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MENC and Money. MENC dues cover roughly half of the budgeted expenditures of the national association (as distinct from MENC state affiliates), and enable the association to work toward the goals outlined in our Strategic Plan.
MENC and Money • MENC dues cover roughly half of the budgeted expenditures of the national association (as distinct from MENC state affiliates), and enable the association to work toward the goals outlined in our Strategic Plan. • Under the direction of the National Executive Board, the pattern of expenditures has recently been altered to reflect emphasis on key areas of the strategic plan – especially that of advocacy, which has more than doubled in the last year.
About a quarter of MENC expenditures currently go to Advocacy. This percentage is larger than in past years, and represents a reallocation of resources in favor of this essential function. A little less of the MENC budget goes to recruitment and retention of educators; about 10 percent to curriculum and assessment. In addition, 27 percent goes to serving the profession; and the remainder to areas that support the basic business needs of any association.
Advocacy expenditures • Past advocacy activities of MENC have resulted in or contributed to: • The listing of the arts as a “core academic subject” in Federal law. • Inclusion of a formal consultative role for MENC and other associations regarding arts education • National Standards for music and the other arts, reflected in the states. • The presence of Federal grants for projects exploring professional development for music educators. • Ammunition, in the form of kits, media, online resources, and other things for local advocates. • The development of data and high-profile opinion supporting music education as a part of an overall curriculum.
Advocacy expenditures • Continuing advocacy activities of MENC have resulted in or contributed to: • Work with the Federal administration to encourage better rule-making and interpretation of the law. • Engagement in partnerships with others in the arts and education communities • High-visibility projects such as the All-American band and ongoing Public Service Announcements, which bring the fruits of music education to the public’s attention • Forming a new National Center for Music Education – with plans to increase collaboration with our colleagues in music and the other arts. The center includes a Foundation for the Advancement of Music Education
Advocacy expenditures • New advocacy activities of MENC are designed to: • Influence the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (a.k.a. NCLB) to require state reporting on the strength of music programs. • Develop and disseminate data that supports strong programs in terms that are current among those currently in charge of defining education in our country (e.g., 21st century skills). • Work to extend and support the new releases of the National Assessment and other Federal studies on arts education. • Build easier ways for members to get access to the advocacy information they need, and give them the training to use it.
Recruitment, Preparation, Retention, etc. expenditures • Current and planned MENC expenditures in this area include: • The MENC online job center • Tri-M and Collegiate programs • Brochures, books, and articles • Work with our Society for Music Teacher Education
Curriculum and Assessment expenditures • Current and planned MENC expenditures in this area include: • “My Music Class” online • MENC books and projects including “Benchmarks for Music Education” and articles on teaching practice • The Standards and a host of projects derived from the Standards • Work on adjudication standards • The World’s Largest Concert
Serving the Profession expenditures • Current and planned MENC expenditures in direct support of members area include: • Contests, scholarships, and other recognition programs • Meetings and Conferences • Student events
Association Business expenditures • Current and planned MENC expenditures providing a foundation for the association are: • Member database maintenance • Mailings and web communications • Financial management • Board, division, and other meetings • Development and support of partnerships with funders, corporations, and associations
For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009, the MENC National Executive Board has decided to raise national dues by $3 (about 4 percent). This should enable us to continue current services and, by careful reallocation of resources, expand our most critical activities. This action has been taken after much deliberation by the board. This discussion and deliberation included the need to grow even further in our proactive advocacy efforts, given the unique opportunity afforded by changes in the administrative and public outlook in our nation. Finally, therefore, the NEB determined that the needs of the profession are such that, even in difficult times, this modest increase is necessary if we are to continue in service of our mission: To encourage the study and making of music by all.