplemental Approval.
Employee Entertainment Expenses The University strongly suggests that employees first consider funding these with their own contributions. However, Departments may choose to celebrate personal occasions as an expression of employee appreciation. What to consider: • Fair & consistent application among employees • Budgetary constraints • The “front page test”- will it seem appropriate to others (e.g., donors, taxpayers) that the University pay for this event? Entertainment expenses for employee events reimbursed on a TBER over $500 require Supplemental Approval.
Employee Entertainment Expenses: Reimbursable Business Occasions • Dissertation defense • Promotion • Welcoming a new hire to the University • Leaving the University • Years of Service/Retirement • Graduation of an employee/student • Awarding of tenure • Publication • Event or performance opening • Sabbatical • Recognition of achievement, departmental goal, honor, or thank you
Employee Entertainment Expenses: Reimbursable & Non-Reimbursable Personal Occasions for Employee Appreciation Reimbursable Employee entertainment • Departmental celebration of a holiday • Collective celebrations of birthdays • Congratulations on business related individual achievement Non reimbursable Employee entertainment • Showers for birth or adoption of baby • Engagements, weddings, anniversaries, • Individual birthday celebrations • Congratulations on personal related individual achievement
Entertainment Expenses: Documentation • The original receipts/invoices for events must include: • The date and location • The items purchased • The total amount of the expense • Proof of payment • Focused purpose of business event (such as “recruitment event at 21 Club for assistant professor of psychiatry,” or “football game with potential donor”) must be documented. • Vague, unfocused purposes (such as “to foster collaboration”) should be avoided. • List of attendees (or a #, if there are more than 10 names), and the attendees’ relationship to the University.
Entertainment Expenses: Clothing Rental of Clothing for an Event • Event must require attire that is more formal than standard business attire. • The employee’s attendance at the event is mandatory. • We suggest the rental of clothing be approved in advance by the department, and will only be paid when Supplemental Approval is provided. .
Gifts to Employees Gifts should generally not be given to employees, additional compensation is the proper mechanism Token gifts may be given for: • Exemplary business performance • Gifts, prizes, awards of $100 of less • Non-cash gifts of $100 or less are reimbursable and non-taxable. • Cash or cash equivalent (e.g., gift certificates) may be given, but is always considered taxable by the IRS, and reported on the employee’s annual form W-2. • Anything over the threshold of $100 (by no more than 50%) for business performance will require Supplemental Approval
Gifts to Employees • Years of Service/Retirement • Gifts, prizes, and awards of $400 or less • Non-cash gifts of $400 or less are reimbursable and non-taxable. • Must be awarded as part of a meaningful presentation (presentation, ceremony or celebration) • Can not be given before the 5th year of service, and with at least 5 years in between each length of service award • Cash or cash equivalent ( e.g., a gift certificate) may be given, but is always considered taxable by the IRS, and reported on an employee’s annual form W-2. • A years of service gift to an employee with a value greater than $400 (by no more than 50%) will require Supplemental Approval.
Gifts to Employees: Reimbursable & Non Reimbursable “De Minimus” gifts “de minimus” gifts for occasions: • Token non-cash gift (flowers, fruit basket) of $100 or less • Cash or gift certificates are taxable • Anything over the threshold of $100 (by no more than 50%) for “de minimus” gifts will require Supplemental Approval Reimbursable occasions: • Birth or adoption of a child • Funeral, illness or hospitalization • Congratulations on a business related achievement Non-reimbursable occasions: • Engagements, weddings, anniversaries • Holidays • Individual Birthdays • Congratulations on other personal achievements.
Gifts to Employees: Reimbursable “De Minimus” gifts • Sympathy gifts: • If a contribution is requested in lieu of flowers, only a Dean, Associate Dean, VP or Senior Financial Officer can approve. • Considerations include fairness to competing interests, careful consideration of the mission of the organization to which CU donates to • A copy of the 501C3 exemption should be requested.