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Room 313 Mathematics. Mrs. Terry. Welcome! To Math - Rm 313. Dear Students and Parents/Guardians, I am excited to have you in my class this year. We are starting a new school year – a fresh start with many opportunities to learn and grow.
Room 313 Mathematics Mrs. Terry
Welcome! To Math - Rm 313 Dear Students and Parents/Guardians, I am excited to have you in my class this year. We are starting a new school year – a fresh start with many opportunities to learn and grow. Parents, this packet provides you with information that will help your child succeed in my class. Please review them together, ensuring you both understand the information. Complete and return the last page. If you have any questions, please call me or email me. I love Math! It has given me many wonderful opportunities. I started as a teacher, went into the US Army as an engineer, became a successful banker and, finally, resumed my teaching career. I have had a wonderful career, all due to math! In my class you will learn what an important, and powerful, tool math is. It can help you in your everyday life and be the foundation of a wonderful career! Together we will build your knowledge and fluency in math, and your success skills for life. Work at it, ask questions, and have fun along the way. Learn something new everyday! Again, Welcome to my class! - Mrs. Terry 456-9355 room 313 or viola.terry@ppsd.org
When do we use Math?Art and mathematicsLaw and mathematicsMedicine and mathematicsMusic and mathematicsPoetry and mathematicsConstruction and mathematicsLife and mathematics: Pay, budget Math Teaches us: • Reasoning • Logic • Problem Solving
Mathematics Program • Linear and Inverse Variations • Geometry • Pythagorean Theorem • Exponential Relationships • Quadratic Relationships • Symmetry and Transformation • Linear Systems and Inequalities
Be Prompt: Arrive on time and in an orderly manner Obtain needed supplies, sit in assigned seat and begin work Be Prepared: Bring all necessary materials Bags under desk Be Productive: Follow directions Stay on task Complete all work Always try your best Be Polite: One Voice – low volume Respect each other and our property Only Water in our classroom Listen to others, and work cooperatively Cells, music devices, etc. are off and in your pocket or bags Keep our room clean Be Persistent: “Continuing despite problems or uncertainty” Be Like Bees Class Rules
Nonverbal Warnings (Max 3) First Verbal Warning Second Seat changed to refocus, conference, or Restitution or Detention/Restitution Third Parent conference/visit Referral to Administrator Consequences
Typical Class Agenda: Student in seat, with materials and ready to start when bell rings! • 5 Minutes: Do Now! (instructions on board) • 10 Minutes: Lesson • I do and we do • 20 Minutes: Individual or Team work • You do • 10 Minutes: Closing/summary discussion • Remaining questions on the lesson and follow-up. Students’ grades are based as follows: Tests/quizzes 55% Class- and Home- work 45%
Class Routines • Arrive on time for class, be prepared • If not prepared, borrow as needed from a friend/partner • Consult appropriate board for Agenda and “Do Now” • Quietly obtain supplies: classroom book or work packet • Sit, begin do now & have homework on desk for check • Begin Do Now • Consult homework board • In discussions, allow all to participate • Fire drills: Two lines -- Silent Orderly Speed • Assemblies: Follow rule for Fire drills • Lockdowns: on floor up against corridor wall • Follow directions quickly • Clean up after yourself • Follow routines == success follows
Expectations • Obey rules • Follow procedures/routines • Participate • Help each other • Work hard • Learn • Have some fun
Voice Levels 3 – Group work. Interaction but one voice at a time. Hands raised or use of equity 2 – Working with a partner… Quiet voice 1 – One Voice in the room. 0 – Silent work as we think. Thinking, even struggling, is how you solve problems. sticks.
What to do when you need help?1, 2, 3 ask me! Think, puzzle it out, it is how we obtain and retain knowledge! 1, Consult your notes 2. Quietly, ask a neighbor 3. Ask another neighbor Finally, raise your hand and Ask me!
Homework Core Math: homework 2-3 times per week - 20 minutes each. Due next school day. Weekly, all homework is displayed on homework board. Voyager Math (V-Math): homework is V-Math Online for a total of 60 minutes weekly. Access to a computer and the internet is required. No internet at home? Use library or classroom computers after school on Tuesday and Thursday. Sign-up day before. Transmath: Daily homework, due next school day. Make up of missed homework is your responsibility, and needs to be completed within 5 days after return from absence. Consult homework board upon return or ask me.
Supplies and Tools (You are responsible for bringing to class each day) • Pencils, erasers and sharpener • Pens and white-out • One subject notebook and a two pocket folder or3 ring binder with filler paper and pockets • Small ruler and protractor • Color pencils or fine markers • For TransMathonly – additional 3 inch three ring binder for classwork materials
Math is an everyday necessity that anyone, including you, can master. It does takes work, perseverance and a belief that you can do it! It is hard work…But the rewards are many. Remember the effort that you put into your work drives what you gain.You can, and must, do it!
YOU CAN DO IT!Yes, you can!There is courage in trying! - Sonja Sotomayor – Supreme Court Justice
Acknowledgment: Please complete and return, worth one homework pass! Dear Mrs. Terry, My child and I have reviewed your welcome packet. We too are looking forward to a successful year, and will do our part. We understand the requirements for success in your classroom, and we commit to working for success! If you have any questions, concerns or comments please note them below, call 456-9355 Room 313, or email me at viola.terry@ppsd.org. Please Print: Student Name:__________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Full Name:___________________________________________________________ Relationship to student:______________________________ email: __________________________ Telephone Number: Home _________________________ Cell: ___________________________ What time is the best time to contact you? _____________ and what is the best method to contact you? Phone call or email? (circle either or both) Questions/Comments:_______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________________ Student Signature: _______________________________________
Room 313 Mathematics Mrs. Terry Use front door