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Report on Progress of WIGOS Implementation Activities within CBS

This report details the progress of WIGOS implementation activities within CBS, highlighting contributions from expert teams to key areas of the WIP. Challenges and intersections with other WMO priorities are discussed, emphasizing the importance of observational network design principles to meet user requirements effectively.

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Report on Progress of WIGOS Implementation Activities within CBS

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  1. WMO World Meteorological OrganizationWorking together in weather, climate and water Report to ICG-WIGOS-3 (Geneva, Switzerland, 10 to 14 February 2014) Progress of WIGOS Activities within CBS Jochen Dibbern, Chair CBS OPAG IOS DeutscherWetterdienst

  2. 1. Support of WIGOS implementation by CBS • CBS OPAG IOS contributes to the implementation of WIGOS, in response to guidance from ICG-WIGOS and in coordination with other relevant WMO programmes and TCs. • IPET-WIFI gives priorities to GOS related aspects of the WIP, especially on Regulatory Material, standards for WIGOS metadata and Quality Management.

  3. 1. Support of WIGOS implementation by CBS • All the TORs of IPET-OSDE and elements of the work plan are related to WIGOS. Significant activities are updating of the WIR and developing a set of WIGOS “Principles” for Observing System Network Design (OSND). • The other Expert Teams of OPAG-IOS, ET-SBO, ET-ABO, ET-SAT and ET-SUP, contributed to the different Key Activity Areas of the WIP.

  4. 2. Progress on WIGOS relatedactivities • IPET-WIFI: contributions to the ICG-WIGOS TTs • IPET-OSDE: • WIGOS “Principles” for Observing System Network Design (OSND) • RRR – updating the databases of user requirements for observations and of observing system capabilities, and the Statements of Guidance. • ET-ABO: • ABOP Strategy & Implementation Plan (A-SIP) • Regional Implementation Plans ( A-RIPs) • revised the AMDAR regulatory material for incorporation into the Manual and Guide on the GOS • worked on metdata model in cooperation with TT-WMD

  5. 2. Progress on WIGOS relatedactivities • ET-SBO: • Reviewed the Manual of the GOS for surface based systems • Reviewed the draft Core Metadata Standard for TT-WMD • ET- SUP and –SAT: • Advice and support on the evolution of the space based component of the GOS • update of the RRR requirements and observing system capabilities for the space based component of the WIR

  6. 3. Challengeswith WIGOS implementation • The RRR databases are an important component of WIGOS and have gained enormous visibility through the excellent work of Secretariat. Continuous support must be secured. • Monitoring of EGOS-IP implementation: A mechanism to promote actively implementation is needed

  7. 4. Intersectionwithother WMO and WIGOS priorities • ET-ABO investigates improving upper air coverage over the Polar Regions. • ET-ABO developed data benefits and impact material for airlines related to future impact of climate change and DRR • GFCS may generate observational user requirements that go beyond those already stated by GCOS. Therefore statements suggesting that WIGOS is “responding to the requirements of GFCS” should be made with care.

  8. Draft Observing System Network Design Principles (1/2) • SERVING MANY APPLICATION AREAS Observing networks should be designed to meet the observational needs of many application areas within WMO and WMO co-sponsored programmes. • MEETING USER REQUIREMENTS Observing networks should be designed to address stated user requirements, in terms of geophysical variables to be observed and the space-time resolution, accuracy, timeliness and measurement stability needed. • MEETING NATIONAL, REGIONAL AND GLOBAL REQUIREMENTS Observing networks designed to meet national needs should also take into account the needs of the WMO community for applications for which requirements are regional or global. • MAKING OBSERVATIONAL DATA AVAILABLE Observational data from national observing networks should be made available to other WMO Members, at space-time resolutions and with a timeliness needed to meet the needs of regional and global applications. • PROVIDING INFORMATION SO THAT THE OBSERVATIONS CAN BE UNDERSTOOD Observing networks should be designed and operated in such a way that the details and history of instruments, their environments and operating conditions, their data processing procedures and other factors pertinent to the interpretation of the observational data (i.e. metadata) are documented and treated with the same care as the data themselves. • DESIGNING COST-EFFECTIVE NETWORKS Observing networks should be designed to make the most cost-effective use of available resources.

  9. Draft Observing System Network Design Principles (2/2) DESIGNING APPROPRIATELY SPACED NETWORKS Where high-level user requirements imply a need for spatial and temporal homogeneity of observations, network design should also take account of other important user requirements, such as the representativeness and usefulness of the observations. DESIGNING RELIABLE, STABLE AND SUSTAINABLE NETWORKS Observing networks should be designed to be reliable, stable and sustainable. DESIGNING THROUGH A TIERED APPROACH Observing network design should use a tiered structure, through which information from reference observations of high quality can be transferred to and used to improve the quality and utility of other observations. ACHIEVING HOMOGENEITY AND CONSISTENCY IN OBSERVATIONAL DATA Observing networks should be designed to deliver observational data of the level of homogeneity and consistency by intended applications. ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE NETWORKS Improvements in sustained availability of observations should be promoted through the design and funding of networks that are sustainable in the long term including, where appropriate, through the transition of research systems to operational status. MANAGING CHANGE The design of new observing networks and changes to existing networks should ensure adequate consistency and quality of observations across the transition from the old system to the new.

  10. Thank you for your attention !

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